Is there an upper & lower limit to photon wavelength?

In summary: There is no lower limit to the wavelength of a photon, because the limit is imposed by the size of the observer.
  • #1
is there an upper & lower limit to photon wavelength?

could the wavelength of a photon approach the Planck scale, its energy will of course continue to go up. will there be a point where it will either spontaneous become a particle or collapse into a black hole?

is there a lower limit to the wavelength of a photon? for example, if a photon had a wavelength of one light year, how could one part of the photon move as the other part trails by a light year.

does the fact nothing travels faster than light, and the fact some photons have wavelength in picometers, and other photons have wavelengths of several kilometers have any implications about the internal structure of the photon?
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  • #2
bananan said:
is there an upper & lower limit to photon wavelength?

could the wavelength of a photon approach the Planck scale, its energy will of course continue to go up. will there be a point where it will either spontaneous become a particle or collapse into a black hole?

The Planck scale is defined by the Compton Wave length of a massive particle equalling ins Schwartzschild radius, implying that a particle of Planck mass and Planck dimensions must be a black hole. But this doesn't apply to photons, which are massless. Nobody knows what happens to classical SR at the Planck scale, but everybody seems to have an opinion:biggrin:

s there a lower limit to the wavelength of a photon? for example, if a photon had a wavelength of one light year, how could one part of the photon move as the other part trails by a light year.

The photon isn't a "thing" which has a front and a back. It's an excitation of the electroweak field, and has no problem traveling at one light year per year. By uncertainty, its position in a monochromatic light beam is completely uncertain.

does the fact nothing travels faster than light, and the fact some photons have wavelength in picometers, and other photons have wavelengths of several kilometers have any implications about the internal structure of the photon?

No, nothing at all.
  • #3
selfAdjoint said:
The Planck scale is defined by the Compton Wave length of a massive particle equalling ins Schwartzschild radius, implying that a particle of Planck mass and Planck dimensions must be a black hole. But this doesn't apply to photons, which are massless. Nobody knows what happens to classical SR at the Planck scale, but everybody seems to have an opinion:biggrin:


The photon isn't a "thing" which has a front and a back. It's an excitation of the electroweak field, and has no problem traveling at one light year per year. By uncertainty, its position in a monochromatic light beam is completely uncertain.

No, nothing at all.

hi okay thanks, but is there a lower limit on how little energy (or how long a wavelength) a photon may have?
  • #4
bananan said:
hi okay thanks, but is there a lower limit on how little energy (or how long a wavelength) a photon may have?

Well we have a horizon beyond which we can't see, and according to Padmanabhan, every observer has a horizon, so the distance across our visible space gives the longest wave length we can really interact with, but I don't know how long that is, several billion light years, I expect.
  • #5
bananan said:
could the wavelength of a photon approach the Planck scale, its energy will of course continue to go up. will there be a point where it will either spontaneous become a particle or collapse into a black hole?

A photon's wavelength and energy only have meaning within the inertial context of an observer. These properties can only be deduced by the observer from the aftermath of the photon's absorption by a massive, charged particle. Of course, a photon will generally not be localized within a region as small as its wavelength - a well defined wavelength corresponds to an infinite plane wave. If one tries to create a highly localized photon, that might collapse under its own gravity, then the Heisenberg uncertainty principle will force its momentum (wavelength) and energy to be highly uncertain. We will not be able to confidently describe such situations until there is a better understanding of how to integrate quantum theory and general relativity.

is there a lower limit to the wavelength of a photon? for example, if a photon had a wavelength of one light year, how could one part of the photon move as the other part trails by a light year.

I suspect you meant upper limit. Again, the main issue here is observation. A detector would need to be significantly larger than the wavelength in order to determine what the wavelength actually is. In principle, such a detector could be as large as the visible universe (13.8 billion ly); in practice, MUCH smaller.

does the fact nothing travels faster than light, and the fact some photons have wavelength in picometers, and other photons have wavelengths of several kilometers have any implications about the internal structure of the photon?

