Is the Universe Ruled by a Simple Algorithm?

In summary, some scientists, such as Seth Lloyd and Stephen Wolfram, believe that the universe can be seen as a giant computer with 10^90 bits and has undergone 10^120 manipulations since the Big Bang. This idea is supported by Wolfram's book "A New Kind of Science" and the principle of computational equivalence. Others, however, argue that the universe cannot be reduced to a simple algorithm and that life requires a balance of order and chaos. The Feigenbaum constant, which appears in chaotic systems such as the logistic map and Rayleigh-Benard convection, suggests that the universe may be governed by a simple law or algorithm.
  • #1
Seth LLoyd believes that the universe is inside a gigantic computer of 10^90 bits, and that since the Big Bang, have occurred 10^120 manipulations of those bits
People like Stephen Wolfram also back the idea that the universe is contained inside a PC
Astronomy news on
  • #2
um... The mechanical veiw of physics died just as soon as plank and eistein made their contributions. I don't think it would be a machine. As in computationaly perfect. Even scientists said that the universe isn't a perfect geometrical shape (counted that we don't even know what it is).
  • #3
Let's just hope it's not running MicroSoft, then! :)
  • #5
um... The mechanical veiw of physics died just as soon as plank and eistein made their contributions. I don't think it would be a machine. As in computationaly perfect. Even scientists said that the universe isn't a perfect geometrical shape (counted that we don't even know what it is).
I think that if the Church-Turing thesis is true, then there's no problem with QM. Perhaps I should change the word PC for Turing machine

Let's just hope it's not running MicroSoft, then! :)
LOL. I don't know if Bill Gates is going to be happy with this
  • #6
Originally posted by meteor
Seth LLoyd believes that the universe is inside a gigantic computer ...

well, not literally (more of a comparative calculation of information processing)
  • #7
Seems that Stephen Wolfram has been hidden ten years writing his thick book "A new kind of science", where he suggests that the evolution of the universe can be described by a simple algorithm. A major result in his book is what he calls "Principle of computational equivalence", he says that it will be Newton's law of XXI century

Reading about "Game of life" of Conway I wonder if the universe can't be a complex cellular automaton
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  • #8
Nature cannot be too chaotic or too deterministic. If the universe was a computer, or inside one, or controlled by one, everything would be predictable.

Ok, it just sounds ridiculous...
  • #9
Nature cannot be too chaotic or too deterministic. If the universe was a computer, or inside one, or controlled by one, everything would be predictable.

Ok, it just sounds ridiculous...
If you don't like it take the red pill :wink:
Maybe you will prefer keep living with the Rule 110
  • #10
Originally posted by meteor
If you don't like it take the red pill :wink:
Not if it contains LSD...
  • #11
computer programs can simulate relativity and quantum mechanics very well. Wolfram is a bit eccentric, but it is an eerie thought that it could all be a figment of God's Cray. Utterly unprovable.
  • #12
Originally posted by Tail
Nature cannot be too chaotic or too deterministic. If the universe was a computer, or inside one, or controlled by one, everything would be predictable.
How do you know it isn't?
  • #13
Originally posted by Another God
How do you know it isn't?
Because life exists. Life needs both chance and necessity.
  • #14
Originally posted by Tail
Because life exists. Life needs both chance and necessity.
What if the 'chance' is just an illusion created by our lack of understanding of the universe?

It is not so easy to dismiss determinism you know.
  • #15
There's a new theory that interprets quantum mechanics in terms of information. It's called Zeilinger's principle[/URL]
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  • #16
Who or what programmed the computer? A computer will just sit there "dead" until inputs are applied. What were the inputs? Why were the inputs? Can we reprogram? Where is the keyboard? Now that is just silly. As far as the red pills go, I had some last night and loved them. That Morpheous is full of **** man.
  • #17
Originally posted by Another God
What if the 'chance' is just an illusion created by our lack of understanding of the universe?

It is not so easy to dismiss determinism you know.
What you are saying is implying that the number π is systematic, not chaotic.

If you are saying chaos and irrationality is systematic, then I can rephrase what I said: life needs both more order and less order. To us, it makes no difference.
  • #18
There are some chaotic processes that show certain underlying order
Do you know about the Feigenbaum constant?
  • #19
My first guess would be that if something shows signs of underlying order, it's not chaotic...

And no, I don't know anything about the constant.
  • #20
The Feigenbaum constant is really an amazing thing
Consider the logistic map, that is a dynamical system simulating the population of species with no predators, but limited food supply
You introduce an starting number in the logistic map, and the outcome serves like new starting number. Then iterate the process and draw the result in a graph. It will be a curve, until arrive a moment that the outcome of the logistic map oscillates between two numbers. This is chaos! From each of the two points a new line appear but this line, after certain iterations, will oscillate another time between two numbers, that will serve like starting point of a new line that will another time oscillate between two numbers, etc.
Its surprising that the ratio between two outcomes of the logistic map that provoke chaos , in the limit tend to a number, 4,6... that is Feigenbaum constant
It could be simply a casuality, but now think in another dynamical system, the Rayleigh-Benard convection. In this convection, there are some cylindrical rolls formed in a warmed mercury. Then, as you vary the Reynolds number of the system, chaos appear. But which is the ratio between two appearances of chaos? It's Feigenbaum constant
Feigenbaum constant can be found in other dynamical systems, such chemical reactions, or human heart
It suggest that the universe is governed from a very simple law. In other words, seems like it's governed from an algorithm

FAQ: Is the Universe Ruled by a Simple Algorithm?

1. What does it mean for the universe to be a computer?

The concept of the universe as a computer suggests that the laws of physics and the behavior of matter can be described using computational processes. This theory suggests that the universe operates like a giant computer, with information being processed and exchanged through different systems.

2. How does this theory explain the complexity and organization of the universe?

According to the theory, the universe operates through a series of algorithms and processes, which create the complex and organized structure that we observe. These processes are governed by the laws of physics and can be described using mathematical equations, similar to how a computer operates.

3. What evidence supports the idea of the universe as a computer?

One of the main pieces of evidence for this theory is the existence of mathematical laws and patterns that govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. These laws can be described using computational models and have been proven to accurately predict the behavior of the universe.

4. Are there any criticisms or counterarguments to this theory?

Some scientists argue that the idea of the universe as a computer is a flawed analogy and does not fully explain the complexities and mysteries of the universe. Others argue that the concept is too reductionist and ignores the role of consciousness and free will in shaping the universe.

5. How does the theory of the universe as a computer relate to the concept of a multiverse?

The idea of a multiverse, or the existence of multiple parallel universes, is often used to support the theory of the universe as a computer. If the laws of physics and the behavior of matter can be represented using computational processes, then it is possible that multiple universes could exist within the same computational framework.

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