Is There a Khan Academy for Cooking?

In summary: I could take people from basic to just beyond basic, using videos. People that wanted to go much further would have to get a feel for food prep, knife maintenance, selection of pots and pans (and maintenance of those), control of cooking heat, oils, fats, etc, that have a "feel" to them and can't be just tossed off in asides in standard cooking shows. I could spend a whole show (an hour at least!) illustrating the differences between cooking with butter, peanut oil, olive oil, and lard, using one or two simple foods as examples. Cooking temperature is critical, and it seems that nobody addresses it anymore. My wife loves baking desserts and pastries
  • #1
Gold Member
Khan academy... but for cooking?

You know what would be epic genius pants? Like, a khan aacademy type website, but for cooking. Where they take people through even the most simplest of task like boiling water and opening bottles. I wonder if such a place exists?


oh and a site like that would be cool if you know it... ok not on how to open bottles but basic cooking stuff.

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  • #2

I could do it, I have training and techniques from basic to Haute Cuisine.
  • #3

Evo said:
I could do it, I have training and techniques from basic to Haute Cuisine.

Stop making up words
  • #4

Evo said:
I could do it, I have training and techniques from basic to Haute Cuisine.
Evo! I would definitely watch these videos! I need to learn how to cook! :(
  • #5

I could take people from basic to just beyond basic, using videos. People that wanted to go much further would have to get a feel for food prep, knife maintenance, selection of pots and pans (and maintenance of those), control of cooking heat, oils, fats, etc, that have a "feel" to them and can't be just tossed off in asides in standard cooking shows.

I could spend a whole show (an hour at least!) illustrating the differences between cooking with butter, peanut oil, olive oil, and lard, using one or two simple foods as examples. Cooking temperature is critical, and it seems that nobody addresses it anymore.

My wife loves baking desserts and pastries. There has not been a can of Crisco in our larder for over 30 years. That stuff is nasty.
  • #6

It would beat eating frozen pizza, pizza rolls, egg rolls, etc..., all the time.
  • #7

I should mention that my mother and my grandmother did all their deep-frying in lard to keep the food as light and fat-free as possible. Hot, hot lard and very small frying batches made it work out. When those women fried clams, potatoes, etc, they never went for fast volume. If the oil/fat temperature wasn't up to snuff, there was no cooking.
  • #8

phoenix:\\ said:
It would beat eating frozen pizza, pizza rolls, egg rolls, etc..., all the time.
Can you attend an adult-ed HS course in your college town? You might get into a good cooking course. Even if the course is less-than-optimal, you should be able to pick up some pointers.
  • #9

turbo said:
I could take people from basic to just beyond basic, using videos. People that wanted to go much further would have to get a feel for food prep, knife maintenance, selection of pots and pans (and maintenance of those), control of cooking heat, oils, fats, etc, that have a "feel" to them and can't be just tossed off in asides in standard cooking shows.

I could spend a whole show (an hour at least!) illustrating the differences between cooking with butter, peanut oil, olive oil, and lard, using one or two simple foods as examples. Cooking temperature is critical, and it seems that nobody addresses it anymore.

My wife loves baking desserts and pastries. There has not been a can of Crisco in our larder for over 30 years. That stuff is nasty.
With our combined knowledge, we'd have it covered. You can grill and do American classics. Soups, roasts. How to butcher meat, clean and fillet fish. I can cook Mexican, French, Italian, Mediteranean, some N African, and Southern US homestyle. We both bake breads, I make pasta, pastries, cakes, cookies, homemade fudge, truffles...
  • #10

Evo said:
With our combined knowledge, we'd have it covered. You can grill and do American classics. Soups, roasts. How to butcher meat, clean and fillet fish. I can cook Mexican, French, Italian, Mediteranean, some N African, and Southern US homestyle. We both bake breads, I make pasta, pastries, cakes, cookies, homemade fudge, truffles...
Can you get on TV and kick RR's A$$?
  • #11

BTW, My grandmother and mother had a certain "vibe" in the kitchen. It was like dancing, and I think I "get it" when I am putting something together that I think is going to be great. I remember being told to get sage, basil, oregano, etc. It was nice to graduate from go-fer to helper.
  • #12

Pengwuino said:
You know what would be epic genius pants? Like, a khan aacademy type website, but for cooking. Where they take people through even the most simplest of task like boiling water and opening bottles. I wonder if such a place exists?


oh and a site like that would be cool if you know it... ok not on how to open bottles but basic cooking stuff.

YouTube already has this. You can watch some of the great chefs of the world, and many lesser cooks, prepare just about anything.
  • #13

Evo said:
I could do it, I have training and techniques from basic to Haute Cuisine.

Can't wait!
  • #14

Pengwuino said:
Stop making up words

"Haute cuisine" is French for "hot food".
  • #15

lisab said:
"Haute cuisine" is French for "hot food".

I always thought it just means your kitchen is high, not less than 12 feet.
  • #16

This thread is making me hungry already...

Rhody... out...
  • #17

Borek said:
I always thought it just means your kitchen is high, not less than 12 feet.
If that is the case, then my kitchen is haute(r) than most, because my house is on a high hill. Evo's kitchen is definitely low-land. If Kansas was closer to the ocean, they would need dikes, like the Netherlands.
  • #18

lisab said:
"Haute cuisine" is French for "hot food".

"Hot" in French is "chaud."
  • #19

And "cold" is named after a famous psychoanalyst. :-p
  • #20

Jack21222 said:
"Hot" in French is "chaud."
lisab was making a joke. But yes, it should be clarified. It's fancy French cooking as opposed to French peasant food. I love both.
  • #21

Evo said:
lisab was making a joke. But yes, it should be clarified. It's fancy French cooking as opposed to French peasant food. I love both.
I never got to try the fancy dishes until my wife took a gourmet cooking class from the owner of a local restaurant. When I was a kid, I only got the peasant food - and was quite happy with that. When some other kid would invite me to stay for supper, I'd have to think back to the (often crap) that their mother had made last time, and beg off because I had "chores" or some other reason.

I stayed for supper one time at a friend's house and his mother made Kraft macaroni and cheese and boiled hot dogs. Yuck! A few weeks later, I was invited to stay for supper again, and guess what we had? Yep. Yuck again! No wonder Joe was so skinny!
  • #22

Evo said:
lisab was making a joke.

Albeit not a very good one :wink:.
  • #23

lisab said:
Albeit not a very good one :wink:.
Better than my froid joke, though. That was a reach.

Related to Is There a Khan Academy for Cooking?

1. What is "Khan academy but for cooking"?

"Khan academy but for cooking" is an online platform that provides free educational resources for learning how to cook. It offers a wide range of tutorials, videos, and interactive lessons to help users improve their cooking skills.

2. Who can use "Khan academy but for cooking"?

Anyone can use "Khan academy but for cooking." It is designed for people of all ages and cooking abilities, from beginners to experienced cooks looking to enhance their skills.

3. Is "Khan academy but for cooking" free to use?

Yes, "Khan academy but for cooking" is completely free to use. There are no hidden fees or subscriptions required to access the educational content.

4. What types of cooking lessons are offered on "Khan academy but for cooking"?

"Khan academy but for cooking" offers a variety of cooking lessons, including basic cooking techniques, international cuisine, baking and pastry, and specialized diets such as vegetarian or gluten-free cooking.

5. Can I track my progress on "Khan academy but for cooking"?

Yes, "Khan academy but for cooking" allows users to track their progress through the courses and lessons. It also offers quizzes and assignments to help reinforce learning and measure understanding.

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