Is there a way to find the indefinite integral of e^(-x^2) or e^(x^2)?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of finding indefinite integrals for certain functions, specifically ##e^{-x^2}## and ##e^{x^2}##. It is explained that while these functions do have indefinite integrals, they cannot be expressed using commonly used tools such as arithmetic, exponential, and trigonometric functions. However, by adding additional tools such as the cumulative distribution function or the gamma function, these indefinite integrals can be expressed. It is also mentioned that in general, it is not possible to determine if a function has a primitive in a given class of functions without searching through all the functions in that class, which is not feasible. The use of Latex in writing mathematical expressions is also briefly discussed.
  • #1
I was wandering if there is a way to understand whether it is possible to find an indefinite integral of a function. Let's say e^(-x^2) or e^(x^2)... They can't have indefinite integrals, but how can I say it? Is there a theorem or something?
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  • #2
They do have indefinite integrals, it's just that those indefinite integrals cannot be written using the tools that are most commonly used to define functions, which are:
  • arithmetic functions ##\times,+,-,\div##
  • exponential, log and trig functions
  • parentheses
  • cases (eg ##f(x)=0## if ##x<0## otherwise ##1##)
After choosing a set of tools like this, call it S, we can recursively define a class E of functions that can be defined in a finite sequence of symbols using tools from S. then the statement you want to make about f not having an indefinite integral is that 'there is no function in E whose derivative is f'.

Note that the class E varies according to the tools we allow. The function ##f(x)=e^{-x^2/2}## has no indefinite integral in the class E based on tools in the four bullet points above, but if we add the function ##\Phi## which is used to denote the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution, to the toolbox, then ##f## does have an indefinite integral, which is the set of functions ##\{g:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R\ :\ g(x)=\Phi(x)\sqrt{2\pi}+C,\ C\in\mathbb R\}##.

The gamma function ##\Gamma## is another example of a tool that might be added. IIRC it is an indefinite integral that is not expressible using the tools in the four bullets above. Various Bessel functions might be other examples.

For any class of functions E and function f such that there is no indefinite integral of f in E, we can define a new class E* that is constructed from the toolbox of E together with the indefinite integral of f.
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  • #3
Thank you! Very clear! So, now my question is: "how can I understand if f has a primitive in E?" Is it possible to see it without trying to solve the integral?
  • #4
In general it's not possible. The only way to know for sure in an arbitrary case is to search all the functions in E. But since E is an infinite set, it cannot be searched in finite time. In certain specific cases there may be specific proofs that E does not contain a primitive. But those proofs will not be generalisable.
  • #5
So, how can they say e^-(x^2) has not primitive in E? The only thing that can be said is that the primitive has not yet been found, right?
PS: how can I write it with LaTex? I can't find a way...
  • #6
It may be that for that particular function there is a specific proof of the lack of a primitive. But I don't think the method used will be generalisable to an arbitrary function.

Or, it may be that no proof has been found and the author was just being a bit loose with their words.

If you know Latex, the only site-specific thing you need to know to make it work here is that the delimiter for in-line latex is ## rather than $. The delimiters for display latex are the same.
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FAQ: Is there a way to find the indefinite integral of e^(-x^2) or e^(x^2)?

1. What is an indefinite integral?

An indefinite integral is a mathematical concept that represents the antiderivative of a function. It is denoted by the symbol ∫ and is used to find the general solution of a given differential equation.

2. How is an indefinite integral different from a definite integral?

A definite integral has specified limits of integration, while an indefinite integral does not. This means that the result of an indefinite integral will be a function, while the result of a definite integral will be a numerical value.

3. How do you solve an indefinite integral?

To solve an indefinite integral, you need to use integration techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, or partial fractions. These techniques help to find the antiderivative of the given function.

4. What is the significance of an indefinite integral in science?

An indefinite integral is used in various scientific fields, including physics, engineering, and economics, to model and analyze continuous systems. It helps in finding the total change or accumulation of a quantity over a given interval.

5. Can all functions have an indefinite integral?

No, not all functions have an indefinite integral. A function must be continuous and have a finite number of discontinuities to have an indefinite integral. Functions that do not meet these criteria, such as the Dirac delta function, do not have an indefinite integral.

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