Is there a pole at z=-1 in this complex integral problem?

In summary, the function f(z) is analytic in the domain D, but has two poles at z=-1. To solve for the integral, first take the residues around the poles and then use the residue theorem to find the value of the integral.
  • #1
I've come across an complex integral that I just can't seem to figure out. Basically I need to integrate f(z) = 1/(z^6-1) around the circle |z+1|=1.

At first glance the radius of the circle must be zero in order to satisfy |z+1|=1 and therefore the function, f(z), is analytic in D so therefore the integral is zero. However, I've got the feeling this isn't correct. Am I doing something wrong?
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  • #2
The circle is of radius 1, centered at z=-1. Incidentally, this means that you have two poles of the function on the circle, which will definitely cause problems in integrating. Maybe you could take some kind of Cauchy principal value?
  • #3
Th way to deal with pole on the contour is to do an indentation around the points then when you come to do the integral you have to calculate the integral on the indentations.
  • #4
Topher925 said:
I've come across an complex integral that I just can't seem to figure out. Basically I need to integrate f(z) = 1/(z^6-1) around the circle |z+1|=1.

At first glance the radius of the circle must be zero in order to satisfy |z+1|=1 and therefore the function, f(z), is analytic in D so therefore the integral is zero. However, I've got the feeling this isn't correct. Am I doing something wrong?

If I may try to also be of some assistance. First need to get a few things straight like that absolute value thing. If [itex]z=-1+e^{it}[/itex], unit circle around the point -1 right, then [itex]z+1=e^{it}[/itex], take the absolute values then [itex]|z+1|=1[/itex]. Also, in Complex Analysis, you need to always be alert for principal-valued integrals. They're common and need to approach problems expecting to encounter them. First though, look at a simple one:

[tex]\int_{|z|=1} \frac{dz}{z-1}[/tex]

Get that one straight first before you do yours. That expression is an implicit principal-valued integral. We could have written it as:

[tex]\int_{|z|=1} \frac{dz}{z-1}\rightarrow \text{P.V.} \int_{|z|=1} \frac{dz}{z-1}=\int_P[/tex]

Now form the circular contour around the origin with an (exterior) indentation around the point z=1 so that by the Residue Theorem:

[tex]\int_P+\int_I=2\pi i r[/tex]

So principal-value+indentation equals 2 pi i times sum of residues right? So that we have:

[tex]\int_P=2\pi i r-\int_I[/tex]

Then look up that theorem about integrating over an indentation around a simple pole as it's radius goes to zero so that we can write:

[tex]\int_P=2\pi i-\pi i=\pi i[/tex]

and here's how to check it in Mathematica:

NIntegrate[(1/(z - 1))*I*Exp[I*t] /. z -> Exp[I*t], 
  {t, -Pi, 0, Pi}, Method -> "PrincipalValue"]

0. + 3.1415926535897647*I

Now do yours and then see if you can code the check in Mathematica.
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  • #5
Thanks for all the help. I think my biggest problem was just not realizing that there was a pole at z = -1. Guess I should stop doing math when I'm really tired. Anyway, I was able to find the solution using Residue Integration as stated above. Once again, thanks for the help, I'm quite terrible at math.

FAQ: Is there a pole at z=-1 in this complex integral problem?

1. What is a complex integral problem?

A complex integral problem is a mathematical problem that involves the integration of a function over a complex domain. It is typically solved using techniques from complex analysis, which deals with functions of complex numbers.

2. How is a complex integral problem different from a real integral problem?

A complex integral problem is different from a real integral problem because it involves integration over a complex domain, which means the function being integrated can have complex values. This requires the use of complex analysis techniques, which are not used in real integrals.

3. What are some common applications of complex integrals?

Complex integrals have many applications in mathematics and physics, including solving differential equations, evaluating complex-valued functions, and calculating areas and volumes in the complex plane.

4. How do you solve a complex integral problem?

To solve a complex integral problem, you need to use techniques from complex analysis, such as Cauchy's integral theorem and residue theorem. These techniques involve using contour integrals and complex functions to find the value of the integral.

5. Are there any real-life examples of complex integral problems?

Yes, complex integral problems have real-life applications in fields such as electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and fluid dynamics. For example, in electrical engineering, complex integrals are used to calculate the voltage and current in circuits with complex impedances.
