Is there a theoretical upper bound for density?

In summary, there is currently no definitive answer to whether there is an upper bound for the density of matter. There are known limits such as the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit and the Chandrasekhar limit, but these are dependent on the equations of state of nuclear matter and are not fully understood. It is also possible that at extreme densities, matter may collapse into a singularity, where our current theories break down. Therefore, the question of whether density can be compressed to zero volume remains a topic of ongoing research and debate.
  • #1
Is there a theoretical upper bound for the density of matter? Given a proton (already almost as dense as a black hole, according to Wikipedia), can you theoretically compress it into any non-zero volume? Has any work been done that shows that matter can or cannot achieve certain levels of density?

Thank you,
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  • #2
pilpel said:
Is there a theoretical upper bound for the density of matter? Given a proton (already almost as dense as a black hole, according to Wikipedia), can you theoretically compress it into any non-zero volume?

No. Compression requires energy and so far as we know energy of Universe is finite.
  • #3
short answer: nobody really knows, but maybe density can even be compressed to zero volume!

We know about electron degeneracy and neutron degeneracy and can compute how much gravity is required to achieve them... In the latter, things are so dense that protons and electrons are crushed together forming neutrons...

Wikipedia says:

There is an upper limit to the mass of a neutron-degenerate object, the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, which is analogous to the Chandrasekhar limit for electron-degenerate objects. The precise limit is unknown, as it depends on the equations of state of nuclear matter, for which a highly accurate model is not yet available...Whether quark-degenerate matter forms at all in these situations depends on the equations of state of both neutron-degenerate matter and quark-degenerate matter, both of which are poorly known.


At densities greater than those supported by any degeneracy, gravity overwhelms all other forces. To the best of our current understanding, the body collapses to form a black hole. In the frame of reference that is co-moving with the collapsing matter, all the matter ends up in an infinitely dense singularity at the center of the event horizon. In the frame of reference of an observer at infinity, the collapse asymptotically approaches the event horizon

Our science seems to begin the break down at just beyond neutron degeneracy...and generally quantum mechanics and general relativity fail to show exactly what is present at the big bang and at black hole singularities... equations diverge there, leading to apparent infinities, but I think most physicsts think that's a result of inadequate models rather than a reflection of actual infinities.

Anyway, if a bound is found, likely it will be at the big bang or black hole singularities.
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  • #4

Good point, but the amount of energy in the universe is a practical consideration, not a theoretical one. My question may be restated as "given an arbitrarily large amount of energy, does density have an upper bound?"


I must admit that I could never understand the notion of infinite density. Even at the conceptual or theoretical level it makes no sense to me. Since density is mass divided by volume, it must be finite. If the denominator is zero, then the fraction is simply undefined, not infinite. And that doesn't even take into the consideration the non-intuitive if not absurd notion of zero volume that contains non-zero mass.
  • #5
pilpel said:

Good point, but the amount of energy in the universe is a practical consideration, not a theoretical one. My question may be restated as "given an arbitrarily large amount of energy, does density have an upper bound?"

There is nothing more practical than a good theory. If the amount of energy is arbitrarily large but finite, the response is the same than before: no.

If the amount is infinite, then you get into trouble because theories break down when starting to consider infinities and you cannot answer the question if your theory does not work.

As you know division by zero is not defined in math; therefore, how do you wait a physical theory to deal with such stuff as ρ=N/0 :wink:
  • #6

Related to Is there a theoretical upper bound for density?

1. What is density and why is it important to study?

Density is a measure of how much mass is contained within a given volume. It is important to study because it helps us understand the physical properties of different substances and how they interact with each other.

2. Is there a limit to how dense a substance can be?

Yes, there is a theoretical upper bound for density, also known as the maximum packing density. This is the point at which the molecules or particles of a substance are packed as tightly as possible without collapsing into a singularity.

3. What factors determine the maximum packing density?

The maximum packing density is determined by the size and shape of the particles in a substance, as well as the forces between them. For example, spherical particles can pack more tightly than irregularly shaped particles.

4. Can the maximum packing density be achieved in real-life substances?

No, the maximum packing density is a theoretical limit and cannot be achieved in real-life substances. However, scientists can come close to it by creating highly compressed materials such as neutron stars.

5. How does the maximum packing density affect the properties of a substance?

The maximum packing density can greatly affect the physical properties of a substance, such as its strength, melting point, and electrical conductivity. This is because the closer the particles are packed, the stronger the bonds between them and the greater the overall strength of the substance.

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