Is this differential equation exact?

Hope this helps!In summary, the given differential equation is both linear and separable, but it is not exact. It can be made exact by multiplying with an integrating factor, but as it stands, the equation is not exact. Therefore, the statement "all separable equations are exact" is not true.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Identify the following differential equation as linear, separable, exact, or a combination of the three.
$$1 + \frac{1+x}{y}\frac{dy}{dx} = 0$$

Homework Equations

Start with ##F(x,y)=C##

##\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}(F(x,y)) = \frac{d}{dx} (C)##

##\displaystyle \frac{\partial F}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial F}{\partial y}\frac{dy}{dx}= 0##

##\displaystyle M(x,y) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial x} ##

##\displaystyle N(x,y) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} ##

##\displaystyle M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0##

The Attempt at a Solution

It is easy to show that the differential equation is both separable and linear by simply rearranging the equation:

\implies (1+x)\frac{dy}{dx} + y = 0
\implies \frac{1}{y}dy = \frac{-1}{1+x}dx

The problem arises when checking whether or not the DE is exact. My prof and my lab instructor both gave conflicting answers.

One on hand, if you take the differential equation in its original form, ##\displaystyle M(x,y) = 1## and ##\displaystyle N(x,y) = \frac{1+x}{y}##. Then it is obvious from testing the compatibility condition (i.e. ##\displaystyle \frac{\partial M}{dy}(x,y) = \frac{\partial N}{dx}(x,y)##) that the given DE is not exact.

On the other hand, you can rearrange the DE to get ##\displaystyle \frac{1}{1+x}dx+\frac{1}{y}dy = 0##. Then, if you let ##\displaystyle M(x,y)=\frac{1}{1+x}## and ##\displaystyle N(x,y)=\frac{1}{y}##, it is clear that ##\displaystyle \frac{\partial M}{dy} = \frac{\partial N}{dx} = 0##. Now the compatibility condition is met which implies the DE is exact (a result of the statement that a separable DE is always exact).

So which of these approaches are correct? A given DE is exact If and only if the compatibility condition holds.

A more general question of my problem would be: If you're given an equation ##\displaystyle M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0## where the compatibility condition fails but its separable so ##\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = A(x)B(y) \implies A(x)dx - \frac{dy}{B(x)} = 0## which is exact we would say that ##\displaystyle A(x)dx - \frac{dy}{B(x)} = 0## is exact. Do we also say that ##\displaystyle M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0## is exact (even though initially, the compatibility condition did not hold at first)?
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  • #2
whoareyou said:

Homework Statement

Identify the following differential equation as linear, separable, exact, or a combination of the three.
$$1 + \frac{1+x}{y}\frac{dy}{dx} = 0$$

Homework Equations

Start with ##F(x,y)=C##

##\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}(F(x,y)) = \frac{d}{dx} (C)##

##\displaystyle \frac{\partial F}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial F}{\partial y}\frac{dy}{dx}= 0##

##\displaystyle M(x,y) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial x} ##

##\displaystyle N(x,y) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial y} ##

##\displaystyle M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0##

The Attempt at a Solution

It is easy to show that the differential equation is both separable and linear by simply rearranging the equation:

\implies (1+x)\frac{dy}{dx} + y = 0
\implies \frac{1}{y}dy = \frac{-1}{1+x}dx

The problem arises when checking whether or not the DE is exact. My prof and my lab instructor both gave conflicting answers.

One on hand, if you take the differential equation in its original form, ##\displaystyle M(x,y) = 1## and ##\displaystyle N(x,y) = \frac{1+x}{y}##. Then it is obvious from testing the compatibility condition (i.e. ##\displaystyle \frac{\partial M}{dy}(x,y) = \frac{\partial N}{dx}(x,y)##) that the given DE is not exact.

On the other hand, you can rearrange the DE to get ##\displaystyle \frac{1}{1+x}dx+\frac{1}{y}dy = 0##. Then, if you let ##\displaystyle M(x,y)=\frac{1}{1+x}## and ##\displaystyle N(x,y)=\frac{1}{y}##, it is clear that ##\displaystyle \frac{\partial M}{dy} = \frac{\partial N}{dx} = 0##. Now the compatibility condition is met which implies the DE is exact (a result of the statement that a separable DE is always exact).

So which of these approaches are correct? A given DE is exact If and only if the compatibility condition holds.

A more general question of my problem would be: If you're given an equation ##\displaystyle M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0## where the compatibility condition fails but its separable so ##\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = A(x)B(y) \implies A(x)dx - \frac{dy}{B(x)} = 0## which is exact we would say that ##\displaystyle A(x)dx - \frac{dy}{B(x)} = 0## is exact. Do we also say that ##\displaystyle M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0## is exact (even though initially, the compatibility condition did not hold at first)?

Well, no. The equation as it stands is not exact. What you did to make it exact is called multiplying by an "integrating factor".
  • #3
Dick said:
Well, no. The equation as it stands is not exact. What you did to make it exact is called multiplying by an "integrating factor".

So then the statement "all separable equations are exact" is not true?
  • #4
whoareyou said:
So then the statement "all separable equations are exact" is not true?

That's what I would say. On the other hand they have a pretty obvious integrating factor.
  • #5
In general, the integrating factor you multiply the linear ODE by is ## e^\int \frac{M_y - N_x}{N}dx ## or ## e^\int \frac{N_x - M_y}{M}dy ## to make an inexact linear ODE exact, where ## M_y = \frac{\partial M_(x,y)}{\partial y} ## and ## N_x = \frac{\partial N_(x,y)}{\partial x} ##. So if you REALLY wanted the given DE to be linear, separable and exact, you could! However, as it is currently it is most definitely not exact.

FAQ: Is this differential equation exact?

1. What is an exact differential equation?

An exact differential equation is a type of differential equation where the total derivative of the function can be expressed as a combination of the independent variables and the partial derivatives of the function with respect to those variables. This means that the equation can be solved using an integrating factor.

2. How do I know if a differential equation is exact?

A differential equation can be determined to be exact by checking if the partial derivatives of the given function satisfy the condition of being equal to each other. If they are, then the equation is considered exact and can be solved using an integrating factor.

3. What is the role of an integrating factor in solving an exact differential equation?

An integrating factor is a function that is multiplied to both sides of the equation to make it exact. This allows for the use of the total derivative of the function to be expressed in terms of the partial derivatives, making it easier to solve.

4. Can all differential equations be solved using an integrating factor?

No, not all differential equations can be solved using an integrating factor. Only exact differential equations can be solved using this method. Non-exact differential equations require different techniques, such as separation of variables or using a substitution method.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using an integrating factor to solve a differential equation?

One drawback of using an integrating factor is that it may not always be easy to find or determine the correct function to use as the integrating factor. Additionally, solving the equation using this method may require more steps and calculations compared to other techniques, making it more time-consuming.
