Is This Really the Largest Financial Crisis in History?

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary, the largest financial crisis in history is being described as a national catastrophe by those who believe it. By what standards of measurement is this crisis being judged?
  • #36
WhoWee said:
We have a chance to turn things around...we can't wait 4 more years or until the next big crisis comes along...we need decisive leadership RIGHT NOW. I think McCain has the most potential...I also think Obama can be VERY helpful to the country if he goes back to Washington and fights for what he believes in...he's young and will have another chance...he's not ready.
McCain won't fix the economy. It's people like him and his close buddy Phil Gramm that stripped out all the safeguards and oversight over the financial markets that engineered this problem. McCain has been part of the problem since well before the Keating 5 debacle came to light, and he has not changed one bit. Electing McCain to "fix" the economy is ridiculous. He and Gramm and their buddies are NOT conservatives by any stretch of the imagination - they are radical neo-cons who de-regulated us into this mess. Don't listen to what McCain says - pay attention to what he has done.
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  • #37
The problem with Obama is he STILL wants to increase spending.
  • #38
WhoWee said:
The problem with Obama is he STILL wants to increase spending.

He's already on the record suggesting that the $700B plan would cause some delay of implementing programs. Like Clinton before him he seems to have a much firmer grasp of understanding the need to reduce the deficit than the tax-reduction, anti-regulation oversight, spend like drunken sailor Republicans.

You'll never hear McCain talking about PayGo with his devotion to un-taxing the rich.
  • #39
WhoWee said:
The problem with Obama is he STILL wants to increase spending.
Don't listen to campaign talk unless you're willing to dig into the background of the statements. Every candidate WILL increase spending in some programs. You can either vote for someone who will increase federal revenues to cover the spending, or you can vote for someone who will increase spending, reduce revenues by giving tax breaks to the wealthy, and borrowing money from China et al, to finance the spending. The former is derided as "tax and spend" by neo-cons, who prefer to "borrow and spend" increasing the deficit and the national debt while rewarding their friends. When Clinton left office, there was a surplus. Where's the surplus now?
  • #40
turbo-1 said:
Don't listen to what McCain says - pay attention to what he has done.

Why you dirty rotten bull-goose loony scoundrel...

That was my line:

OmCheeto said:
I posted my research of Obama's voting record on key bills last month in the" thread. He voted the same way I would have. He therefore represents my values. I will therefore vote for him, regardless of what he says. Because it's been my experience that in order to get elected, all successful politicians will say whatever they think you want to hear.

Hence, I never listen to any of them.

Except for the debate yesterday. I figured I should at least know what our next president sounds like. :blushing:
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  • #41
I'll say it again...we can't think in 90 day terms anymore...and we also can't make everyone happy, fat and comfortable.

The world is tired of our arrogance and many are enjoying our struggle.

We've lowered our educational standards (and disguised it as an improvement) in the name of equality. In the mean time, our graduate programs are filled with Chinese (mostly) and other foreigners. What US citizen are we helping (even with a BA/BS) when the only job we prepare them for is a retail sales or management training position? We need HIGHER educational standards...and we need safe schools (not war zones) where students have a chance to learn. Search career builder or monster...lots of commission only sales jobs for recent graduates.

We build new schools that we can't afford to operate (prisons also)...and staff them with teachers that...aren't all really great...for too many teachers - GETTING the job was the goal.

We reward unwed mothers for having children and emancipate teen mothers. We penalize low income people who want to work, but lose benefits if they earn too much.

To cite a specific example of my state...a case worker can decide that a hospital located 150 miles away (Cleveland Clinic for example) is better than the local hospital (that's in the same SuperMed system as Cleve Clinic)...arrange a taxi ride at 8 AM for a 10:00 appointment, have the taxi wait all day and return the person from the distant (very expensive Cleve Clinic) hospital in the afternoon. That same case worker can decide it isn't convenient for this person to take public transportation (even though it picks up a block from their home and drops off at the door of the employer) to work in a call center paying $8/hr...4 hour shift...and arrange for taxi service to and from for as long as the person "requires" assistance.

We also penalize married couples.

We have an estimated 31% fraud rate in our current government medical program...and want to expand it. We allow predatory lending and marketing practices (nursing home admission tactics are deplorable) against our senior citizens.

We allow food stamps to be used to pay for overpriced (target marketed) brand names instead of generic or (pre-negotiated rates) discounted much money could be saved if food manufacturers had to bid on food stamp participation.

We allow technologies to be suppressed and block responsible US companies from drilling in places where un-responsible foreign companies are more than happy to fill the void. I don't trust T. Boone Pickens too much (he definitely has something to gain) but he's right about fueling trucks with natural gas. Most truck stops are in remote areas...near gas wells and pipelines, and trucks have storage space for tanks. The investment to operate passenger cars in this manner is too investment intensive. Back on point, we have an ample gasoline shortages of gasoline...the problem is the "middle of the barrel"...we need to use less diesel and the price of gas will fall drastically.

