Is the Universe Expanding Like a Stretching Rubber Sheet?

In summary: This expansion is uniform and relative to us, everything will appear to be moving away at the same rate. In summary, the expansion of the universe does not involve an increase in the size of space-time dimensions, but rather an increase in the distance between galaxies due to the stretching of space-time. This expansion is uniform and relative to us, everything will appear to be moving away at the same rate.
  • #1
A general qustion on expansion...

As I was thinking about the expansion of the universe I couldn't understand a specific part of it which is if the space time dimensions are increasing in size or not(being under a geometrical streach). Once I heard that the expansion of the universe and the increasing distance between the galaxies is just like a balloon filing with air and that the galaxies are like the points on the surface of the ballon... Acoording to this example I thought that the universe is actually under a streach... So that means we are increasing in volume each second but as the expansion is uniform to evrything and that relative to us evrything will be seen the same... I'm not a professional, so I'd be glad to know what is really going on... :)

The module I mean is attached to the post.
Thankyou once again.


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  • #2
The answer to your question is that the space-time dimensions are not actually increasing in size, but instead the galaxies are moving apart from each other due to the expansion of space. The expansion of space can be thought of as stretching out the fabric of space-time, like a rubber sheet being stretched out. The galaxies remain at their fixed positions on the sheet, but the distance between them increases as the sheet is stretched. Therefore, the expansion of the universe does not involve an increase in the size of the space-time dimensions, but rather an increase in the distance between galaxies.

FAQ: Is the Universe Expanding Like a Stretching Rubber Sheet?

1. What is expansion in scientific terms?

Expansion in scientific terms refers to the increase in size or volume of a substance or system due to an increase in temperature, pressure, or other external factors.

2. How does expansion affect different materials?

Different materials have different expansion rates due to their molecular structures. Generally, solids expand when heated, liquids expand slightly, and gases expand significantly. Some materials, like water, have a unique property of expanding when they freeze.

3. What is thermal expansion?

Thermal expansion is the tendency of a material to expand or contract in response to changes in temperature. This is due to the increase or decrease in molecular motion as temperature changes.

4. Can expansion be controlled or prevented?

Expansion can be controlled or prevented by using materials with low expansion rates, using proper construction techniques, and incorporating expansion joints in structures to allow for movement without causing damage.

5. What are some real-life examples of expansion?

Some real-life examples of expansion include the expansion of metal bridges in hot weather, the cracking of frozen pipes in the winter due to water expansion, and the expansion of air in a balloon when heated.

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