Is There a Present or Just an Illusion of Time?

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In summary, J Krishnamurti believes that there is no "present" as we experience it. Everything that happens takes place in the present, but we cannot have instantaneous access to events outside of our consciousness.
  • #36
actually. if you study up on Planck time(10^-44). Virtually its the amount of time that it takes Light to move the Planck length(10^-35). which is the smallest. Its a very very small interval. But essentially. it is the smallest interval that any action can use.

So virtually. Nothing truly is in the real present.

Infact. The universe would exist for (10^-44)s before any forces or anything truly existed.

So if present was either side of the Planck time. it is still far before anything we are able to comprehend.

So its true that we have a latency. but its pretty damn small.

I think for arguements sake. What is needed is to define what present is. and what interval the present is.

You could virtually define the interval of the present to be 1 second. than regardless of any latency issues. you were in the present. But if you define the present as one position in time and not an interval i guess your right.
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  • #37
I remember one lunchtime dialog with a colleague sometime back. She said, "I am trying to do some mediation which will enable me to remain thoughtless. I am tring hard but am not successful." I replied that it is theoretically impossible to experience the phase of being thoughtless. assume that it is possible for a mind to be in a state which is thoughtless. The mind to experience the state of thoughtlessness has to keep probing itself to check any thought contained by it. This very process would generate a thought like, "I am thoughtless now". Which is a thought anyway. So how do you remain thoughtless and experice it. It may only be done by an external device (like MRI scan etc) which probes brains activity and may lead to conclusion that the subject under study was thoughtless during time interval specified.
Just this way, the question of present. When you probe a thought whether it is present or past or future, it becomes a matter of past. So what we call as present is actually an arbitrarily wide slice of time from the past and from immediate future. What I may be calling as present in "At present I am a software Engineer at XYZ Inc." means that since sometime back I am working as SE at XYZ and have not decided to quit as yet. Thus the chunck of time could contain next 24 hrs of future and maybe last 24 hrs of past for the subject. when we talk about the total solar eclipse we say that the apprant size of sun and moon as seen from Earth is more or less identical (half a degree) for the present era. Here present may mean thousands of year of the past and another housand year of the future.
When I plan for next day, I have to keep happenings of the past few days in mind to shape or plan the next day. I may have to cancel my plans depending on the outcome of some of the processes which happen today.

Thus strictly speaking there is no present. The present has only been borrowed from a few momnets from the past and few moments from the future.
  • #38
After an exstensive search, I have concluded that the only place one can locate 'the present' is in one's own mind when one is conscious. Anyone else have a different search result?
  • #39
Of course! You will find the "present" at dictionaries, thesauri and 'net! Ha Ha Ha
  • #40
raj_vad said:
Of course! You will find the "present" at dictionaries, thesauri and 'net! Ha Ha Ha

You are right. I did find "present" where you suggested. Thanks.
  • #41
there is present, but everything what heppens , it heppens in no-zero time, so when you're thinking about present you'are thinking about the past, when you want to think about the present, you must thnik about the future
  • #42
I personally like to think of the present as our current frame of consciousness in the slow movement through a four-dimensional hyper-universe.