There is WASTE everywhere.

I recently wrote to my Governor to ask how much money our state spends per year cutting the grass along the freeway system. I don't want anyone to lose their job...I suggested they save the fuel, let the grass grow and use the labor to instead plant trees and erect windmills. If you think I'm strange...take a look at the wild flowers on the outside of the freeway and on the hillsides...where they don't cut...much nicer to look at than a burned out brown yard. I figure the highway system is already (there and ugly) so why not add some windmills and wires and hide them with flowers and trees?

We can blame the problems on presidents, congress, Wall Street...the system...but WE THE PEOPLE need to start thinking for ourselves and ultimately hold our elected politicians accountable.

If someone promises to do something...they need to do it! If they don't...(to quote Glenn Beck) "get out the pitchforks".

To reiterate, my problem with Obama is that he STILL wants to increase spending...McCain CLAIMS he now understands spending must be cut.

Obama said he'll try to spend (if he can find the money)...McCain said he'll try to make cuts.

If neither can be trusted at their word...then we need to find a way to keep them accountable.

How about public spankings...or maybe we should install some of those old wooden arm/head shackles on the steps of the the citizens can speak to any politicians who person.

Just a thought.
  • #42
The ones who will suffer in this are the main street and side street people. I have a friend who has one of those sub prime loans and he now works three jobs, one as an engineer, to try and meet his mortgage payment, which continues to rise. This bill needs to fix interest rates and limit duration and set limits for any non fixed rate loans to reasonable levels. Anything else is legalized loan sharking and that is the kind of banking that caused this.

In my opinion, this would work itself out, but it would end up hurting those who can least afford it, the taxpayers.
  • #43
I too have friends in trouble.

My closest friend of 40 years has, since 911, lost a total of 5 car wash and restaurant businesses.

The reasons vary (I'm familiar because I helped him analyze the numbers)...38% same store slow down in sales, higher minimum wages, 58% cumulative increase on utilities, 42% cumulative increase on major items cost of goods sold, health insurance cost increase of 89%, 2 parcels were owned by (2 different) investors and were both sold out from under him when the property could not be developed to it's full allowed for cancellation (bad attorney and the "investor" was his partners (on that location) father...supposed to be able to trust him) in the event of sale of property at new owners option. New owner tried to double the rent.

Another property involved a pre-engineered modular building that had to be moved when the plaza was sold to the largest importer of Chinese goods in the world. The list goes on and on and on.

Somehow he's managed to stay in his home (although his mortgage is with EMC/Bear Stearns and is currently interest only...future unclear but somehow he's only one month behind) and live off of credit cards between opportunities. He has never quit...he's very inspirational to me.

He does consulting work, sells health and life insurance, does tax recovery work, works part time at Home Depot selling water systems, works part time on weekends counting inventory. and is a bird dog (finds businesses) for about 2 to 3 manufacturing companies, he's also trying to sell his car wash and restaurant equipment on ebay...but no buyers...just non-paying bidders and about $500 in fees at last gripe. His wife is also trying...2 degrees and all she can find is part time teaching full time contracts OR BENEFITS...she's an English teacher...and doesn't coach (except for free in the community soccer league).

Aside from the lease agreement oversight (that he depended upon the lawyer and partner's father)...NONE OF THIS HAS BEEN HIS FAULT...he's a GOOD guy, the first to help everyone, he's a professional restaurant executive and ran a good business model. His locations were sharp, people well trained food or services good, everything reasonably priced (hot dogs $.89...had to raise to $.99 after absorbing 100% cost increase...sales dropped 50% as a result), had sustained 5% local advertising and cross promotion...the guy knows his he's working (I count 8 jobs total) to keep a roof over his wife and 4 children.

This guy should be employable (not considered over-qualified - translation costs too much). He made over $100,000 per year back in 1982 as a restaurant chain executive running hundreds of locations and now he's busted out...and will have to sell his home at a loss and move...if he can find a decent paying job somewhere. He said he might move to Minnesota (IF they offer him a job...he's over qualified) and work for Burger King...$40,000 to start on a fast track to District Manager program running 3 or 4 locations...after 1 year $60,000...but he'll lose a minimum $150,000 on his house and they won't help with the move.

He voted for Kerry and Gore and despises Bush (Clinton(s) too...blames NAFTA and Hillary ties to (that big retail company prospering in China) for a lot of our problems...(I agree).

He has a McCain sign in his yard...doesn't think Obama is qualified (or Palin as far as that goes). I agree again.