Is there a simpler way to prove that b = 0 if a + b = a?

  • Thread starter Spoo Money
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This is very different from the way you probably did mathematics before, where you could use any method that seemed to work and not have to justify each step.In summary, the conversation discusses a proof for a real number axiom and whether it could be simplified. The conversation also highlights the importance of justifying each step in a proof using fundamental properties of numbers.
  • #1
Spoo Money

Homework Statement

I referenced this theorem from the following webpage:

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The proof makes perfect sense, but why must it be so roundabout? A real number axiom is a + 0 = 0. Can I not just state this, making b = 0 obvious, and be done with the proof? The actual proof does reference other identities, but it seems roundabout in a way. The same can be said for theorem 2 (if a x b = a, can I not simply reference the real number property a x 1 = a ( making b = 1 obvious ) and be done with it? )

To state it more concisely, what would be wrong with the following line of thinking?

Suppose a + b = a

According to Axiom A3, a + 0 = a.

Clearly, since the right side of the equation shows that a is the answer, the only number that a on the left side could have been added to was 0.

Therefore, b must be 0
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  • #2
Spoo Money said:
Clearly, since the right side of the equation shows that a is the answer, the only number that a on the left side could have been added to was 0.
It's a good rule of thumb that, if one finds oneself needing to say things like 'clearly', one doesn't have a proper proof.

The right hand side of the equation shows that 'a' is an answer, not the answer. We need to use additional information about the nature of the '+' operation in order to show that it is unique. That's what the linked proof does.

Imagine, for instance that, instead of '+' having its usual meaning, ##a+b## means ##a\cdot a^b## if ##a\neq 0## and is 0 otherwise. Then it will still be the case that, for any ##a## we have ##a+0=a##. But if ##a=\pm 1## then 0 is not the only value of ##b## that can satisfy the equation ##a+b=a##.
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  • #3
Spoo Money said:
A real number axiom is a + 0 = 0. Can I not just state this, making b = 0 obvious, and be done with the proof?
There is no such axiom that a + 0 = 0. Was this a typo? Did you mean a + 0 = a? The govening axiom here is that 0 is the additive identity element for addition in the field of real numbers.
  • #4
They are going through the proof so that every single step can be justified by a very fundamental property of numbers (the Axioms). The explanations on each line below explain how that line was arrived at from the prior line.
a+b=a              given
(a+b)+(-a)=a+(-a)  subtract equal additive inverse from both sides (Axiom A4 and substitution of equals)
(b+a)+(-a)=a+(-a)  commutitive property (Axiom A1)
b+(a+(-a))=a+(-a)  associative property (Axiom A2)
b+0=0              additive inverse (Axiom A4)
b=0                0 is defined as additive identity (Axiom A3)
It's important when starting out learning pure mathematics proofs to get used to having a rock-solid justification of every step of a proof.
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FAQ: Is there a simpler way to prove that b = 0 if a + b = a?

1. How can you prove that b equals 0 in the equation a + b = a?

To prove that b equals 0 in this equation, we can use basic algebraic principles. By subtracting a from both sides of the equation, we are left with b = 0. This shows that in order for the equation to hold true, b must equal 0.

2. What is the significance of this proof in mathematics?

This proof is significant because it demonstrates the identity property of addition, which states that when we add 0 to any number, it remains the same. In this case, a is the number and b is 0, so adding 0 to a does not change the value of a. This is a fundamental concept in mathematics and is often used in more complex equations and proofs.

3. Can this proof be applied to other equations?

Yes, this proof can be applied to any equation where the variable b is on one side and the constant a is on the other side. As long as the equation follows the basic structure of a + b = a, we can use the same method to prove that b equals 0.

4. Is there a real-world application for this proof?

Yes, this proof can be applied in various real-world scenarios. For example, if a represents a person's initial wealth and b represents the amount of money they earn, this equation can be used to show that if their earnings (b) are 0, their total wealth (a + b) remains the same as their initial wealth (a). This can also be applied to concepts like conservation of mass and energy.

5. What other properties of addition and equations can be demonstrated through this proof?

This proof demonstrates the zero property of addition, which states that any number added to 0 equals that number. It also shows the equality property of equations, which states that if two equations have the same solution (in this case, b = 0), they are equivalent and can be used interchangeably in other equations.
