Is there evidence of Atlantis in ancient accounts and modern imagery?

  • Thread starter Eddy_P
  • Start date
In summary, there is no concrete evidence for the existence of Atlantis in ancient accounts or modern imagery. While there are various theories and speculations about the mythical lost city, there is no solid proof to support its existence. Some believe that Plato's writings may have been based on real events, while others argue that it was simply a fictional story. Modern imagery, such as satellite images and underwater exploration, have not yielded any significant findings to prove the existence of Atlantis. Ultimately, the mystery of Atlantis remains unsolved and may continue to be a topic of fascination and speculation for years to come.
  • #1
The secrets of the Atlantis Myth have finally been revealed, and the consequences of those disclosures will permanently change how we view our planet's past history.

It is now known from where the ancient Egyptian priest who first related the Atlantis Legend obtained his story of the walled city beneath the sea.

In September 2001 the Queensland researcher RONALD PEGG made an amazing but at first unbelievable discovery:
"The ATLANTIS narrative as retold in the two dialogues written by the Greek philosopher Plato contain exact descriptions of the imagery from the 1995 produced Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean cd-rom."

When the ancient accounts are compared to the imagery from the cd-rom – many detailed descriptions exactly match.

You will find a comprehensive account of this discovery plus the associated visual evidence at

Has Mr Pegg just found a series of coincidences, or is there more to his discoveries that we do not comprehend at the moment ?
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  • #2
Well if he had, the whole would would of know about it by now. I mean this would of been BIG news with multi-media coverage.
  • #3
Is it me, or does that website not even make much sense? What does the CD-Rom from 1995 have to do with anything? He just noticed it was similar to descriptions of Atlantis? What kind of proof is that?
  • #5
There was an underwater found off the coast of japan that was thought might have been Atlantis. It was a formation of almost perfectly square and level platforms that looked remarkably like the ruins of an ancient step pyramid. It was located on the ocean floor in a place taht would ahve been above water about 10,000 years ago. There has been a fair amount of debate about it, but it was generally concluded that it was in fact a natural formation, rather than man made. Remarkable nonetheless.
  • #6
Yes Some pictures here. Strinkingly natural, I'd say. Just as natural as
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FAQ: Is there evidence of Atlantis in ancient accounts and modern imagery?

1. What is "ATLANTIS Finally Unearthed"?

"ATLANTIS Finally Unearthed" is a popular theory that suggests the mythical city of Atlantis, described by ancient Greek philosopher Plato, may have been a real place that has been recently discovered.

2. What evidence supports the theory of "ATLANTIS Finally Unearthed"?

There have been several pieces of evidence that have been cited to support the theory, including geological formations off the coast of Greece that closely match Plato's description of Atlantis, ancient ruins found in the Mediterranean Sea, and advanced technologies and structures found in ancient civilizations.

3. Who discovered Atlantis?

There is no one specific person or group who can be credited with the discovery of Atlantis. The theory of "ATLANTIS Finally Unearthed" is based on a collection of research and evidence gathered by scientists and historians over many years.

4. How does the theory of "ATLANTIS Finally Unearthed" impact our understanding of history?

If the theory is proven to be true, it would significantly change our understanding of ancient civilizations and their advancements. It would also provide insight into the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Atlantis and its possible influence on other cultures.

5. What are the next steps in further research on "ATLANTIS Finally Unearthed"?

Scientists and researchers continue to explore the evidence and gather more information to support or disprove the theory. Future expeditions and excavations may also provide more concrete evidence to support the existence of Atlantis.

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