Is this really an excited state?

In summary, The figure in the textbook is explaining excited states using carbon as an example. However, the state labeled as "example excited state 1" may not actually be an excited state due to the fact that it has the same energy as the ground state. This is because of the Hund's rule, which states that electrons in degenerate energy orbitals are arranged to maximize spin multiplicity. However, the two states in question have different spin multiplicities - the ground state being a triplet and the E1 state being a singlet. The difference in energy between the two states is not due to a magnetic effect, but rather the Pauli principle, which causes a higher repulsion between electrons in the singlet state.
  • #1
The figure below is from a textbook. It is explaining what excited states are using carbon as an example. I don't necessarily agree that the the state labeled as "example excited state 1" is really an excited state. Since the electrons in the 2p orbitals are unpaired, and in the absence of a magnetic field spin up and spin down electrons have the same energy, I think this state has the same energy as the ground state.

My understanding of the Hund's rule is that electrons in degenerate energy orbitals are accommodated to maximize spin multiplicity, but again, these two states have the same spin multiplicity. Am I correct in my thinking that this is not really an excited state?

( Note in case the figure does not show correctly: The figure claims that an state with two unpaired electrons in the 2p orbitals for carbon is an excited state if the electrons have opposite spin. Each of these electrons is in a different 2p orbital. )



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  • #2
nezahualcoyot said:
My understanding of the Hund's rule is that electrons in degenerate energy orbitals are accommodated to maximize spin multiplicity
They are arranged that way because this state has the lowest energy - even without external magnetic field as the electrons interact with each other. The effect is not that strong, but it is there.
  • #3
nezahualcoyot said:
My understanding of the Hund's rule is that electrons in degenerate energy orbitals are accommodated to maximize spin multiplicity, but again, these two states have the same spin multiplicity.

No, they don't have the same spin multiplicity. The ground state is a triplet while the E1 state is a singlet.
The energetic difference between the two is also not due to magnetic effect but to the Pauli principle. In the triplet ground state, the Pauli principle forbids that the two electrons with like spins approach each other. This reduces their electrostatic repulsion. In the singlet state, the distance between the electrons will be smaller on average, resulting in a higher repulsion (and energy).

FAQ: Is this really an excited state?

1. What is an excited state?

An excited state is a state of an atom, molecule, or nucleus in which it has more energy than its ground state. This can occur when the atom or molecule absorbs energy, such as through heat or light, causing its electrons to move to higher energy levels.

2. How do you determine if something is in an excited state?

The energy of a system in an excited state is typically higher than its ground state, so scientists can use various methods to measure and compare energy levels to determine if something is in an excited state. These methods include spectroscopy, which uses the absorption or emission of light to determine the energy levels of atoms or molecules, and computational methods, which use mathematical equations to model and predict energy levels.

3. What are the potential benefits of studying excited states?

Studying excited states can provide valuable insights into the behavior and interactions of atoms, molecules, and nuclei. This knowledge can be applied in fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science to develop new technologies and improve our understanding of the natural world.

4. Can excited states be observed in everyday life?

Yes, excited states can be observed in everyday life. For example, the colors we see in fireworks are produced by atoms and molecules in an excited state emitting light as they return to their ground state. Light bulbs also work by exciting electrons in a gas to produce light.

5. How do excited states play a role in chemical reactions?

Excited states can play a crucial role in chemical reactions as they can determine the stability and reactivity of molecules. For instance, an excited state can make a molecule more reactive, allowing it to bond with other molecules and form new compounds. Excited states can also influence the rate of a reaction, making it faster or slower depending on the energy levels involved.
