Is there a probability in QM that an event happens at time t?

In summary, the conversation discusses the probability amplitude of a particle at a given time and location, as well as the possibility of predicting the probability of an event occurring at a certain time. The concept of correlation functions and their limitations in measuring actual correlations is also mentioned. The conversation then delves into a scenario involving particle decay and the potential use of Hilbert spaces to calculate probabilities.
  • #1
Hi PF,
A(x,t) is the probability amplitude at time t that a particle is at x. If it was emitted at (0,0)
the propagator gives its value. I wonder if QM can give the amplitude of time probability B(y,t) that an impact will occur (for a given y) at any t.
consider a screen behind the two slits, it one electron is emitted ar 0,0 in front
of the slits, it would be null for any y on the screen. And for y it will increase with time.
Is there a law in this case? (as we have the half life law for excited atoms)
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  • #2
Heidi said:
Hi PF,
A(x,t) is the probability amplitude at time t that a particle is at x. If it was emitted at (0,0)
the propagator gives its value. I wonder if QM can give the amplitude of time probability B(y,t) that an impact will occur (for a given y) at any t.
consider a screen behind the two slits, it one electron is emitted ar 0,0 in front
of the slits, it would be null for any y on the screen. And for y it will increase with time.
Is there a law in this case? (as we have the half life law for excited atoms)
I'm just writing a paper about it. When I finish it (in a next couple of weeks), I'll put a link here.
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  • #3
I look forward to read it. Where will it be? with which title?
  • #4
Heidi said:
I look forward to read it. Where will it be? with which title?
The paper is almost finished, I expect it to be finished very soon. :smile:
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  • #6
Great, thanks.
Questions next time...
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  • #7
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  • #8
So you may have probabilities on regions of space time.
I encountered something like that when i was reading the Wightman axioms. it was about the test functions. it was written that when a measurement is done in a laboratory it is in limited region of space and between the moments when lighr is switched on and off. these functions were defined on compact regions on space time (unlike the quantum wave functions) and could give all the details of what happened. they did not obey Klein Gordon equations or things like that. but they contained all the information.
Do you think that your model can add something to this ajpproach?
  • #9
Heidi said:
So you may have probabilities on regions of space time.
I encountered something like that when i was reading the Wightman axioms. it was about the test functions. it was written that when a measurement is done in a laboratory it is in limited region of space and between the moments when lighr is switched on and off. these functions were defined on compact regions on space time (unlike the quantum wave functions) and could give all the details of what happened. they did not obey Klein Gordon equations or things like that. but they contained all the information.
Do you think that your model can add something to this ajpproach?
Wightman axioms talk about correlation functions at different times, but they don't talk about the update of information induced by quantum measurements at different times (which my theory does). In this sense, Wightman correlation functions are not the correlations that are actually measured. In that regard see
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  • #10
Morbert said:
Hmm, let's say we have a system prepared as ##\rho_{t_0}## and we want to compute the probability that an event ##\epsilon## happens in a time interval ##(t_1,t_2)##. We could maybe construct a Hilbert space $$\mathcal{H}_{t_1}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{t_2}$$ And compute the probability as $$\mathrm{Tr}\left[\rho_{t_0}\Pi^{\neg\epsilon}_{t_1}\Pi^{\epsilon}_{t_2}\right]$$
The following is from the book F. Laloe, Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics?
  • #11
Demystifier said:
The following is from the book F. Laloe, Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics?
View attachment 271274
Thanks. I actually deleted my message a few moments ago because I saw some holes in my thinking but will post again when I sort it. Response is appreciated regardless.
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  • #12
So consider the particle decay scenario outlined in this paper

The describe a particle in the state $$\Psi(t) = a_s(t)\phi_s + a_d(t)\phi_d$$ where ##\phi_s## and ##\phi_d## are states of a survived and decayed particle. If our system is prepared in the state ##|\Psi(0)\rangle\langle\Psi(0)| = |\phi_s\rangle\langle\phi_s|## then I think we could write the probability of the particle decaying in the interval ##(t_1,t_2)## as $$\mathrm{Tr}\left[\Pi_{t_2}^d\Pi_{t_1}^s|\phi_s\rangle\langle\phi_s|\Pi_{t_1}^s\Pi_{t_2}^d\right] == ||\Pi_{t_2}^d\Pi_{t_1}^s|\phi_s\rangle||^2$$
Where ##\Pi_{t_2}^d## and ##\Pi_{t_1}^s## are the relevant decayed and not decayed projectors.
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  • #15
Now our third paper on this topic is accepted for publication. In this paper we show, among other things, that the arrival time distribution is given by the flux of the probability current.
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  • #16
Hm, which journal has accepted this? I'm puzzled!

