Is There a True Bijection Between the Natural Numbers and the Integers?

  • Thread starter Jeroslaw
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In summary, there is a bijection between the natural numbers (including 0) and the integers (positive, negative, 0). This bijection is defined as n -> k, where n = 2k for even numbers and n = -k for odd numbers. However, there is an issue with the function when n = 0 or n = 1, as the resulting k value is 0 for both cases. This violates the assumption of the function being a bijection. To resolve this, the function can be modified for either even or odd arguments to make room for 0. This means that the standard textbook presentation of the bijection between N and Z may not be entirely correct, and it may depend on whether
  • #1
There is a bijection between the natural numbers (including 0) and the integers (positive, negative, 0). The bijection from N -> Z is n -> k if n = 2k OR n -> -k if n = 2k + 1.

For example, if n = 4, then k = 2 because 2(2) = 4. If n = 3, then k = -1 because 2(1) + 1 = 3.

My problem arises because if n = 1, then k = 0 and if n = 0, then k = 0. If n = 1, then 2(0) +1 = 1. If n = 0, then 2(0) = 0. If this function is inverted, then the element 0 in Z will map to both 0 and 1. That violates the assumption that the function is a bijection.

Of course, this is wrong. It implies that there are more natural numbers than integers, which cannot be since the natural numbers are a proper subset of the integers. The problem is that the 0 I derived from n = 1 should be negative, whereas the 0 from n = 0 should be positive, but these are equivalent in the case of 0. Anyone know how to resolve this?
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  • #2
Well your mapping simply isn't a bijection. everything in N greater than 0 maps to a unique number in Z, but there's nothing left for 0. it isn't so hard to make room for 0 by modifying the function for either even or odd arguments.
  • #3
So what you're saying is that the standard textbook presentation of the bijection between N and Z is not quite correct, right?
  • #4
Are you sure that the natural numbers in your book includes the 0?? Looks like it would be fine if you excluded the zero. n = 1 maps to 0, n = 2 maps to 1, n = 3 maps to -1..and so on.

FAQ: Is There a True Bijection Between the Natural Numbers and the Integers?

1. What is a bijection from N to Z?

A bijection from N to Z is a mathematical function that maps every positive integer (N) to a unique integer (Z) such that every integer in Z can be mapped to by exactly one integer in N. This means that the function is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto).

2. Why is a bijection from N to Z important?

A bijection from N to Z is important because it provides a way to establish a one-to-one correspondence between the set of natural numbers (N) and the set of integers (Z). This allows us to compare and analyze these two sets in a meaningful way, which is essential in many areas of mathematics and science.

3. How do you prove that a function is a bijection from N to Z?

To prove that a function is a bijection from N to Z, you must show that it is both injective and surjective. This can be done by demonstrating that every element in N is mapped to a unique element in Z and that every element in Z has a corresponding element in N. You can also use the formal definition of a bijection, which states that a function f from set A to set B is a bijection if and only if for every element y in set B, there exists a unique element x in set A such that f(x) = y.

4. Can a function be a bijection from N to Z if it is not one-to-one or onto?

No, a function cannot be a bijection from N to Z if it is not both one-to-one and onto. In order for a function to be a bijection, it must satisfy both of these properties. If a function is not injective, then there will be multiple elements in N that map to the same element in Z, and if it is not surjective, then there will be elements in Z that do not have a corresponding element in N.

5. What are some real-world applications of a bijection from N to Z?

A bijection from N to Z has many real-world applications, including in computer science, cryptography, and number theory. It is used in computer algorithms to generate unique identifiers for data, in cryptography to create secure encryption keys, and in number theory to study the properties of integers and their relationships. Additionally, bijections play a fundamental role in mapping and analyzing large datasets in fields such as economics, sociology, and biology.

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