Is this state coherent or squeezed according to the definitions given?

In summary: the product is not a gaussian because its expectation is not a gaussian...but its amplitude is modulated by a gaussian because the expectation of the product is a gaussian.
  • #1
What is a minimum state in QM? A state being a state vector. I know observables can have an average uncertainty value attached to it but a whole state?

What would it mean in QM for a state to achieve minimum uncertainty?
Physics news on
  • #2
If your thinking of minimum uncertainty like minimum entropy? then any "pure state" has entropy zero.

It may still be a little relative since the von neumann entropy is a measure of uncertainty (implicitly) relative to the chosen partitioning of the space of distributions so to speak, where the partitions are assume a priori equally likely. So you would need to specify asking for a minimum entropy relative a given equiprobable partitioning.

If we toy with the idea that for any given state, one can find a partition where this state is a pure state, then one can get zero entropy by choice of partition. So the von neumann is relative to a choice (of yours) of partitioning of distribution space where you prior info is assumed to be uniformly distributed.

  • #3
I am not thinking about entropy. I think I am referring to when the wavefunction is such that del(x)del(p)=(hbar)/2
  • #4
I see. That should be for a gaussian probability distribution. The Fourier transform of a gaussian distribution is still gaussian. So a gaussian x-distribution induces a gaussian p-distribution, and their standard deviations satisfy the minimum uncertainty.

  • #5
Fra said:
I see. That should be for a gaussian probability distribution. The Fourier transform of a gaussian distribution is still gaussian. So a gaussian x-distribution induces a gaussian p-distribution, and their standard deviations satisfy the minimum uncertainty.


Is that if and only if condition, gaussian distribution <=> minimum uncertainty state? What does it mean physically for a state to have minimum uncertainty?
  • #6
In quantum optics, states of minimum uncertainty are call 'squeezed' states. They can be created in practice using PDC. I'd tell you more if I knew more, but I haven't got that far in QO.
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  • #7
pivoxa15 said:
Is that if and only if condition, gaussian distribution <=> minimum uncertainty state? What does it mean physically for a state to have minimum uncertainty?

Yes the gaussian function family is the only function satisfying this.

I guess you can elaborate "the meaning" that in different ways. One can note that the gaussian function is famous for it's properties and connections to statistics (normal distributions and central limit theorem) and probability theory as beeing a self-conjugate prior, making it special.

  • #8
pivoxa15 said:
What does it mean physically for a state to have minimum uncertainty?

The correspondent classical physical system (not the statistical ensembles) obey delta x*delta p = 0. Therefore the minimum uncertainty wave packets are the quantum objects most close to their classical counterparts. The transition is discontinuous and spontaneous (instant). It is known as the collapse of the wave packet.

Another remarkable property is that they are stable localized objects. Notice that it is quite general physical property: proton is stable, hydrogen atom is stable and isolated classical material point is stable.

Regards, Dany.
  • #9
If a quantum state that evolves in time and space obeys being a minimum uncertainty state what would it mean physically? Or what would be a physical intepretation of this quantum state?
  • #10
pivoxa15 said:
If a quantum state that evolves in time and space obeys being a minimum uncertainty state what would it mean physically? Or what would be a physical intepretation of this quantum state?

If you ask what is the physical state, I suggest reading E. Schrödinger, “THE PRESENT SITUATION IN QUANTUM MECHANICS” (1935) in W&Z, p.152.

I have no idea about its physical interpretation, but if you want to see it, look to the micrographs (b),(c),(d) Fig.3 in the results presented by A. Tonomura et al. “Double-biprism electron interferometry”, App. Phys. Lett., 84(17), 3229 (2004).

Regards, Dany.
  • #11
Fra said:
Yes the gaussian function family is the only function satisfying this. /Fredrik

How sure are you on this? You could have a state that is not a gaussian but modulated by a gaussian function. i.e a gaussian times another function. The product is not a gaussian but its amplitude is modulated by a gaussian like excited eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator.
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  • #12
pivoxa15 said:
What is a minimum state in QM?
I don't know, never heard of it. You might want to provide some additional info to clarify the context.

  • #13
pivoxa15 said:
How sure are you on this? You could have a state that is not a gaussian but modulated by a gaussian function. i.e a gaussian times another function. The product is not a gaussian but its amplitude is modulated by a gaussian like excited eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator.

There are probably several proofs of this.

First one need to note that specific meaning of the "delta x" uncertainty in HUP is the standard deviation of x and p respectively.

One trick is to define an operator

[tex]g = (x-a)/2k + k(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}-c)[/tex] a,k,c constants.

