Is There a Solution for Finding the Optimal Spring Design?

In summary, the author is trying to solve for the force of a spring compressed to 80% of its available deflection. He has found that the combination of active coils and wire diameter achieves the greatest force. However, he has not been able to find a solution for the first equation over his workable range. He has also found that he messed up constructing the equation on paper and translating it from paper to a computationally workable form.
  • #1
I have an application involving a spring and in order to get the proper behavior, I need to solve the problem below. I've been at it for weeks and haven't been able to solve it - which tells me its time to appeal to my mathematical betters.
Given a spring that exerts 36.6lbs of force(N) while being compressed to 20% of its available deflection, find the combination of active coils(a) and wire diameter(d) that achieves the greatest force when the spring is compressed to %80 of its avilable deflection.

So basically I've boiled it down to the two values I need to solve for for each compression:


The closest I've come to something that makes sense is to solve for the first equation (the spring at 20%) in terms of a. Then Rework the second equation with th new value for a. However this seems to produce nonsense when graphed.

If its relevant the values for the other variables are as follows:
  • G= 11.5x10^6
  • D= 0.269
  • P= tan(12degrees)Pi(D-d)
If you need/want to see how I arrived at any of the above conclusions let me know and Ill put it up.
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  • #2

And this isn't a math problem from a book or anything like that, I structured it that way because its what I am comfortable solving.

Though if you think it might be better served in the Math area of the forum let me know.
  • #3

Ive been thinking about it and theoretically what I was doing should have produced a workable result which tells me I possibly messed up at 3 points:
1) there is no solution to the first equation over my workable range (0,0.06725)
2) I messed up constructing the equation on paper (algebraic error)
3) I messed up translating the equation from paper to a computationally workable form

So for now I'm going to review point 1 and if it exists ill head over to the math section to verify my equations.

Related to Is There a Solution for Finding the Optimal Spring Design?

What is spring engineering?

Spring engineering is a field of study that deals with the design, development, and application of springs in various mechanical systems. Springs are elastic objects that store and release energy when they are deformed.

Why is spring engineering considered a pain?

Spring engineering can be considered a pain because it involves complex calculations and design processes to ensure that the springs used in a system function properly. It also requires precision and attention to detail to avoid potential failures or malfunctions.

What are the different types of springs used in engineering?

The most commonly used types of springs in engineering are compression springs, extension springs, torsion springs, and flat springs. Each type has its own unique properties and applications.

What factors should be considered when designing a spring?

When designing a spring, factors such as the load or force it will be subjected to, the material used, the required deflection, and the environment it will be used in should be taken into account. These factors will affect the size, shape, and type of spring that will be suitable for the application.

How can I ensure the safety and reliability of spring engineering?

To ensure the safety and reliability of spring engineering, it is important to follow industry standards and guidelines, perform thorough testing and analysis, and use high-quality materials. It is also crucial to regularly inspect and maintain springs to identify any potential issues before they escalate into larger problems.
