Is There a Closed Form for This Recursive Probability Function?

In summary, the conversation discusses a probability problem with a tricky recursive formulation in which the variables represent a partition of a whole. The base cases and recursive case are provided, and there is a discussion about whether the problem resembles a famous one. The speaker is considering using a computer algebra system to solve the problem. They also mention working on a simpler version of the problem with Maxima and finding that c = 0 and c = 1 simplify to the same solution, leading them to believe that the problem may be solved in this special case. They plan to double check their calculations.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
I'm not sure if I should be posting here or in General, but here goes.

I have a probability problem and I'm trying to get a closed form, or something resembling it, for a tricky recursive formulation. This problem is the 'simple' base case for a much more complicated problem, but I think I can solve it (in recursive terms) if I can somehow simplify this special case.

The variables (a, b, c, d) represent a partition of a whole, thus all must be nonnegative.

Base cases:

[tex]\mathfrak{f}(0, b, c, d) = 0[/tex]

[tex]\mathfrak{f}(a, 0, c, d) = 0[/tex]

[tex]\mathfrak{f}(a, b, c, d) = 0[/tex] if any of {a, b, c, d} are negative

Recursive case:
[tex]ab+ac\mathfrak{f}(a-1,b,c-1,d)+bc\mathfrak{f}(a, b-1,c-1,d)

Any ideas for me? Does this resemble some famous (hopefully solved) problem? Should I just give up and use a computer algebra system for the whole messy expression (there are several layers of recursion to go for the general solution!)?
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  • #2
Well, I've started to work on the problem with Maxima to get a handle on the simplest cases of this special case. (The full problem is in 5 or 6 variables and seems quite intractable.)

Trivially, we have the special case for c = 0:

Unexpectedly, c = 1 simplifies to the same thing (!) even though the denominators are initially different. This was not clear to Maxima, but some factoring by hand showed it to be correct:

(c = 3?) I made mistakes calculating this the first time, but it seems now to be the same as the others... if that's true in general then the problem is solved in this special case! I'm going to check this over carefully since I don't believe it.
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  • #3

Hi there,

I'm not sure what exactly your problem is, but I can try to provide some general advice for dealing with recursive probability functions.

Firstly, it's important to understand the base cases and how they relate to the recursive case. In your example, the base cases show that the function will always return 0 if any of the variables are negative, which is a helpful constraint to keep in mind.

Secondly, it's worth exploring whether there are any patterns or simplifications that can be made in the recursive case. For example, in your function, you can see that the term \binom{a+b+c+d}{2} is constant for each recursive step, so you could potentially simplify the problem by dividing both sides by this term.

Additionally, it might be helpful to consider different approaches to solving the problem. For example, you could try using generating functions or Markov chains to model the problem and potentially find a closed form solution.

If all else fails, using a computer algebra system can certainly help with simplifying and solving the recursive function. However, it's always good to try to understand the problem and its solutions as much as possible before relying on a computer.

I hope this helps and good luck with your problem!

Related to Is There a Closed Form for This Recursive Probability Function?

What is a recursive probability function?

A recursive probability function is a mathematical function that uses the same function within itself to calculate probabilities. This means that the output of the function is used as the input for the next iteration, creating a recursive loop.

How does a recursive probability function work?

A recursive probability function works by breaking down a complex probability into smaller, simpler probabilities. These smaller probabilities are then combined to calculate the overall probability. This process continues until the desired level of accuracy is achieved.

What are the advantages of using a recursive probability function?

One advantage of using a recursive probability function is that it can handle complex and multi-dimensional problems that may be difficult to solve using traditional methods. It also allows for a more efficient use of computational resources as it breaks down the problem into smaller parts.

Are there any limitations to using a recursive probability function?

Yes, there are some limitations to using a recursive probability function. One limitation is that it may not always provide an exact solution, as the accuracy depends on the number of iterations and the accuracy of the initial input values. It also requires a good understanding of probability theory and mathematical concepts to implement effectively.

Can a recursive probability function be used in real-world applications?

Yes, recursive probability functions have many real-world applications, such as in finance, machine learning, and risk analysis. They can be used to model and predict complex systems and make informed decisions based on probabilities.

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