Is There Evidence for Handedness in the Universe?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the authors of this article investigated the distribution of spiral galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to determine if there is an overall handedness in the universe. They found a strong signal for an asymmetry, with the axis of the SDSS data being correlated with that of the quadrupole and octopole moments in the WMAP microwave sky survey, which has been nicknamed "the axis of Evil". The authors also looked at the point-parity and mirror-parity handedness of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and found that the observed low CMB quadrupole only supports odd point-parity at a 95% confidence level. They also discovered that the preferred axis is associated with positive (even
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Authors: Michael J. Longo
Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures. Link to supporting material has been corrected. [ this http URL ]

In this article I study the distribution of spiral galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to investigate whether the universe has an overall handedness. A preference for spiral galaxies in one sector of the sky to be left-handed or right-handed spirals would indicate an asymmetry in the overall universe and a preferred axis. The SDSS data show a strong signal for such an asymmetry. Its axis seems to be strongly correlated with that of the quadrupole and octopole moments in the WMAP microwave sky survey, an unlikely alignment that has been dubbed "the axis of Evil".
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Authors: Land, Kate; Magueijo, Joao
We investigate the point-parity and mirror-parity handedness of the large angle anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In particular we consider whether the observed low CMB quadrupole could more generally signal odd point-parity, i.e. suppression of even multipoles. Even though this feature is ``visually'' present in most renditions of the WMAP dataset we find that it never supports parity preference beyond the meagre 95% confidence level. This is fortunate as point parity handedness implies almost certainly a high level of galactic contamination. Mirror reflection parity, on the contrary, is related to the emergence of a preferred axis, defining the symmetry plane. We use this technique to make contact with recent claims for an anisotropic Universe, showing that the detected preferred axis is associated with positive (even) mirror parity. This feature may be an important clue in identifying the culprit for this unexpected signal.
Comment: Submitted to Physical Review D

Phys.Rev. D72 (2005) 101302
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FAQ: Is There Evidence for Handedness in the Universe?

1. Does the letter U have handedness?

Yes, the letter U does have handedness. It is considered a symmetrical letter, meaning it looks the same when rotated 180 degrees.

2. What is the handedness of the letter U?

The handedness of the letter U is considered to be ambidextrous, as it can be written with either the right or left hand.

3. Is the handedness of the letter U important?

In terms of writing and reading, the handedness of the letter U does not have any significant impact. However, in certain mathematical or scientific notations, the direction of the U may have a specific meaning.

4. Are there other letters with handedness like the letter U?

There are other letters with handedness, such as the letters H, I, N, and S. These letters can be written with either the right or left hand, but may have different shapes or forms when written with each hand.

5. How does handedness affect the meaning of letters like U?

In general, handedness does not affect the meaning of letters like U. However, in some cases, the direction or orientation of the letter may have a specific meaning, such as in mathematical or scientific notations. In these cases, it is important to follow the proper direction or orientation of the letter to convey the intended meaning.
