Is there a standard mapping of celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates

In summary, the conversation discusses the mapping of celestial coordinates to the surface of the Earth and whether there is a standard mapping that corresponds to specific locations on Earth. It is mentioned that the celestial coordinate system was created by projecting Earth's longitude and latitude lines onto the sky. There are websites and programs available that show the constellations mapped onto Earth's surface.
  • #1
Adam Laceky
Sorry, I'm not an astronomer. This question relates to the book "S." by Doug Dorst.

I understand that the celestial coordinates have a zero-point at the vernal equinox. (0h, 0m, 0s RA, 0⁰, 0", 0' Dec.)

I also understand that it's possible to map these coordinates to spherical, or geo-coordinates.

My question: Is there a standard mapping of celestial coordinates to the surface of the Earth? I bet that if there is, the vernal equinox would be pinned to 0⁰ N, 0⁰W. (The equator at GMT.)

For instance, Sagittarius, which is at 19h, 0m, 0s RZ, -25⁰, 0", 0', would map to 75⁰ W, 25⁰ S.

Is there such a correspondence, or did I just make that up?
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  • #2
Of course, the Earth is spinning, so any correspondence can only occur at an instant in time. But yes, if you convert RA into degrees then RA corresponds to longitude, and declination corresponds to latitude. This is basically where the celestial coordinates come from. You can think of them as taking the Earth longitude and latitude lines and projecting them onto the plane of the sky.
  • #3
phyzguy said:
Of course, the Earth is spinning, so any correspondence can only occur at an instant in time. But yes, if you convert RA into degrees then RA corresponds to longitude, and declination corresponds to latitude. This is basically where the celestial coordinates come from. You can think of them as taking the Earth longitude and latitude lines and projecting them onto the plane of the sky.

I understand that the Earth is rotating. I'm asking if there's a standard, fixed mapping of celestial coordinates to the surface of the Earth. Say, 0⁰ N, 0⁰ W would correspond to the vernal equinox. So that any given constellation always corresponds to a location on Earth's surface.

Has this already been done?
  • #4
Adam Laceky said:
Has this already been done?

Yes. As I said, this is how the celestial coordinate system was created.
  • #5
Oh, OK. Thanks. Is there a name for this map? A Website I can go to and see the constellations mapped onto Earth?
  • #7
Well, you could try overlaying these two. I think they are both Mollweide projections centered on (0,0)



  • Mollweide_Earth.png
    80.4 KB · Views: 541
  • Mollweide_Celestial.png
    13.5 KB · Views: 657
  • #8
There are also planetarium type programs that allow you to set your lat/lon to any value the time/date to any value and see what the sky looks like, including constellations. I use a free one called stellarium.

Related to Is there a standard mapping of celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates

1. What is the purpose of mapping celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates?

The purpose of mapping celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates is to accurately locate and track celestial objects, such as stars and planets, from the perspective of Earth. This allows astronomers and other scientists to study the movements and positions of these objects in relation to our planet.

2. Is there a standard mapping system for celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates?

Yes, there is a standard mapping system called the equatorial coordinate system, which is used by most astronomers and scientists. It is based on the Earth's equator and the celestial equator, and uses declination and right ascension to pinpoint the location of celestial objects.

3. How accurate is the standard mapping of celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates?

The standard mapping system is very accurate, with a margin of error of only a few arcseconds. This means that the location of a celestial object can be determined with precision, allowing for detailed observations and measurements.

4. Are there alternative mapping systems for celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates?

Yes, there are alternative mapping systems, such as the ecliptic coordinate system and the galactic coordinate system. These systems are based on different reference points and may be used for specific purposes, but the equatorial coordinate system remains the standard for most astronomical applications.

5. How are celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates used in everyday life?

Celestial coordinates to geo-coordinates are primarily used by astronomers and other scientists for research and observation purposes. However, they can also be used by navigators and pilots for celestial navigation, and by amateur astronomers for stargazing and identifying constellations.

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