Is this proof of the Pigeonhole Principle acceptable?

In summary, there is a conversation about the proof of the Pigeonhole Principle. The first person has posted their own proof and is asking if it is acceptable, as it differs from the proof given by their professor and textbook. The second person asks for clarification on why the use of a function is necessary in the proof. The first person then explains their reasoning for choosing their simpler version. The conversation also includes screenshots of both the first person's proof and the one given in the textbook. Both proofs show that if there is a function between two finite sets with different cardinalities, there must exist two elements in the first set that are associated with the same element in the second set.
  • #1
Agent M27

Homework Statement

I have posted my proof of the Pigeonhole Principle.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Basically I am curious if this is an acceptable proof of the Pigeonhole Principle? I ask because both my professor and our textbook complete it differently, both of which make use of the restriction of a function. I choose this form for two simple reasons, I am having a hard time understanding why they are employing the restriction of a function and why they are employing the function g, but also this seems a lot simpler. I tend to make these things more difficult than they ought to be, but in mathematics nothing is arbitrary except the objects we place in sets. I have included both my version and the version my book used. My professor gave a proof similar to the one in the book. Thanks in advance. The first screenshot is my proof.



  • Pigeonhole.jpg
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  • PigeonholeBook.jpg
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  • #2
Proof:Let A and B be two finite sets with |A| = m and |B| = n. Assume that there is a function f : A -> B such that each element of A is associated with an element of B. We will prove that if m > n, then there must exist two elements in A that are associated with the same element in B.Suppose by way of contradiction that no two elements of A are associated with the same element of B. Then, since |A| = m and |B| = n, each element in B must be associated with at least one element in A.But this implies that |A| ≤ |B|, which contradicts the assumption that m > n. Therefore, two elements of A must be associated with the same element of B. Q.E.D.Book's version:Let A and B be two finite sets with |A| = m and |B| = n. Assume that there is a function g : A -> B. We will prove that if m > n, then there must exist two elements in A that are associated with the same element in B.Suppose by way of contradiction that no two elements of A are associated with the same element in B. Then, since |A| = m and |B| = n, each element in B must be associated with exactly one element in A.But this implies that |A| = |B|, which contradicts the assumption that m > n. Therefore, two elements of A must be associated with the same element of B. Q.E.D.

FAQ: Is this proof of the Pigeonhole Principle acceptable?

1. What is the Pigeonhole Principle Proof?

The Pigeonhole Principle Proof is a mathematical concept that states that if there are n objects and m containers, with n > m, then at least one of the containers must contain more than one object.

2. How is the Pigeonhole Principle Proof used?

The Pigeonhole Principle Proof is used in various areas of mathematics, such as combinatorics, number theory, and computer science. It is also used in real-life situations, such as scheduling and data analysis.

3. Can you provide an example of the Pigeonhole Principle Proof?

Sure, let's say you have 6 pairs of socks (n objects) and 5 drawers (m containers). By the Pigeonhole Principle, at least one drawer must contain more than one pair of socks.

4. Why is the Pigeonhole Principle Proof important?

The Pigeonhole Principle Proof is important because it helps us understand and solve problems that involve the distribution or arrangement of objects. It also has many applications in various fields, making it a useful tool for problem-solving.

5. Are there any limitations to the Pigeonhole Principle Proof?

Yes, the Pigeonhole Principle Proof only applies when the number of objects is greater than the number of containers. If the number of objects is equal to or less than the number of containers, then the principle does not guarantee that there will be at least one container with more than one object.

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