You cannot naively calculate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian with a wave function that's not in its domain as a self-adjoint (hermitean is not enough!!!) operator. That leads to paradoxes like non-real expectation values.

A nice demonstration of paradoxes, if the necessary care about the domain and co-domain of self-adjoint operators is neglected, for the case of the rigid 1D potential well just appeared in EJP:
  • #17
vanhees71 said:
Hm, which journal has accepted this? I'm puzzled!
As you can see in the link, it's Fortchr. Phys. (IF=5.5).

vanhees71 said:
You cannot naively calculate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian with a wave function that's not in its domain as a self-adjoint (hermitean is not enough!!!) operator. That leads to paradoxes like non-real expectation values.
You are right, you cannot calculate it naively, you must be careful about it. We spent some space in the paper to show that when everything is done carefully, no paradoxes appear.
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  • #18
Then I've to read the paper more carefully, but from the abstract I thought you make a particular point of
that expectation value of a hermitian Hamiltonian can have an imaginary part in the infinite dimensional Hilbert space
and then I've seen that you apply ##\hat{\vec{p}}^2## to a wave function which can have jumps.
  • #19
vanhees71 said:
Then I've to read the paper more carefully, but from the abstract I thought you make a particular point of

and then I've seen that you apply ##\hat{\vec{p}}^2## to a wave function which can have jumps.
Pay particular attention to the text after Eq. (9), this explains why imaginary part of the expectation value of the Hamiltonian does not contradict the fact that measured energy is real.

Note also that non-hermitian Hamiltonians are used in phenomenological descriptions of decay of resonances, what we do in our paper is quite similar.
  • #20
Ok, but then you admit that these apparent non-real "expectation values" are unphysical and cannot be used to make a physically meaningful statement. As I said, I've to read the paper more carefully, to see what you are after. If I had to review this paper, I'd have not let through your abstract in the present form! Obviously wrong statements in the abstract usually make me just immediately ignore the paper completely.

The use of non-self-adjoint Hamiltonians to describe particle decay is of a different nature and a physically meaningful approximation in the sense of an effective theory ("optical potential" approximation). This is not due to a wrong application of the formalism.

I know that questions about the domain of the self-adjoint operators is usually ignored in the textbook literature, and that's why many physicists don't know the question to apparently simple questions like, why there are no half-integer orbital angular-momentum representation.
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  • #21
vanhees71 said:
Ok, but then you admit that these apparent non-real "expectation values" are unphysical and cannot be used to make a physically meaningful statement.
No I don't.

vanhees71 said:
As I said, I've to read the paper more carefully, to see what you are after.
  • #22
Interesting series of papers. Although only a side issue in the paper, I could not help but notice at the bottom of page 3 in your first paper ( when you say:

The consequence is that the corresponding probability density w(t) in (29) vanishes in the limit δt → 0, in which case (28) reduces to the trivial result
P(t) = 0. (35)
In other words, if one checks with infinite frequency whether an event has happened, then the event will never happen. This seemingly paradoxical result is in fact well known as the quantum Zeno effect
The statement in bold is not accurate. For continuous probability distributions, zero probability for each point does not mean the event never happens. It simply means it is measure-zero. When you say it never happens, you imply that P(t) = 0 for all intervals of δt. As "never" implies a time interval that is not zero. This is the same error as suggesting that because every point on a line has a length of zero, therefore every line-segment has zero length, which is obviously false.
  • #23
lodbrok said:
The statement in bold is not accurate. For continuous probability distributions, zero probability for each point does not mean the event never happens. It simply means it is measure-zero. When you say it never happens, you imply that P(t) = 0 for all intervals of δt. As "never" implies a time interval that is not zero. This is the same error as suggesting that because every point on a line has a length of zero, therefore every line-segment has zero length, which is obviously false.
It's accurate, you didn't read carefully. The P(t) is an integral of probability density from 0 to t. This integral is zero because the probability density is zero.
  • #24
Demystifier said:
The P(t) is an integral of probability density from 0 to t. This integral is zero because the probability density is zero.
Yes, but that does not mean the event never happens if you sample at high-frequency (δt → 0).
  • #25
lodbrok said:
Yes, but that does not mean the event never happens if you sample at high-frequency (δt → 0).
Yes it does. If probability (that is, integral of probability density over a finite interval) is zero, then the event never happens. This never happening event is called quantum Zeno effect in the literature:
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  • #26
In other words, if one checks with infinite frequency whether an event has happened, then the event will never happen.
Your statement implies that the whole event will never happen, not just that an infinitesimal interval itself has zero probability. The probability of the event happening "ever", is the integral of the full probability density function which is obviously non-zero.
  • #27
lodbrok said:
Your statement implies that the whole event will never happen, not just that an infinitesimal interval itself has zero probability. The probability of the event happening "ever", is the integral of the full probability density function which is obviously non-zero.
I can't tell if you're being pedantic about terminology or denying that the Quantum Zeno effect occurs. In your words, how would you describe the Quantum Zeno effect?
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  • #28
lodbrok said:
Your statement implies that the whole event will never happen, not just that an infinitesimal interval itself has zero probability. The probability of the event happening "ever", is the integral of the full probability density function

