Is there a way to do this without brute force ?

  • Thread starter Jamin2112
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In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding the probability that no two adjacent digits in a randomly chosen 5-digit number containing the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are consecutive integers. The conversation suggests using a "smart" brute force approach or a method involving inclusion/exclusion to count the number of allowed sequences. The final answer is determined to be 7/60 or 14 out of the possible 120 arrangements. An alternative approach is also proposed, but it is not discussed in detail.
  • #1
Is there a way to do this without "brute force"?

Homework Statement

A number is chosen at random from among all 5-digit numbers containing exactly one of each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Find the probability that no two adjacent digits in the number are consecutive integers?

Homework Equations

n choose k
n factorial

The Attempt at a Solution

So I know there are 5!=120 different combos. I need to figure out how many have the property that there are no two adjacent consecutive numbers (i.e. 13524 would work but 12534 wouldn't). Should I break it off into cases where 1 is the first digit, 2 is the second, etc.? That would be a brute force approach. Is there an easier way to think about this?
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  • #2
Hi Jamin2112! :smile:

Hint: call the first digit "a" …

what is the probability that the second digit is not adjacent ? :wink:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi Jamin2112! :smile:

Hint: call the first digit "a" …

what is the probability that the second digit is not adjacent ? :wink:

Depends. If a is 1 or 5, then the probability is 3/4. If a is 2, 3, or 4, then the probability is 1/2.
  • #4
I'd suggest a "smart" brute force approach.
There are not that many combinations allowed but too many exceptions to easily generalize.
With "smart" I mean for instance that after you've done the numbers starting with 1, you already know that there are just as many numbers starting with 5.
  • #5
I like Serena said:
I'd suggest a "smart" brute force approach.
There are not that many combinations allowed but too many exceptions to easily generalize.
With "smart" I mean for instance that after you've done the numbers starting with 1, you already know that there are just as many numbers starting with 5.

Unfortunately that's not true. There are fewer arrangements starting with 1 than with 5.

I would suggest starting with the N=3 case. So the digits are 1,2,3. Call F(N) the number of allowed sequences. Then F(3) is easy. It's just 3, [1,3,2], [2,1,3] and [3,1,2]. Let's also call F(N,k) the number of sequences of N digits starting with digit k. Now try to count the N=4 case. If the first digit is 1, then the rest are 2,3,4. Those are sequential so you can arrange them in F(3)=3 ways, but you can't allow the one starting with 2 so there are 2. So F(4,1)=2. So that's F(3)-1. But if you start with 4 then any arrangement of 1,2,3 is allowed after that. So F(4,4)=F(3)=3. Now if you can count F(4,2) and F(4,3) then you've wrapped up F(4).

Think inductively.
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  • #6
Dick said:
Unfortunately that's not true. There are fewer arrangements starting with 1 than with 5.

Huh? :confused:

I was wondering whether the digits had to be ascending or not.
But that was clarified indirectly in post #3.
  • #7
I like Serena said:
Huh? :confused:

I was wondering whether the digits had to be ascending or not.
But that was clarified indirectly in post #3.

I was assuming you just have to avoid sequential pairs. Work it out. I spelled the difference out for the N=4 case.
  • #8
How about inclusion/exclusion? first with consecutive pairs, then with triples,


Still, sorry to tell you, Jamin, you cannot get any arrangement with the numbers

in your name (Sorry, I'm too tired for a quality joke)
  • #9
Bacle2 said:
How about inclusion/exclusion? first with consecutive pairs, then with triples,


Still, sorry to tell you, Jamin, you cannot get any arrangement with the numbers

in your name (Sorry, I'm too tired for a quality joke)

Yeah, joke's little poor. Did you manage to work it out that way? I do know that the number of admissible orderings depends on the starting number. If it's 1 then it's less than all of the other possibilities. It's not that symmetric. The rest of the leading digits have the same number of orderings. That is a little counterintuitive. And you can figure out those numbers from the N-1 case. This seems a little elaborate. If you've got a simpler way I'd love to hear about it.
  • #10
Dick said:
I was assuming you just have to avoid sequential pairs. Work it out. I spelled the difference out for the N=4 case.

The way I read the question, 54... is not allowed, so number starting with 5 equals number starting with 1. Likewise 2 and 4.
Not sure if inclusion/exclusion is quicker, but I think you can be more confident of getting it right that way. Maybe do both.
  • #11
haruspex said:
The way I read the question, 54... is not allowed, so number starting with 5 equals number starting with 1. Likewise 2 and 4.
Not sure if inclusion/exclusion is quicker, but I think you can be more confident of getting it right that way. Maybe do both.

Oh, heck. I was so obsessed with what I doing I failed to read it correctly. It's "adjacent", not "sequential". If anybody wants the solution to a different harder problem. I've got it. Sorry all! In that case the number of orderings is small enough you can simply write them all out. That make "brute force" not that hard.
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  • #12
"Brute force" gave me an answer of 7/60. That correct?
  • #13
You're right; you have only 120 possible arrangements to make it worthwhile , but

it may be worthwhile for a general solution to the same problem for {1,2,...,n}.

Sorry, I will be gone for a while now.
  • #14
Jamin2112 said:
"Brute force" gave me an answer of 7/60. That correct?

Yeah, there's only 14 orderings. If you misread it like I did (so "45" is disallowed but "54" is allowed) then the are 53. Which is getting large enough to make "by hand" counting a little iffy, at least if I'm the one doing it.
  • #15
Dick said:
Yeah, there's only 14 orderings. If you misread it like I did (so "45" is disallowed but "54" is allowed) then the are 53. Which is getting large enough to make "by hand" counting a little iffy, at least if I'm the one doing it.

I read it the way where the only possibilities would be


which is 14 out the possible 120.
  • #16
Jamin2112 said:
I read it the way where the only possibilities would be


which is 14 out the possible 120.

I agree.
  • #17
O.K, I have this idea that may be simpler than brute force:

We set up a graph G with vertices 1 thru n , and we draw an edge between

i,j iff. |i-j|>1 . Then we do the adjacency matrix M_G for G, i.e., the (i,j)-entry is

1 iff. there is an edge joining i with j, and is 0 otherwise.

I first tried to use the fact that the (i,j)-entry of (M_G)^n is the number of paths of

length n between vertex i and vertex j , BUT , the problem is that some of these paths

may contain a cycle, i.e., some numbers are repeated, e.g., for n=5, 1,3,5,1,3,5 is a path

of length 5 in the graph G for {1,2,..,5}. So what I now think is the

answer is counting the number of spanning trees in the graph. There is a method for this,

but I don't have much time now to try it, but I'll try it later.

FAQ: Is there a way to do this without brute force ?

1. Can machine learning algorithms be used to solve problems without brute force?

Yes, machine learning algorithms can be trained to find patterns and make predictions, making them more efficient and effective than brute force methods.

2. How does the use of heuristics help in avoiding brute force methods?

Heuristics are problem-solving techniques that use rules of thumb to guide the search for a solution. This can help avoid brute force methods by narrowing down the search space and making it more efficient.

3. Are there any specific problem-solving strategies that can be used instead of brute force?

Yes, there are various problem-solving strategies such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms that can be used to solve problems without brute force.

4. Can optimizing algorithms reduce the need for brute force techniques?

Yes, optimizing algorithms aim to improve the efficiency and speed of problem-solving by reducing the amount of work needed. This can greatly reduce the need for brute force techniques.

5. Is it always necessary to avoid brute force methods?

No, sometimes brute force methods may be the most straightforward and effective way to solve a problem. However, it is important to consider alternative methods and their potential benefits in terms of efficiency and accuracy.

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