Is there a reliable IQ test out there?

  • Thread starter JamesU
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    Iq Test
In summary: I think it's obvious why. People in classes with others of similar ability may learn more (or less, if such programs are poorly managed) than they would in a class with people of varying abilities. In the real world, people often group themselves with people of similar abilities, and this is fine, too. I don't think that people should be forced to associate with people they don't want to associate with, but I think that people should have the opportunity to associate with people of varying abilities (or whatever else) if they wish. In particular, in jobs, I think that people of varying abilities should be able to work together, as this is often necessary. In other words, I think that people should be able to choose
  • #36
honestrosewater said:
I just chose 'ability' to refer to what the test measures; I realize 'ability' has other meanings, and this may be why I'm not sure what you're postion is:
You have other ways of measuring what IQ tests measure, so they have no value.
You think IQ tests (usually) fail to measure what they're supposed to measure, so they have no value.
You think IQ tests (usually) measure what they're supposed to measure, so they have no value.
Or something else?
I'm just saying that, unless it's for placement, I can't see the purpose of taking an IQ test beyond finding out what some number supposedly defining your intelligence is, and I can't see the purpose of knowing this number, since it shouldn't change your outlook on life or yourself.

I can understand wanting to take an IQ test so that you'll be challenged in school, but I can't understand taking an IQ test just so you'll know your IQ. I believe that if someone is really intelligent, they should prove it through their actions/thoughts/etc, not by telling me their IQ.

I don't know. If this was referring to appropriate placement in classes/programs/jobs, you aren't always free to challenge and interest yourself in those situations. And I'm not talking about programs only for people with above average scores, but for people with average and below average scores as well. It's just a matter of appropriateness.
I can understand this. I've often felt frustrated in school when we can't move quickly enough because the teacher has to make sure everyone understands the material first, and people keep asking what I see as simple questions.

But then again, I rather enjoy learning independently, so I doubt I would be satisfied with any sort of rigid curriculum, no matter how challenging. Sometimes, I just want to do something that's interesting to me, even when the curriculum says otherwise (like learning Group Theory in Calculus AB :smile: ).
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  • #37
hitssquad said:
Mensa does their own testing, also. Find your local group at the link below and contact them to find out when the next testing date is:

Here is the how-to-get-tested webpage for the Mensa group nearest me:

It says the official in-person Mensa tests are $30 and that that is reasonable compared to the cost of "$200-$300 when administered by a psychologist in private practice." It also says the Mensa home test is only $18. However, the Mensa home test will not qualify you for Mensa since it is not supervised. Finally, the Mensa tests do not provide you with an IQ score. They simply tell you if you pass or fail.
British Mensa provides you with your actual scores. You have to return the simplified home test to them for marking after which they inform you of your IQ score and if you are in the top 5 percentile they invite you to attend a supervised session which consists of a regular battery of tests. Once marked you receive a letter informing you of your score and if you are in the top 2 percentile you are invited to join Mensa.
BTW One interesting aspect of the supervised test is that there are a few timed sections where they will not tell you how long you have - nothing like adding a bit of extra pressure :biggrin:
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  • #38
Timed vs untimed administration of g-factor testing instruments

Art said:
BTW One interesting aspect of the supervised test is that there are a few timed sections where they will not tell you how long you have - nothing like adding a bit of extra pressure
Jensen has written that adding a time factor tends to reduce the g-loading of a given instrument. For his research projects, he only uses untimed instruments (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices with unlimited time for completion (normally Raven's instruments specify a time-limit, though)). Failure to administer instruments in an untimed manner results in an extra factor — speed — being incorporated into the final (or full-scale) score.
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  • #39
I personally don't think that IQ tests actually show you intelligence. They simply show how you think! Intellect is varied with different proffesions. For example, you could be a good physicist yet be crap at Drawing etc. People are good at different thigs! IQ Ssimply looks at few things such as spatial awareness, your ability to read questions properly, your basic mathematical, grammatical, general knowlege. Rather than digging deeper into your actual specialistic subject.

To see how intelligent you are go on Mastermind!

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