lodbrok said:
which is obviously non-zero.
It is zero, because the probability density is zero. I understand that your first reaction is that it must be wrong, my first reaction was exactly the same when I heard of quantum Zeno effect for the first time. But it's correct. I recommend you to do some reading about quantum Zeno effect to familiarize with it.

But our third paper contains another surprise, for those who already accepted the existence of quantum Zeno effect. We find that there is a way to avoid this effect, and hence turn back "common sense" into QM, by a new type of measurement that we discovered and called passive quantum measurement. This new kind of measurement plays a key role in our solution of the arrival time problem in quantum mechanics. Loosely speaking, the problem is that it looks as if a particle cannot arrive to the detector due to the quantum Zeno effect, but we solve the problem by discovering that the detector really performs a passive measurement of the particle that has not arrived yet, so the quantum Zeno effect does not really exist in this case and the particle is free to arrive.
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  • #29
Demystifier said:
This integral is zero because the probability density is zero.
Is it actually possible, physically, to make the probability density exactly zero? Or is it only possible to make it small enough that one can reasonably expect no events over the finite duration of the experiment?
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  • #30
PeterDonis said:
Is it actually possible, physically, to make the probability density exactly zero? Or is it only possible to make it small enough that one can reasonably expect no events over the finite duration of the experiment?
In practice, that is, in the real laboratory, the latter of course is true.
  • #31
Demystifier said:
In practice, that is, in the real laboratory, the latter of course is true.
In the theoretical model, how is this accounted for? Is it that in the actual lab one cannot make a continuous infinity of checks of the state of the system?
  • #32
PeterDonis said:
In the theoretical model, how is this accounted for? Is it that in the actual lab one cannot make a continuous infinity of checks of the state of the system?
Yes, of course. In our theory, this is modeled by small but finite ##\delta t##.
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  • #33
I'm still pretty skeptical about the math in the paper. It is very clear that in QT hermitecity is NOT enough for an operator to represent observables. It should be self-adjoint. Of course the Hamiltonian of a free particle, ##\hat{H}=\vec{p}^2/(2m)## is self-adjoint. The important point is exactly the issue with the "apparent paradox", i.e., by definition a self-adjoint operator on the Hilbert space must be defined on a dense subspace (domain) and this dense subspace must be mapped by it to itself. In the text below Eq. (17) one should add that with ##\psi,\varphi \in \mathcal{D}(H)## also ##H \psi,H \varphi \in \mathcal{D}(H)##. Already for the momentum operator a wave function which is not smooth is not in the domain, and thus you cannot naively calculate expectation values or matrix elements with such functions. The way out is to use a sequence of wave functions that approximate the wave function in question and take the limit for the expectation values/matrix elements.

I have to read a bit further to come to a conclusion, but I'm still skeptical!
  • #34
vanhees71 said:
I have to read a bit further to come to a conclusion, but I'm still skeptical!

I guess it would take less time to read the paper properly than to write out all these scepticisms o0)
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  • #35
vanhees71 said:
It is very clear that in QT hermitecity is NOT enough for an operator to represent observables. It should be self-adjoint.
Note that the operator ##\overline{H}## is not an observable. It is a non-hermitin and non-self-adjoint operator that generates a non-unitary evolution.

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