Is the Time Paradox Real? And Can We Predict the Future Through Dreams?

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In summary, the movie "Minority Report" explores the idea of precog dreams and how they may suggest that time is more complex and paradoxical than we usually think. In the movie, there are predetermined events but also multiple future possibilities. This concept is similar to a train track with different branches leading to different futures. Scientists have different theories about how time works, some believing in a single track while others believe in the relativity of time. The existence of precog dreams and the ability to predict the future is still a debated topic among scientists. Some believe in the possibility of a predetermined time with different possibilities, while others follow the multiverse theory where all possible futures exist simultaneously. Overall, the movie raises interesting questions about the nature of
  • #1
I saw a movie about precog dreaming some days ago, called ”Minority report”. The movie is in the science fiction genre, and it is about some precog dreamers who helps the police.

This movie reminded me that the time is propably more complex and paradoxal than we usually think.
In “Minority report”, it seems that the time is predetermined, but also that there is 2 or more future possibilities, not only one, even the time is predetermined.

This may sounds as a paradox, but there is many paradoxal phenomena in the world.

Imagine that the time is like a train track; the past time is where the train have been driving, the time now is where the train is now, and the future is the track in front of the train.
So now, imagine that there is one track to left called A, and one to right called B. There is hence 50 % possibility that the train take left, and 50 % possibility that the train take right.
The left and right is 2 different future possibilities, so what is predetermined is that the time goes either to A or B, and the potencial to A and B.

Scientists don’t agree with each other how the time works. Some thinks it goes on the only one and same track, while others agree more with Einstein,- that the time is relative, and that the speed of time in example, is very dependent on gravity.

I don’t think that it’s possible to travel back or forward in time, but I don’t see any reason that it can’t be possibly that the time goes to one of 2 predetermined futures, as long as the time has the same speed or dimension than if the train track only had been forward, with one and only possibility.
Hence I believe that precog dreams really may be the future reality, but that it’s still a other future possibility.
Then, precog dreams is about the future, but a precog dreamer will still not be able to know if it is the possibility in the dream or the other that will happen.

I think no one have proved that the time isn’t a system as above...

I am looking forward to your viewpoints about this.

1) Do you think that a predetirmined time still may have different possibilities?

2) Do you believe in precog dreams?
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  • #2
I get your point, and even I'm no expert myself, I believe you have some inaccurate conceptions (such as "Scientists don’t agree with each other how the time works. Some thinks it goes on the only one and same track, while others agree more with Einstein,- that the time is relative, and that the speed of time in example, is very dependent on gravity")

One statement has nothing to do with the other. All scientists agree that the "speed of time" is relative and affected by gravity. A completely different question is if events follow a unique track (the future is determined) or they have many possible tracks (the future is open).
On this last question indeed there is no consensus.

If you surf a bit around the Relativity forum you will find a lot to learn, yet be aware that many non-scientist users (including myself) write a lot of mistaken opinions !

I believe most scientists adhere to the view that the future is not determined, Quantum Theory seems to point in that way.

There's also the multiverse or "many worlds" theory, which copes with the problem by saying that all possible tracks exist as branching parallel universes, yet we can not predict which branch we will follow. At each branching a copy of ourselves follows the other track and lives a different story.
  • #3

1) It is definitely possible for a predetermined time to have different possibilities. As you mentioned, the concept of time is still a complex and debated topic among scientists. It is possible that there are multiple potential futures, and our actions and decisions can determine which one becomes our reality. This idea is also supported by the concept of parallel universes, where each choice we make creates a separate universe with a different outcome. So, in a way, the future may already be predetermined, but our choices and actions can determine which path we take.

2) As for precog dreams, I believe that it is possible for dreams to provide glimpses or insights into the future. However, I do not think that they can accurately predict the future with complete certainty. Dreams are often symbolic and can be interpreted in many ways, so it is difficult to say if they are truly showing us a future event or just reflecting our thoughts and fears. Also, as mentioned before, the future is not set in stone and can be influenced by our actions, so a precog dream may not necessarily come true. It is an interesting concept to explore, but I think it is important to approach it with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism.

FAQ: Is the Time Paradox Real? And Can We Predict the Future Through Dreams?

What is the Precog Dream Paradox?

The Precog Dream Paradox is a theoretical paradox that explores the concept of precognition, or the ability to see into the future. It raises questions about free will and determinism, and whether our actions are predetermined or if we have the power to change the future.

What is the main argument of the Precog Dream Paradox?

The main argument of the Precog Dream Paradox is that if someone has a dream about a future event and then takes actions to prevent that event from happening, they are essentially changing the future they saw in their dream. This raises the question of whether the dream was truly a prediction of the future or just a possibility.

Can precog dreams be proven or disproven?

Currently, there is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove the existence of precognition or the accuracy of precog dreams. While some people claim to have had precog dreams, it is difficult to scientifically study and validate these experiences.

How does the Precog Dream Paradox relate to time travel?

The Precog Dream Paradox raises similar questions to those of time travel, as both concepts involve the ability to see or change the future. Both also challenge our understanding of causality and the concept of a fixed timeline. However, the Precog Dream Paradox specifically focuses on the role of dreams in this scenario.

What are the potential implications of the Precog Dream Paradox?

If precognition is proven to be true, it could have significant implications on our understanding of the universe and our place in it. It could also have an impact on our ideas of fate, destiny, and free will. However, until there is concrete evidence, the Precog Dream Paradox remains a thought-provoking theoretical concept.

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