Is this idea remotely possible in the distant future?

In summary, the conversation discusses two potential futuristic inventions for a sci-fi, high fidelity game. The first idea involves using Isatron particles, or "dark matter," to create temporary jump points through the manipulation of gravity. However, there are major challenges such as energy consumption and technological limitations. The second idea involves using nuclear fusion to compress matter and create high density objects for transporting large volumes of materials. However, this idea also faces challenges and goes against known laws of physics. The conversation also touches on the important of focusing on the technology in action rather than getting bogged down in technical details.
  • #1
Hello, I was just brainstorming for futuristic inventions with context for a sci-fi, high fidelity game (because I'm too cool to revise for exams) - and I thought of one, but my physics and engineering knowledge is at best sketchy when it comes to gravity and nuclear fusion combinations, I was wondering if in the far future with future technology, something like these could be viable:

"His ambition is to harness the scientific advances into Isatron particles (formally known as "dark matter") and use their graviton warping nature to compress space time at one end of an experimental engine, and stretch it to normal at the opposite end - effectively creating temporary jump points at will. Problems however, ensue - due in part to the enormous energy consumption involved in compressing and amplifying Isatrons (hoped to be solved by the quantum energy borrowing effect, although here time and technology is the issue); and in part to the technology barrier involved in firstly creating the desired effect without causing a singularity that would engulf the research centre, and then reversing the effect across an engine, and also accurately producing an exit at the desired coordinates, rather than just ending up somewhere in the vastness of space."

And secondly:

"Reyne is looking for an invention to dramatically alter man's approach to liquid storage. Whilst this may seem trivial, it is anything but. The relief provided by aid workers transporting water to a drought-ridden planet could be increased exponentially, the vast volume of water vapour used in terraforming or any number of liquid intensive tasks could be transported by an insignificant seeming freighter. The list goes on.
Reyne's initial plan is to look for a way to use nuclear fusion to create high density objects like mini-white dwarves and surround them with an anti-gravity field. The intended effect is that water or any material that can withstand the effects of high gravity will be compressed immensely, making a small space viable for carrying huge volumes of matter."

Thanks, I appreciate any help - although it's just theoretical, so revisions to achieve the same effect would be welcome more than anything else.
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  • #2
The entire idea depends on breaking the known laws of physics, so no, it's not possible under the laws of physics as we know them. (Which is where we have to extrapolate from)
  • #3
Maybe it could be pinned out, that an SF writer shouldn't bother himself with finding out some revolutionary new FTL stuff, if anyone on PF could help, we would already building warp drives.
One can find out new things/terminology , but Hawking propulsion in Hyperion (or get out of the ocean of dark energy whatever) is hyperspace basically.
Zero element in Mass Effect ultimately powers an Alcubierre warp drive, by creating a region of negative mass in space.

I also think most readers won't really care about reversing the polarity or create a small white dwarf or a mini pocket universe to drag enermous amount of materials, won't care about the engineering details, show the technology in action, and develop constraints so the stuff will be self consistent.
  • #4
GTOM said:
Maybe it could be pinned out, that an SF writer shouldn't bother himself with finding out some revolutionary new FTL stuff, if anyone on PF could help, we would already building warp drives.
One can find out new things/terminology , but Hawking propulsion in Hyperion (or get out of the ocean of dark energy whatever) is hyperspace basically.
Zero element in Mass Effect ultimately powers an Alcubierre warp drive, by creating a region of negative mass in space.

I also think most readers won't really care about reversing the polarity or create a small white dwarf or a mini pocket universe to drag enermous amount of materials, won't care about the engineering details, show the technology in action, and develop constraints so the stuff will be self consistent.
Okay, thanks - although I've tried to focus on some of the details because its merely a brainchild of mine, that if it were to be used in any particular capacity would be to flesh out some lore in a sci-fi game. Thanks for your help though :)
  • #5
Drakkith said:
The entire idea depends on breaking the known laws of physics, so no, it's not possible under the laws of physics as we know them. (Which is where we have to extrapolate from)
Which idea is that? Or is it both of them, and could you specify which particular laws (although bear in mind, the potential universe has alien and humans occupying it as well as prediscovered "jump points" that act as a form of safe wormhole between two points)?
  • #6
Zeedr said:
Which idea is that? Or is it both of them, and could you specify which particular laws (although bear in mind, the potential universe has alien and humans occupying it as well as prediscovered "jump points" that act as a form of safe wormhole between two points)?

Pretty much everything about dark matter and gravity goes against the known laws of science.

However, assuming that you can in fact devise a way of compressing matter without physically compressing it with other matter, I'd say the idea of having a highly compact mass of hydrogen and oxygen might be a good way of transporting water. Note that fusion has nothing to do with this process. Fusion would create new elements, which you don't want to do (unless you want to spend the time and energy splitting the atoms back apart afterwards).
  • #7
Drakkith said:
Pretty much everything about dark matter and gravity goes against the known laws of science.

However, assuming that you can in fact devise a way of compressing matter without physically compressing it with other matter, I'd say the idea of having a highly compact mass of hydrogen and oxygen might be a good way of transporting water. Note that fusion has nothing to do with this process. Fusion would create new elements, which you don't want to do (unless you want to spend the time and energy splitting the atoms back apart afterwards).

I see exactly what you mean, though "scientific advances" in this fictional universe have discovered that dark matter takes up less space than we thought it did, but has the same mass as in our calculations, leading to theories on the relationships between dark matter and gravitons etc. Also whilst compression of hydrogen and oxygen would seem like the way to go, bear in mind these are two highly secretive, separate R&D companies - they aren't going to be aware of the other's research, and even if they did, they wouldn't share discoveries. Therefore, they are both working on different experimental technologies - and who's to say there isn't a project out there dealing with compression of hydrogen and oxygen - just as scientists work on string theory and also on loop quantum gravity.
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  • #8
Ok, it sounds like some very soft SF. You'd better be focusing on the story since the technology is very far fetched, and the technobabble even challenges Star Trek.

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