Is the Work Done by Gravity Calculated Incorrectly?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a block of ice sliding down an incline at a constant speed, and the forces and work involved. The expert explains how to find the work done by gravity and clarifies the misconception that it is equal to the work done by the worker's force. The conversation also touches on the concept of forces in equilibrium and the use of force diagrams to understand the problem.
  • #1
Work Question..Anyone?!

Im doing a problem and I found the work done by an applied force to be 401J.
I then found the work done by gravity to be -330.8J
Does this mean that i made an error..Arent (Wg + Wa) suppose to = 0
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  • #2
There is a mass sitting on an incline and a force is applied so that it slides down at a constant speed.

I found F=267N


Is d the total distance travelled..Or the y component of the distance travelled
  • #3
Please post the problem statement!
  • #4
Sure here is it

A 45kg block of ice slides down a frictionless incline of 1.5m long and 0.9m. A worker pushes up against the ice parallel to the incline, so that the block slides down at a constant speed.
  • #5
a)find the magnitude of the workers force
b)how much work is done on the block by the workers force
c)" " the gravitational force on the block
d)the normal force on the block from the surface on the incline
e)the net force on the block
  • #6
Ok so show me your work, and/or where did you get stuck?
  • #7
drew the fbd's and came up with:

-mgsin(theta) - F = -ma (a=0)
-mgsin(theta) = F
plug in numbers

F = 267.5N
Wf = Fd
Wf = 267.5N(1.5m)
Wf = 401J

Wg = mgdcos(phi)
Wg = 45kg(9.8m/s)(1.5m)(cos120)
Wg = -330.8J

This can't be correct because Wg +Wf = 0?
  • #8
i suppose the 1.5 and 0.9 are sides of the triangle right?
  • #9
1.5 = hypotenuse
0.9 = height
  • #10
Ok i see the problem the mgcos(phi) component of gravity does not do work!, because it is perpendicular to the displacement vector, so the dot product will be 0!
  • #11 do i find the work done by gravity
  • #12
suspenc3 said: do i find the work done by gravity

Gravity does work!, but only one component of gravity!, the one that is parallel to the displacement vector.
  • #13
but gravity is not perpendicular to the displacement vector..
mgdcos(phi) makes it parallel to the displacement vector doesn't it?
  • #14
You have the gravity vector pointing down, and if you system of coordinates is directed at the angle the incline has, so the x-axis is parallel to the hypotenuse, and the y-axis is perpendicular to the hypotenuse, then you can decompose gravity in two components, one along the y-axis (mgcos(angle)), and one along the x-axis (mgsin(angle)), the displacement vector goes along the x axis.
  • #15
so to find the work done by gravity all i have to do is mgcos(30)
  • #16
is everything before this correct by the way?

If so wouldn't Wg equal (-Wf)
  • #17
suspenc3 said:
so to find the work done by gravity all i have to do is mgcos(30)

No, that's wrong i already explained why.

Yes Wg IS equal -Wf.
  • #18
ok..but if i just mark this down i won't get any credit for it

How could I prove that -Wf = Wg using my FBD's?
  • #19
I already say why :rolleyes:
Try reading my #14 and #10 replies.
  • #20
The forces are in equilibrium and gravity's working component is the equilibriant of the worker's force. Both of their magnitudes are given by mgsin(arctan(0.9/1.5)).

FAQ: Is the Work Done by Gravity Calculated Incorrectly?

1. What is work done by gravity?

The work done by gravity is the amount of energy required to move an object against the force of gravity. It is a measure of the force applied to an object over a certain distance.

2. How is work done by gravity calculated?

The work done by gravity is calculated by multiplying the force of gravity (mass x acceleration due to gravity) by the displacement (distance) of the object.

3. Is work done by gravity always negative?

No, work done by gravity can be either positive or negative depending on the direction of the displacement of the object. If the object moves in the same direction as the force of gravity, the work done is negative. If the object moves in the opposite direction, the work done is positive.

4. Can work done by gravity be converted into other forms of energy?

Yes, work done by gravity can be converted into other forms of energy such as kinetic energy, potential energy, or thermal energy. This conversion is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy.

5. How does the mass of an object affect the work done by gravity?

The work done by gravity is directly proportional to the mass of an object. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the greater the work done by gravity. This is because the force of gravity is also directly proportional to mass.

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