Is there some geometrical interpretation of force from Newton's Laws?

In summary, the third equation in the force equation is a four-vector formalism that is analogous to the special relativity equation for the rate of change of kinetic energy.
  • #1
dP = F dt
dE = F dr

or if we introduce ds = (dt, dr)

(dP, dE) = F ds

And both dP and dE are constant in closed system.

Some questions:
- How does its implies on definition of Force?
- Is there some clever geometrical interpretation of Force?
- Why P and E seems almost interchengable?
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  • #2
Both momentum and energy are conserved in a closed system, but if we’re applying a net force to an object it’s not a closed system. The dP and dE equations tell us how the momentum and energy change in this non-closed system as a result of applying the force.

A quick look at the equations will tell you that the change in energy is proportional to the distance across which the force is applied while the change in momentum is proportional to the time the force is applied; they are different things not interchangeable. The difference will be more apparent if you write the equations out more precisely to reflect that ##P## and ##r## are vectors while ##E## and ##t## are scalars.

And what is that (dP,dE) formalism in the third equation? It looks like the four-vector formalism of special relativity? If that’s what it is, you might want to hold off on that until you’ve thoroughly nailed down your understanding of the Newtonian model.
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  • #3
Force is the gradient of the potential energy. Working in one dimension, we have F = -dU/dx. The rate of change of potential energy with time is

$$\frac{dU}{dx} \frac{dx}{dt} = -Fv$$

The rate of change of kinetic energy T is

$$\frac{d}{dt}\frac{1}{2}mv^2 = \frac{dT}{dv} \frac{dv}{dt} =mv \frac{dv}{dt} = mva$$

Because energy is conserved, the change in kinetic energy must compensate the change in potential energy, so we must have Fv = mva, i.e. we have

$$F = ma$$
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  • #4
love_42 said:
Force is the gradient of the potential energy.
This is only true for conservative forces, not for all forces.
  • #5
Nugatory said:
And what is that (dP,dE) formalism in the third equation? It looks like the four-vector formalism of special relativity? If that’s what it is, you might want to hold off on that until you’ve thoroughly nailed down your understanding of the Newtonian model.
In special relativity time and space are same things(with precission to signature). So from this point of view momentum P and energy E are same things(vector in 4-d space) or isn't it?
Sory, it is hard to me to explain what I want to find out :) I will take a little break

FAQ: Is there some geometrical interpretation of force from Newton's Laws?

1. What is the geometrical interpretation of force from Newton's Laws?

The geometrical interpretation of force from Newton's Laws is that it is a vector quantity that represents the magnitude and direction of the interaction between two objects. It is represented by an arrow pointing in the direction of the force with a length proportional to its magnitude. This allows us to visualize and understand the effects of forces in a physical system.

2. How does Newton's first law relate to the geometrical interpretation of force?

Newton's first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a net external force. This relates to the geometrical interpretation of force as it shows that forces are necessary to change an object's state of motion, and the direction and magnitude of the force will determine the resulting motion.

3. Can forces be represented geometrically in three dimensions?

Yes, forces can be represented geometrically in three dimensions. Just like in two dimensions, forces in three dimensions are represented by arrows with a specific direction and magnitude. These arrows can be drawn on a three-dimensional coordinate system to show the force's direction and magnitude in relation to the object it is acting on.

4. What is the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces in terms of geometrical interpretation?

Balanced forces refer to a situation where the net force on an object is zero, meaning that the forces acting on the object cancel each other out. In terms of geometrical interpretation, this would mean that the arrows representing the forces would be equal in length and pointing in opposite directions. On the other hand, unbalanced forces result in a net force on an object, meaning that the arrows representing the forces would not cancel out and the object would experience a change in motion.

5. How does the direction of the force affect the motion of an object?

The direction of the force has a direct impact on the motion of an object. According to Newton's second law, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that the direction of the force will determine the direction of the resulting acceleration of the object.

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