Is the Universe Truly Closed and Bound by Entropy?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of entropy and how it relates to the universe. It is mentioned that entropy increases over time and can lead to disorder and death or inactivity, but this only applies to a fully closed system. It is debated whether the universe can be considered a fully closed system and if entropy can reach maximum disorder in an infinite universe. The conversation also touches on the second law of thermodynamics and how it relates to the Schrodinger wave equation and classical mechanics. It is noted that there is still controversy and confusion surrounding the relationship between thermodynamics and quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Entropy increases over time, which ultimately means total disorder and death or inactivity. However, this only applies to a fully closed system, of which it is presumed the Universe is the ultimate example.
Q) If the Universe is infinite in all dimensions including time, can it be accurately described as being fully closed? Therefore, can entropy ever reach maximum disorder?

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  • #2
I am not sure whether one can consider the universe to be infinite when arguing about thermodynamics. Note that a universe in which space expansion accelerates contains cosmological event horizons, which make it impossible to speak about the content of the whole universe as an ensemble due to the missing causal contact.
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  • #3
You may need to carefully define "universe". If the universe is not a closed thermodynamic system, then it is receiving input from elsewhere. But the universe is often defined as "everything", so that "elsewhere" is included in the universe. Not sure we know enough about "everything" to make ultimate predictions about the universe. Anyway, I suspect that maximum disorder on the scale of the universe is an asymptotic condition.
  • #4
Entropy in a closed system is constant. Both the Schrodinger wave equation and classical Newtonian mechanics are reversible. The conditions under which entropy increases are a source of great controversy. This is often glossed over in teaching of thermodynamics.
  • #5
charlesa said:
Entropy in a closed system is constant. Both the Schrodinger wave equation and classical Newtonian mechanics are reversible. The conditions under which entropy increases are a source of great controversy. This is often glossed over in teaching of thermodynamics.

The 2nd law of thermo states that the entropy in the final state of a closed/isolated system is never less than the original state (change greater than or equal to zero). If the change is zero, then the process is reversible. If the change is greater than zero, then the process is irreversible.
  • #6
If you accept the proposition the universe is finite in time, it is impossible to accept the proposition it is observationally infinite.
  • #7
Phobos said:
The 2nd law of thermo states that the entropy in the final state of a closed/isolated system is never less than the original state (change greater than or equal to zero). If the change is zero, then the process is reversible. If the change is greater than zero, then the process is irreversible.
Yes, everyone is confused. No one has successfully shown how the Schrodinger wave equation leads to the second law of thermodynamics. The Schrodinger equation predicts that the entropy change for a closed system is ALWAYS zero. People have speculated that Quantum mechanics may need to be modified to introduce a time asymmetric component.
  • #8
charlesa said:
Yes, everyone is confused. No one has successfully shown how the Schrodinger wave equation leads to the second law of thermodynamics. The Schrodinger equation predicts that the entropy change for a closed system is ALWAYS zero. People have speculated that Quantum mechanics may need to be modified to introduce a time asymmetric component.
There's also the small (?) problem that we know QM can't be all there is (as a description of the 'rules of the universe') - it's incompatible with GR. So we need a theory of quantum gravity (at least); in that theory (and the successor theories that will likely embed and replace it), who knows how thermodynamics will work (or even if it will be a meaningful concept)?

Now thermodynamics works perfectly well for the tiny, tiny region of the universe (the parameter space of my statement includes things like energy density as well as space and time) that we have encountered so far. :wink:
  • #9
  • #11
All very interesting. Her approach, which if I understand the article correctly introduces causality as a necessary condition, may relate to the thermodynamics/QM mismatch as well. The reason for this is that causality is intricately related to reversibility - in fact there is arguably even a bidirectional implication between causality and reversibility.

FAQ: Is the Universe Truly Closed and Bound by Entropy?

1. What is a closed universe?

A closed universe is a theoretical model of the universe in which the total amount of matter and energy is finite and there is no external force acting upon it. This means that the universe will eventually stop expanding and will begin to contract, leading to a "big crunch" scenario.

2. How is entropy related to a closed universe?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In a closed universe, as the universe begins to contract and matter and energy become more concentrated, entropy also increases. This is because the universe becomes more disordered as it collapses, leading to a state of maximum entropy.

3. What is the significance of the second law of thermodynamics in a closed universe?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a closed system will always increase over time. In a closed universe, this means that entropy will continue to increase as the universe collapses, eventually leading to a state of maximum entropy.

4. Can a closed universe lead to a heat death scenario?

Yes, a closed universe can lead to a heat death scenario. This occurs when the universe reaches a state of maximum entropy and all energy is evenly distributed, resulting in a state of no usable energy. This is often seen as the ultimate fate of a closed universe.

5. Is there any evidence for a closed universe?

Currently, there is no definitive evidence for a closed universe. The current scientific consensus is that the universe is flat and will continue to expand indefinitely. However, some theoretical models and observations, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, suggest that the universe may be closed. Further research and observations are needed to determine the true nature of our universe.