It is best not to think of the photon as a particle with structure. Photons are merely a convenient way of representing interactions between the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe and the massive, charged particles associated with quantum matter fields. Energy and momentum continually move between the electromagnetic field and matter fields, and such movements are characterized in terms of photons.
  • #6
There is a lower limit, called the GHZ limit, which occurs in high-energy astrophysics and results in pair production from interaction with background radiation
  • #7
I have seen somewhere a description of 'quantum foam' which posited that photons from the Big Bang that where at Planck energy shrank to a wavelength of a Planck length- which also is their Schwarzschild radius- thus making them Planck-length black holes- and that these Planck photon black holes permiate the quantum foam-

something like that- AA Attanasio borrowed this idea in his novel Centuries- but no reference is sited-

has anyone else seen something about this or have a reference? thanks
  • #8
The minimum wavelength is theoretically defined by the Planck tempermature - which is the temperature of the big bang [pretty hot] at the first tick of Planck time. Unsurprisingly enough, that corresponds to a wavelength of one Planck length. The lowest theoretical wave length is, as other posters noted, limited by the size of the observable universe. It is uncertain, however, if this is a meaningful boundary. It may well be unphysical [i.e., phyical process capable of producing such such low frequency wavelengths do not exist]. Constructing a device capaple of detecting such frequencies is at best impractical due to the necessary detector size and ability to filter out background noise.

Reber is reported to have made observations in the 1-2 Mhz range [150-300 meter wavelength]. Ordinarily the Earth's ionosphere blocks frequencies below about 20 Mhz, but Reber cheated by going to Tasmania to take advantage of periodic holes in the ozone layer. re:

The resolution of observations at these wavelengths would, of course, be less than awful without a gargantuan receiver - like LOFAR. LOFAR will be capable of probing the 10-240 Mhz range with a resolution of better than an arsecond at 240 Mhz. That is very fuzzy by optical standards, but pretty good by radio astronomy standard. re:

To quote Weiler: .
". . .At present, very little is known about source spectra at frequencies as low as 20 MHz and practically nothinghas been measured for v < 10 MHz."

Gravity waves, IIRC, possesses the longest radiation wavelengths currently believed to exist in the universe [albeit they are not electromagnetic waves] ranging from 100 m to 10 km. re:

LIGO is currently online and looking for these denizens. It is still in the startup phase so we will have to wait awhile before seeing results. re:

There is another way to estimate maximum possible electromagnetic wavelength by applying quantum principles. One need only deduce the smallest possbile energy packet available in nature and derive the temperature equivalent and convert it to an equivalent wavelength. It would be mighty hard to detect this since instrument noise would swamp the signal.
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Related to Is there an upper & lower limit to photon wavelength?

1. What is a photon?

A photon is a fundamental particle in the field of quantum mechanics and is considered the basic unit of light. It is an elementary particle that carries energy and does not have a mass.

2. Is there an upper and lower limit to photon wavelength?

Yes, there is an upper and lower limit to photon wavelength. The upper limit is known as the Planck length, which is about 1.616 × 10^-35 meters. This is the smallest theoretically measurable length in the universe. As for the lower limit, it is determined by the energy of the photon. The lower limit is known as the Compton wavelength, which is about 2.43 × 10^-12 meters for a photon with the highest energy.

3. How is the wavelength of a photon related to its energy?

The wavelength of a photon is inversely proportional to its energy. This means that as the energy of a photon increases, its wavelength decreases. This relationship is described by the equation E = hc/λ, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of the photon.

4. Can a photon have an infinite wavelength?

No, a photon cannot have an infinite wavelength. As mentioned earlier, the Planck length is the smallest theoretically measurable length in the universe, and as such, it sets the upper limit for the wavelength of a photon.

5. How does the wavelength of a photon affect its properties?

The wavelength of a photon affects its properties in various ways. For example, the energy of a photon is directly related to its wavelength, so a longer wavelength photon will have less energy than a shorter wavelength photon. Additionally, the wavelength of a photon also determines its color, with longer wavelengths corresponding to lower frequencies and colors such as red, and shorter wavelengths corresponding to higher frequencies and colors such as blue. The properties of a photon also determine its behavior when interacting with matter, such as absorption, reflection, and refraction.

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