Is There a Possibility of a Very Extended Reionization Epoch?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the authors present a compelling argument for the possibility of a very extended reionization epoch, which could have significant implications for our understanding of the early universe and cosmological parameters. They argue that current data cannot rule out a high value of the Thomson scattering optical depth \tau \sim 0.3, and their self-consistent reionization model supports this idea. Further research in this area could potentially lead to a better fit to current data and a better understanding of the early universe.
  • #1
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Title: A very extended reionization epoch ?
Authors: A. Melchiorri, T. Roy Choudhury, P. Serra, A. Ferrara
Comments: 5 pages, 5 figures

The recent observations of cross temperature-polarization power spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) made by the WMAP satellite are in better agreement with a high value of the Thomson scattering optical depth \tau \approx 0.17. This value is close to \tau = 0.3, which is taken as the upper limit in the parameter extraction analysis made by the WMAP team. However, models with \tau \sim 0.3 provide a good fit to current CMB data and are not significantly excluded when combined with Large Scale Structure data. By making use of a self-consistent reionization model, we verify the astrophysical feasibility of models with \tau \sim 0.3. It turns out that current data on various observations related to the thermal and ionization history of the intergalactic medium are not able to rule out \tau \sim 0.3. The possibility of a very extended reionization epoch can significantly undermine the WMAP constraints on crucial cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant, the spectral index of primordial fluctuations and the amplitude of dark matter clustering.
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  • #2

Dear forum members,

As a scientist who specializes in cosmology and reionization, I find this paper very interesting. The authors present a compelling argument for the possibility of a very extended reionization epoch, which could have significant implications for our understanding of the early universe and cosmological parameters.

The recent observations by the WMAP satellite have provided us with a better understanding of the CMB and the Thomson scattering optical depth \tau. The value of \tau \approx 0.17 is in good agreement with the upper limit of \tau = 0.3 set by the WMAP team. However, the authors argue that models with \tau \sim 0.3 are still viable and cannot be ruled out by current data when combined with Large Scale Structure data.

Their self-consistent reionization model supports the idea that \tau \sim 0.3 is feasible, and this could have significant implications for the constraints on cosmological parameters such as the Hubble constant, spectral index, and dark matter clustering. It is important to further investigate this possibility and see if it can provide a better fit to current data.

I believe that this paper raises important questions and opens up new avenues for research in the field of cosmology and reionization. I look forward to seeing more studies on this topic and how it could potentially change our understanding of the early universe. Thank you to the authors for their contributions to this area of research.

FAQ: Is There a Possibility of a Very Extended Reionization Epoch?

1. What is the extended reionization epoch?

The extended reionization epoch is a period of time in the early universe, roughly between 400,000 and 1 billion years after the Big Bang, during which the neutral gas in the universe was ionized by the formation of the first stars and galaxies.

2. Why is the extended reionization epoch important?

Understanding the extended reionization epoch is important because it provides insight into the formation and evolution of the first galaxies and the intergalactic medium. It also helps us understand how the universe transitioned from a neutral state to a highly ionized state, which is necessary for the development of structures and life.

3. How do scientists study the extended reionization epoch?

Scientists study the extended reionization epoch through observations of distant galaxies and their spectral signatures. They also use simulations and models to understand the physical processes involved in reionization.

4. What is the current understanding of the duration of the extended reionization epoch?

The duration of the extended reionization epoch is still a topic of active research and debate. Some studies suggest that it may have lasted for several hundred million years, while others propose a longer duration of up to 1 billion years.

5. What can we learn from studying the extended reionization epoch?

Studying the extended reionization epoch can provide valuable information about the early universe, including the formation of the first stars and galaxies, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the evolution of the intergalactic medium. It can also help us understand the conditions that allowed for the development of life in the universe.
