Is There a Hidden Universal Constant that Affects All Branches of Science?

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    Nobel prize
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of a potential Nobel Prize nomination and the discovery of a new scientific constant or principle. The speaker, Adam Luis Hugo, explains the concept of this constant and its impact on various branches of science. However, the other person in the conversation doubts the likelihood of a Nobel Prize for this discovery and reminds the speaker that speculative posts are not allowed on the forum.
  • #1
Although I can't nominate myself for a Nobel Prize, I was wondering I any distinguished scientist would oppose such a nomination.
Here are the scientific propositions.

Astronauts are able to float when in space are but inside their space shuttle. But they are also able to breath oxygen. Sea divers also must use a set amount of air pressure to receive proper amounts of oxygen. When high mountain climbing one of the first physical systems to change in the body is the amount of oxygen one gets while breathing. Vacuum "space" is an unseen constant evident by particles able to go thru other forms of matter such as glass. Well, there are other forces such as magnetism that also go through matter with this unabstructed nonlimitation. In works of classical and modern scientists such as Newton and Einstein they make no references to these facts as a universal constant. So by defining this physical vacuum that is able to go through all of matter and giving it mathematical value and meaning because it affects all branches of science I am humble (as the researcher and discoverer).

Please note that energy, matter and forces as a byproducts of matter or energy have been ruled out as this universal constant. The date being 02/10/2012. My name Adam Luis Hugo 0667. I would also like to add that physical evidence show offset of energy and matter by this constant.
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  • #2
I nominate... you!(I mean me!)
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  • #3
P.S. I haven't named this constant yet although I have done the research of its abstraction from eliminating known science related variables in their own branches of disciplines. I have acquired "Preponderance of the Evidence" of such a constant or physical variable or previously unknown scientific principle. And now I'm publishing publicly on this forum with this thread.
  • #4
  • #5
I'm sorry, but I don't think you're going to get your Nobel. You won't get the Nobel Prize for a, as you put it, "scientific proposition". You get the Nobel Prize for making an important contribution to science.

Speculative posts like this are anyway not allowed on this forum. So keep rocking, but somewhere else.

FAQ: Is There a Hidden Universal Constant that Affects All Branches of Science?

1. What is a universal constant?

A universal constant is a physical quantity that is believed to be the same in all areas of the universe and does not change over time. It is a fundamental principle that governs the behavior of the natural world and is used in various scientific equations and theories.

2. Is there evidence of a hidden universal constant?

There is currently no direct evidence of a hidden universal constant that affects all branches of science. However, scientists continue to search for patterns and connections between different fields of science in the hope of discovering a unifying constant.

3. How would a hidden universal constant impact different branches of science?

If a hidden universal constant were to be discovered, it could potentially have a profound impact on our understanding of the natural world. It could provide a unifying framework for different branches of science and help explain phenomena that currently have no explanation.

4. What are some examples of potential hidden universal constants?

Some scientists have proposed the existence of a universal constant that affects the speed of light, the strength of gravity, or the behavior of subatomic particles. However, these are currently just theories and have not been proven.

5. Why is the search for a hidden universal constant important?

The search for a hidden universal constant is important because it could revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It could lead to breakthroughs in various fields of science and potentially unlock the secrets of the natural world. Additionally, it could help us develop more accurate and precise scientific models and theories.

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