Is there a formula for this parabola?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of deriving a formula for a parabola that passes through three arbitrary points on a coordinate system. It is suggested that three points may not be enough to uniquely determine a parabola, but with additional restrictions, a single parabola can be determined. However, it is also noted that even with these restrictions, there may still be multiple parabolas that could pass through the given points.
  • #1
Given three arbitrary points on a coordinate system, is there a way to derive an equation that forms the single parabola that passes through all three points?

I guess firstly you would have to prove that given three points, only a single parabola passes through all three, but judging by the fact that a single line passes through two points, and a single horizontal line passes through one point, I would say that a single parabola passes through 3 points.

Anyways, setting that proof aside for now, can anyone think of a way you could do this? I was looking into the standard and general form of a parabola but those forms don't account for a slanted axis of symmetry, which would in general be required to plot most parabolas.

Alright, it took me a while, but I see what all of you guys are saying now. There are infinite parabolas that can pass through 3 given points; however, only one parabola of the form ax^2 + bx + c. I finally see that this is the case.

I should be able to find what I'm looking for given this information.
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  • #2
Hertz said:
Given three arbitrary points on a coordinate system, is there a way to derive an equation that forms the single parabola that passes through all three points?

I guess firstly you would have to prove that given three points, only a single parabola passes through all three, but judging by the fact that a single line passes through two points, and a single horizontal line passes through one point, I would say that a single parabola passes through 3 points.

Anyways, setting that proof aside for now, can anyone think of a way you could do this? I was looking into the standard and general form of a parabola but those forms don't account for a slanted axis of symmetry, which would in general be required to plot most parabolas.

You are correct in that three points would would uniquely define a parabola of the type

y = Ax^2 + Bx + C

because there are three constants that need to be defined.

If you have three points that you know are on the parabola (x1,y1) (x2,y2) and(x3,y3) you should be able to solve for your unknown constants A, B, and C in terms of the coordinates of your three known points.

You start with three equations (one for each of your known points) and three unknowns (A,B, and C) and solve for your unknwowns.

I've never seen this done before and I'm not sure why you would do it. Even using a matrix to solve this would get rather messy.

As you said, this would not take into account parabolas that have an axis of symetry that is not parallel to the y axis.
  • #3
I don't think it is even true that every 3 points determine a unique parabola. I think you need 4 points. If you're given that the axis of symmetry is parallel to the y-axis, then you might get away with 3 points in most cases.

Anyway, a general conic section is given by either


This is a parabola if [itex]B^2=4AC[/itex].

Assume that [itex]A\neq 0[/itex], the A=0 case is very similar. We can assume without loss of generality that A=1. So we have that [itex]C=B^2/4[/itex]. So we have the equation


Assume now that we want a parabola through (0,0), (1,0) and (0,1), then the following system must be satisfied:


This gets us F=0, D=-1 and [itex]E=-\frac{B^2}{4}[/itex]. So the parabola through those three points must have the form


As you see, this is not uniquely determined. For every choice of B, there is a parabola.

If we are given a fourth point, for example (3,2), then we get an additional equation


Solving this gives you two values for B. This gives you two parabolas.
  • #4
Yes, it can be done.

One way would be to form two equations in two unknowns.
You know the general form of a parabola, so plug the points in and solve for the values. And if the parabola is symmetric around an axis it simplifies easier.

Although, I don't think you can prove only one parabola would fit the three points. Some points might fit an up-closing parabola and either a right- or left-closing parabola. Same for a down-closing parabola.
  • #5
DuncanM said:
Yes, it can be done.

One way would be to form two equations in two unknowns.
You know the general form of a parabola, so plug the points in and solve for the values. And if the parabola is symmetric around an axis it simplifies easier.

Although, I don't think you can prove only one parabola would fit the three points. Some points might fit an up-closing parabola and either a right- or left-closing parabola. Same for a down-closing parabola.

Ah good point. What if we make the restrictions that the vertex of the parabola must be between the first and third points and that the line connecting point one and point three does not include point two? I believe that would then allow us to generalize and say that any three points satisfying condition two will then make one and only one parabola given condition one.

Any objections?

I'm not looking to solve for a specific parabola, I'm looking for a generalized solution to this problem. I want to either find or derive a formula of the form:

f(x) = ... (In terms of x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, and y3.)

that will give the one and only parabola that passes through the three given points. (Assuming the conditions above are met.)

Actually, it appears that given any three points meeting the above condition, there will always be three possible parabolas that could connect the points. Hmm..
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FAQ: Is there a formula for this parabola?

1. What is the general formula for a parabola?

The general formula for a parabola is y = ax^2 + bx + c, where a is the coefficient of the squared term, b is the coefficient of the linear term, and c is the constant term.

2. How do you find the vertex of a parabola using a formula?

The formula for finding the vertex of a parabola is x = -b/2a and y = c - b^2/4a. This means that the x-coordinate of the vertex is equal to the negative of the coefficient of the linear term divided by two times the coefficient of the squared term, and the y-coordinate is equal to the constant term minus the square of half of the coefficient of the linear term divided by the coefficient of the squared term.

3. Can the formula for a parabola be used to graph any parabola?

Yes, the formula y = ax^2 + bx + c can be used to graph any parabola. The values of a, b, and c will determine the shape and position of the parabola on the coordinate plane.

4. How do you determine if a parabola opens up or down using its formula?

The sign of the coefficient a in the formula y = ax^2 + bx + c determines the direction in which the parabola opens. If a is positive, the parabola opens upwards, and if a is negative, the parabola opens downwards.

5. Is there a way to use the formula for a parabola to find its x-intercepts?

Yes, the x-intercepts of a parabola can be found by setting y = 0 and solving for x. This will give you the x-coordinates of the points where the parabola intersects the x-axis.

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