Is this integral possible to solve

  • Thread starter thrillhouse86
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In summary: No, the principal-valued integral does not always exist. In this particular case, the limit does not exist and so the integral does not converge.
  • #1

I was wondering if anyone has seen this integral in a table, or indeed knows if it is possible to solve:

\int^{\infty}_{-\infty} \frac{x^{2}}{ax^{4} + bx^{2} + c}

every table I look at seems to only go up to the first power of x in the numerator

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  • #2
Your integral can be solved by a classical residue argument.

If we assume that [itex]ax^4+bx^2+c[/itex] has no real roots, then the integral equals

[tex]2 \pi i \sum{ Res(P/Q,z_k)}[/tex]

where the [itex]z_k[/itex] are all the roots of Q in the upper half plane.
  • #3
micromass said:
Your integral can be solved by a classical residue argument.

If we assume that [itex]ax^4+bx^2+c[/itex] has no real roots, then the integral equals

[tex]2 \pi i \sum{ Res(P/Q,z_k)}[/tex]

where the [itex]z_k[/itex] are all the roots of Q in the upper half plane.

Suppose it does have real roots. Can't we just go around them:


Or am I being a trouble-maker?
  • #4
Thanks for the help guys - can you briefly explain (or point me towards) why real roots are a problem ? is it something to do with branch points in the complex plane ?
  • #5
Real roots are not a problem in the slightest, if the roots of the quadratic are real then it is possible to write the integral as:
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{x^{2}}{ax^{4}+bx^{2}+c}dx= \frac{1}{a}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{x^{2}}{(x^{2}+\alpha )^{2}-\beta^{2}}= \frac{1}{a}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{x^{2}}{(x^{2}+\alpha +\beta )(x^{2}+\alpha -\beta )}dx
You can now use standard partial fraction techniques to reduce it into a more manageable integral.

The real roots will become a "problem" because the semi-circle used goes through the poles in question. To get around this you have a semi-circular indent of the contour (so the pole is now outside the contour). Now you have to look at the estimates of the complex integrand a little more carefully but it is not that hard to do, this technique is in all the standard textbooks on complex analysis.
  • #6
thrillhouse86 said:
Thanks for the help guys - can you briefly explain (or point me towards) why real roots are a problem ? is it something to do with branch points in the complex plane ?

No, not branch-points, just singular points where the function becomes unbounded right since the denominator is going to zero. You can't directly integrate through those points. I was a little misleading in my post above. I conveniently neglected to explicitly state that I was taking the "Cauchy Principal Value" integral and really should have written it as:


In that case, rather than integrate it directly through the singular points, we take a simultaneous limit of the value of the intgral on either side of each singluar point or use techinques of Complex Analysis to "go around" them. If the limit exists, then the integral converges in the Cauchy principal sense. Like for example:

[tex]\int_{-a}^a \frac{1}{x} dx[/tex]

does not converge in the regular Riemann sense but:

[tex]\text{P.V.} \int_{-a}^a \frac{1}{x} dx=0[/tex]

Now here's a question: Does the principal-valued integral always exist no matter what the values of a, b, and c are? Because sometimes that coupled-limit across the singular point diverges. Does it ever in this case?
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FAQ: Is this integral possible to solve

1. Can all integrals be solved?

No, not all integrals can be solved. Some integrals are impossible to solve analytically, meaning there is no closed-form solution. In these cases, numerical methods or approximations may be used to find an approximate solution.

2. How do you know if an integral is possible to solve?

There are several techniques and rules that can help determine if an integral can be solved analytically. Some common methods include using integration by parts, substitution, or recognizing a common integral formula. However, there is no foolproof way to know if an integral is solvable until an attempt is made to solve it.

3. Are there any types of integrals that are particularly difficult to solve?

Yes, some types of integrals can be very challenging to solve. For example, integrals with trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, or irrational functions can be difficult to solve. Additionally, integrals with multiple variables or highly complex functions can also be challenging.

4. If I can't solve an integral, does that mean it's impossible for anyone to solve?

No, just because an individual cannot solve an integral does not mean it's impossible for someone else to solve it. Different people may have different approaches or techniques that allow them to solve an integral that others cannot. Additionally, advancements in mathematics may also make it possible to solve previously unsolvable integrals.

5. Is it always necessary to solve an integral?

No, it is not always necessary to solve an integral. In many cases, it may be more practical to approximate the solution using numerical methods. This is especially true for complex integrals or ones with no closed-form solution. Additionally, in some applications, an approximate solution may be sufficient for the desired level of accuracy.
