Is this a correct proof of a function's continuity?

In summary: No, they don't, because none of them is continuous.In summary, the conversation discusses the proof that a continuous function satisfying f(x)^2 = 1 for all x must be constant, either equal to 1 for all x or equal to -1 for all x. The conversation also gives examples of functions that satisfy f(x)^2 = 1 for all x and have both positive and negative values, but these do not contradict the proof as they are not continuous.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement

1) Let f(x) continuous for all x and (f(x)2)=1 for all x. Prove that f(x)=1 for all x or f(x)=-1 for all x.
2) Give an example of a function f(x) s.t. (f(x)2)=1 for all x and it has both positive and negative values. Does it contradict (1) ?

2. The attempt at a solution
1) f(x)2 = 1 → f(x)=±1 → f(x) = 1 ∨ f(x) = -1 (since f(x) can't be both)
2) There's no such function.
A step function s.t.

I consider incorrect since in this case f(x) =1 or f(x)=-1 not for all x but f(x)=1 for some domain and f(x)=-1 for another domain.

Is this a correct solution ?

Thank you
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  • #2
No, you have to show that ##f## is always equal to 1, or always equal to -1.
  • #3
That's what I've shown in (1), that f(x)=1 for all x or f(x)=-1 for all x
  • #4
No, you only show that for any ##x##, ##f(x) \in \{-1,1\}##, which is not the same thingEDIT: Why is it impossible to have ##x_a,x_b\in\mathbb{R}## such that ##f(x_a) = 1## and ##f(x_b) = -1## ?
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  • #5
ok, I see. a function can be a two-point function.
and for (1) would it be correct to say that:
lim f(g(x))=f(lim g(x) ):
lim (g(x)) ^ 2 = (lim g(x) ) ^ 2 = 1 -> lim g(x) = 1 or lim g(x) = -1
  • #6
Why do you talk about limits? You are not looking for a local property, but a global one, aren't you ?

EDIT: Following the hint given in post #4, what kind of set would be ##f([x_a,x_b])## and why would it be absurd given that ##1,-1 \in f([x_a,x_b])## ?
  • #7
Would you elaborate more on your last post, I didn't quite get you.
  • #8
The nature of ##f([x_a,x_b])## is given by the intermediate value theorem.
  • #9
0x95 said:
1. Homework Statement

1) Let f(x) continuous for all x and (f(x)2)=1 for all x. Prove that f(x)=1 for all x or f(x)=-1 for all x.
2) Give an example of a function f(x) s.t. (f(x)2)=1 for all x and it has both positive and negative values. Does it contradict (1) ?

2. The attempt at a solution
1) f(x)2 = 1 → f(x)=±1 → f(x) = 1 ∨ f(x) = -1 (since f(x) can't be both)
2) There's no such function.

You contradict yourself:

A step function s.t.

This is a function such that [itex]f(x)^2 = 1[/itex] for all [itex]x[/itex] and takes both positive and negative values. Another example is [tex]
f(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & x \in \mathbb{Q}, \\
-1 & x \notin \mathbb{Q}.\end{cases}[/tex] Indeed the number of such functions is equal to twice the number of ways of partitioning the reals into two disjoint non-empty subsets.

But do any of these functions contradict the assertion that a continuous function [itex]f[/itex] satisfying [itex]f(x)^2 = 1[/itex] for all [itex]x[/itex] must be constant?

FAQ: Is this a correct proof of a function's continuity?

What is a function's continuity?

A function's continuity refers to its ability to maintain a consistent output value as its input value changes. In other words, a function is continuous if there are no sudden jumps or breaks in its graph.

How can I determine if a function is continuous?

In order to determine if a function is continuous, you must check three criteria: 1) the function must be defined at the point in question, 2) the limit of the function as x approaches the point must exist, and 3) the limit must equal the function's value at that point.

What is the importance of proving a function's continuity?

Proving a function's continuity is important because it allows us to accurately predict the behavior of the function and understand its properties. It also helps us identify any potential discrepancies or errors in the function.

What is the significance of a correct proof of a function's continuity?

A correct proof of a function's continuity is significant because it provides mathematical evidence that the function is indeed continuous. This can be used to support the validity of a mathematical argument or to make accurate predictions about the function's behavior.

What are some common mistakes in proving a function's continuity?

Some common mistakes in proving a function's continuity include assuming that the function is continuous without checking all three criteria, making incorrect calculations or assumptions, and overlooking potential discontinuities at certain points or intervals.
