Is This Gauge Theories' Classification Similar to LQG?

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In summary, this paper proposes a connection between the geometry of triangulated 3-manifolds and the physics of three-dimensional N=2 gauge theories. This allows for a natural interpretation of various invariants and operations on 3-manifolds in terms of field theory. The compactification of nonlagrangian 5+1 dimensional theories on 3-manifolds results in 2+1 dimensional theories, with different triangulations and mirror-symmetry relations corresponding to different formulations of the same theory. This connection is similar to the concept of deconstruction, where the combinatorial structure of the compact 3-manifold corresponds to properties of the 2+1 dimensional field theory.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gauge Theories Labelled by Three-Manifolds
Tudor Dimofte, Davide Gaiotto, Sergei Gukov
(Submitted on 22 Aug 2011)
We propose a dictionary between geometry of triangulated 3-manifolds and physics of three-dimensional N=2 gauge theories. Under this duality, standard operations on triangulated 3-manifolds and various invariants thereof (classical as well as quantum) find a natural interpretation in field theory. For example, independence of the SL(2) Chern-Simons partition function on the choice of triangulation translates to a statement that S^3_b partition functions of two mirror 3d N=2 gauge theories are equal. Three-dimensional N=2 field theories associated to 3-manifolds can be thought of as theories that describe boundary conditions and duality walls in four-dimensional N=2 SCFTs, thus making the whole construction functorial with respect to cobordisms and gluing.
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  • #2
These field theories in 2+1 dimensions result from compactifying one of those nonlagrangian 5+1 dimensional theories on a 3-manifold. This is the 3-manifold "label" mentioned in the title of the paper - the shape of the three compact space dimensions that are being neglected. Different triangulations of the compact 3-manifold, and also mirror-symmetry relations connecting different quantum 3-manifolds, correspond to different formulations of the same 2+1 dimensional theory.

To my mind what it most resembles is deconstruction, because the combinatorial structure of the compact 3-manifold translates to properties of the 2+1 dimensional field theory, just as the "moose diagrams" and other combinatorial structures appearing in deconstruction describe discretized extra dimensions.

FAQ: Is This Gauge Theories' Classification Similar to LQG?

1. What is LQG?

LQG stands for Loop Quantum Gravity. It is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics by proposing that space and time are quantized at the smallest scales.

2. How is LQG different from other theories of quantum gravity?

LQG differs from other theories, such as string theory, in its approach to quantizing space and time. Instead of treating them as continuous, LQG proposes that they are made up of discrete units or "loops". This allows for a more granular understanding of the fabric of the universe.

3. Can LQG be tested or proven?

At this point, LQG is still a theoretical framework and has not been fully tested or proven. However, scientists are working on ways to test its predictions, such as studying the behavior of black holes and the early universe.

4. What are the potential implications of LQG?

If LQG is proven to be a valid theory, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It could help us better understand the behavior of black holes, the beginning of the universe, and potentially lead to the development of a theory of quantum gravity.

5. Is LQG widely accepted in the scientific community?

LQG is still a relatively new and developing theory, so there is currently no consensus on its validity in the scientific community. However, many scientists are actively researching and testing its predictions, which shows that it is gaining recognition and consideration as a potential explanation for the nature of space and time.

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