Is There an Unknown Source of Energy Contributing to Our Universe's Expansion?

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of an energy input from an unknown system causing the constant expansion of our universe. However, it is argued that this expansion is a natural property of our spacetime and there is no need to bring in an outside agency. Additionally, the conservation of energy and matter theorems suggest that all the matter and energy in our universe is already accounted for.
  • #1
my friend tell me that there is a energy input from unknown system to our system. it can prove by constantly expand of my universe. is he correct?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
brucephy said:
my friend tell me that there is a energy input from unknown system to our system. it can prove by constantly expand of my universe. is he correct?

No. With a cosmological constant in Einstein's equation, expansion, and even accelerated expansion such as we see, is natural, an inner property of our spacetime. There is no reason to invoke an outside agency.
  • #3
Its the basic conservation of energy theorum: energy can not be distroyed nor created, but it can be converted. :smile:

SelfAdjoint is also correct. There is another theorum another theorum that basically says matter can not be created or distroyed. So what we've got is all the matter we have.

FAQ: Is There an Unknown Source of Energy Contributing to Our Universe's Expansion?

1. Where does energy come from in other systems?

Energy can come from a variety of sources in other systems, such as the sun, chemical reactions, or nuclear reactions. It can also be converted from one form to another, such as from potential energy to kinetic energy.

2. How is energy transferred from one system to another?

Energy can be transferred between systems through various mechanisms, including heat, work, and radiation. These transfers can occur through physical contact or through electromagnetic waves.

3. What is the relationship between energy and entropy in other systems?

In other systems, energy and entropy are closely related. Energy is often required to decrease entropy and create order, while entropy tends to increase as energy is dispersed or degraded.

4. Can energy be created or destroyed in other systems?

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed in other systems. It can only be converted from one form to another.

5. How do scientists study and harness energy from other systems?

Scientists use various methods and technologies to study and harness energy from other systems. This includes conducting experiments, using mathematical models, and developing new technologies for energy production and storage.
