Is this how weather and communication satellites work?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use and functioning of communication and weather satellites. The understanding is that communication satellites receive and transmit electromagnetic waves to and from ground stations, while weather satellites use sensors to scan infrared radiation and visible light and send this information to weather stations for analysis. Additional resources are suggested for further clarification.
  • #1
Hello guys, first post ;p

I am currently doing an info search for physics at school about weather and communication satellites. I'm not 100% sure if they're right because I've surfed the web and either get too broad answers or one that makes no sense lol

At the moment, my understanding of how comm satellites work is a ground station transmits electromagnetic waves which carry an audio or video message and is received by the comm satellite with its convexo-concave shaped dish. The message is amplified and is retransmitted to another ground station on Earth or another comm satellite.

I'm a bit more uncertain about weather satellites, but here's my interpretation. The sensors on the weather satellite scan the levels of infrared radiation and visible light and transmit the information to a weather station for them to piece together the information and produce an image.

Please let me know if these are correct/incorrect, it would be much appreciated! =)

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FAQ: Is this how weather and communication satellites work?

1. How do weather satellites gather information about the weather?

Weather satellites have instruments on board that can detect different types of energy emanating from Earth's atmosphere. These instruments can measure things like temperature, humidity, and cloud cover, and then send that data back to Earth.

2. What types of information can be gathered by communication satellites?

Communication satellites can gather and transmit various types of information, such as television and radio signals, internet data, telephone calls, and GPS signals. They act as relays in space, receiving signals from one location on Earth and then sending them to another location on Earth.

3. How do satellites stay in orbit?

Satellites stay in orbit by constantly moving at high speeds, which creates a balance between the pull of Earth's gravity and the centrifugal force of their motion. Additionally, most satellites have small rockets or thrusters that can be used to make small adjustments to their orbit if needed.

4. Can weather and communication satellites be affected by space weather?

Yes, weather and communication satellites can be affected by space weather, such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms. These events can disrupt satellite communications and can even damage the satellites themselves. However, most satellites are equipped with protective measures to minimize the impact of space weather.

5. How are satellites launched into space?

Satellites are typically launched into space using rockets, which provide the initial thrust needed to escape Earth's gravity and reach orbit. Some satellites are launched directly from Earth's surface, while others are launched from airplanes or balloons to reduce the amount of fuel needed for the rocket.
