Is There a Typo in the Refinement of Schanuel's Lemma in Passman's Book?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Sudharaka
  • Start date
In summary, the proof of the refinement of Schanuel's lemma has a typo in it and instead of zero it should be $Q$ and $Q'$.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi everyone, :)

Here's a doubt that I came to my mind when reading A Course in Ring Theory by Passman.

On Chapter 8 (Projective Dimension) it states the Schanuel's Lemma;


And then it gives a refinement of Schanuel's Lemma as follows:


where the equivalence relation ~ is defined as follows:


I think that the proof of the refinement of Schanuel's lemma has a typo in it. I have drawn a red circle to highlight where the probable mistake is. I think instead of zero it should be $Q$ and $Q'$. That is the sequences should be,

\[0\rightarrow B\oplus Q\rightarrow P\oplus Q\rightarrow A\oplus Q\rightarrow 0\]

\[0\rightarrow B'\oplus Q'\rightarrow P'\oplus Q'\rightarrow A'\oplus Q'\rightarrow 0\]

To apply Schanuel's lemma we need to have short exact sequences. However for $B\oplus 0$ and $B'\oplus 0$ it is not guaranteed that the sequences will be exact.

Am I correct in my assumption? Is this really a typo. I find it hard to believe that a book like this one will have a typo. :)
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  • #2
Presumably, the surjections:

$P \oplus Q \to A \oplus Q$
$P' \oplus Q' \to A \oplus Q'$ are given by:

$(p,q) \mapsto (\beta(p),q)$
$(p',q') \mapsto (\beta'(p'),q')$

For the sequences to be exact, we require that the kernel of these maps be the image of what we map into the middle direct sum.

Since these maps are injective on $0 \oplus Q$ and $0 \oplus Q'$, the image of whatever we map into the middle direct sum must be $0_Q$ and $0_{Q'}$ (on the "second summand side").

So it's not a typo, the lemma actually implies:

$(B \oplus 0) \oplus (P \oplus Q)\cong A \oplus Q$

(and similarly for the "primes")

but trivially, $B \oplus 0 \cong B$, so that:

$B \oplus (P \oplus Q) \cong (B \oplus 0) \oplus (P \oplus Q)\cong A \oplus Q$

Indeed, if one were to use your proposed "correction" one would have:

$(b,q) \mapsto (\iota(b),q) \mapsto (0,q) \neq (0,0)$ for $q \neq 0$,

violating exactness.
  • #3
Deveno said:
Presumably, the surjections:

$P \oplus Q \to A \oplus Q$
$P' \oplus Q' \to A \oplus Q'$ are given by:

$(p,q) \mapsto (\beta(p),q)$
$(p',q') \mapsto (\beta'(p'),q')$

For the sequences to be exact, we require that the kernel of these maps be the image of what we map into the middle direct sum.

Since these maps are injective on $0 \oplus Q$ and $0 \oplus Q'$, the image of whatever we map into the middle direct sum must be $0_Q$ and $0_{Q'}$ (on the "second summand side").

So it's not a typo, the lemma actually implies:

$(B \oplus 0) \oplus (P \oplus Q)\cong A \oplus Q$

(and similarly for the "primes")

but trivially, $B \oplus 0 \cong B$, so that:

$B \oplus (P \oplus Q) \cong (B \oplus 0) \oplus (P \oplus Q)\cong A \oplus Q$

Indeed, if one were to use your proposed "correction" one would have:

$(b,q) \mapsto (\iota(b),q) \mapsto (0,q) \neq (0,0)$ for $q \neq 0$,

violating exactness.

Thanks for your reply. I think I am getting a hold of this. The confusion that was in my mind was how to define the first map (between $B\oplus 0$ to $P\oplus Q$ or between $B'\oplus 0$ to $P'\oplus Q'$). So for example if we denote the R-homomorphisms of the first sequence as \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\);

\[0\rightarrow B\oplus 0\overset{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} P\oplus Q\overset{\beta}{\longrightarrow} A\oplus Q\rightarrow 0\]

then \[(b,\,0)\overset{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} (\alpha(b),\,q)\overset{ \beta}{\longrightarrow}(\beta \alpha (b),\,q)\] and similarly for the second sequence, \[(b',\,0)\overset{\alpha '}{\longrightarrow} (\alpha '(b'),\,q')\overset{\beta '}{\longrightarrow}(\beta '\alpha '(b'),\,q')\] Am I correct?
  • #4
Since the "alpha" maps are injective, the image under them is:


(I tend to use the letter "iota" to make it clear we are talking about an injection).

The subsequent surjection takes this to $(0,0)$ in $A \oplus Q$ since:

$\beta\alpha = 0$ by exactness.
  • #5
Deveno said:
Since the "alpha" maps are injective, the image under them is:


(I tend to use the letter "iota" to make it clear we are talking about an injection).

The subsequent surjection takes this to $(0,0)$ in $A \oplus Q$ since:

$\beta\alpha = 0$ by exactness.

Oh….. I should have seen that. (Headbang)

I think now I understand everything. Need to go through this lemma once again to get a clear picture of things. :) So basically each element $(b,\,0) \in B\oplus 0$ is mapped to $(\alpha(b),\,0)\in P\oplus Q$ under the injection, and then mapped to $(0,\,0)\in A\oplus Q$ under the surjection. When it comes to the surjective map between $P\oplus Q\mbox{ and }A\oplus Q$ for a general element $(p,\,q)\in P\oplus Q$ we should have,

\[(p,\,q)\overset{\alpha}{\longrightarrow}(\beta( p),\, q)\]

I think I am correct. :)

FAQ: Is There a Typo in the Refinement of Schanuel's Lemma in Passman's Book?

1. What is Schanuel's Lemma?

Schanuel's Lemma is a mathematical theorem that relates two different types of algebraic extensions, known as field extensions and modules. It was originally proposed by the mathematician Stephen Schanuel in the 1970s.

2. What is the purpose of refining Schanuel's Lemma?

The refinement of Schanuel's Lemma aims to strengthen the original theorem and provide a more precise understanding of the relationship between field extensions and modules. This can lead to new insights and applications in various areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and number theory.

3. How does the refinement of Schanuel's Lemma differ from the original?

The refinement of Schanuel's Lemma introduces additional conditions or constraints to the original theorem, making it more specific and applicable in certain cases. These conditions may involve certain properties of the field extensions and modules involved, or the use of different algebraic structures.

4. What are some examples of applications of the refinement of Schanuel's Lemma?

The refinement of Schanuel's Lemma has been used in various areas of mathematics, such as in the study of algebraic curves, abelian varieties, and algebraic K-theory. It has also been applied to solve problems in number theory, such as the generalized Fermat equation and the Leopoldt conjecture.

5. Are there any open questions or conjectures related to the refinement of Schanuel's Lemma?

Yes, there are still many open questions and conjectures related to the refinement of Schanuel's Lemma. Some of these include generalizing the refinement to other types of algebraic structures, finding applications in other areas of mathematics, and exploring the connections between the refinement and other theorems in algebraic geometry and number theory.