Then of course the expectation [tex]<gg\dagger> >= 0[/tex]

Then you can see that the only nonzero state yielding zero exepectation is the gaussian.

Then you can relate this to the product of the standard deviations of x and p, by choosing the constants a,k,c. a = <x>, c=i<p>/hbar, k = standard deviaton of x or something like that.

A lineout of this is at

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  • #14
pivoxa15 said:
What is a minimum state in QM? A state being a state vector. I know observables can have an average uncertainty value attached to it but a whole state?

What would it mean in QM for a state to achieve minimum uncertainty?

Every quantum mode represented by a wave-function or "state"-vector is minimally uncertain i.e. maximally specified. We call this a sharp mode.
In order to express less than maximal modes i.e. less than minimal uncertainty one must use a density operator.

For a sharp mode: [tex] \psi[/tex]
The corresponding density operator is: [tex] \rho=\psi\otimes\psi^\dag[/tex]
More generally the density operator is a weighted sum of such sharp operators. These weights are "classical probabilities".

There is then an entropy (Von Neumann entropy) which is a good measurement of the level of uncertainty above minimal:
[tex] E_{VN} = -k_B \mathop{Tr}(\rho \ln \rho )[/tex]
It is indeed zero for the sharp modes.

Now I think you are thinking of uncertainties in terms of some specific observables namely p and x. Keep in mind that every mode ("state") minimizes the uncertainty of some set of observables.

If you are thinking in terms of some specific observable then the eigen-modes minimize the uncertainty of that observable. If you are thinking of some pair of observables then the mode with with minimum magnitude of its expectation value for the commutator of those observables will minimize the product of uncertainties in the two observables.

If you are thinking in some other terms you'll have to get specific in what you are asking.

James Baugh
  • #15
pivoxa15 said:
How sure are you on this? You could have a state that is not a gaussian but modulated by a gaussian function. i.e a gaussian times another function. The product is not a gaussian but its amplitude is modulated by a gaussian like excited eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator.

As has been mentioned, "squeezed states" in quantum optics are an example of a minimum uncertainty state. Coherent states are a special case of squeezed state, where the uncertainty is equally distributed between the canonically conjugate coordinates.

It's worth noting that this can refer to number/phase uncertainty as well as position/momentum uncertainty.

I believe the definition of a minimum uncertainty state is one in which the Heisenberg uncertainty relation is an equality, not an inequality.
  • #16
I want to get some terminology correct.

Minimum uncertainty state: del(p)del(x)=hbar/2

coherent state: del(p)=del(x)=sqrt(hbar/2) which are rare cases?

squeezed coherent state: del(p) and del(x) can be arbitarily small or large but maintaining a constant product hence still a minimum uncertainty state. More common?

Are the above definitions correct?
  • #17
StatMechGuy said:
It's worth noting that this can refer to number/phase uncertainty as well as position/momentum uncertainty.

I doubt that it is correct. Phase is not observable and can’t be the canonically conjugated to number. I believe that you should consider number/phase difference uncertainty (ties?). However, I understand close to nothing in non-self ajoint operators.

Regards, Dany.
  • #18
Anonym said :
I doubt that it is correct. Phase is not observable and can’t be the canonically conjugated to number.

Anonym, phase and photon number are conjugate operators. This is a basic result in quantum optics. The number eigenstates form a complete basis for coherent states.
  • #19
Mentz114 said:
Phase and photon number are conjugate operators. This is a basic result in quantum optics.

I will appreciate it greatly if you will provide the reference for that basic result in quantum optics. I will appreciate it also if it will turns out that the result is far from being basic and even far from being result.

To the best of my knowledge we discuss the open problem which I consider the most interesting in QO and use as a laboratory to understand physics described by non-self adjoint operators. Mainly, I refer to M&W (Ch. 21 in particular) and P. Carruthers, M. Nieto, Rev. Mod. Phys.,40, 411 (1968) (paragraph 5 “Operators of number and phase for the harmonic oscillator).

Regards, Dany.
  • #20
Dany, I'm sorry if the term 'basic' has offended your sensibilities. Please look in 'Introductory Quantum Optics', Gerry and Knight, CUP 2005, Chapter 2 'The Quantum Phase'.

You will see there that you are right. The apparent conjugacy of the number and phase leads to a contradiction because of the non-hermiticity of the operators. As I remarked earlier, I'm a beginner on QO, while you obviously are not.
  • #21
Mentz114 said:
I'm sorry if the term 'basic' has offended your sensibilities. Please look in 'Introductory Quantum Optics', Gerry and Knight, CUP 2005, Chapter 2 'The Quantum Phase'.

Thank you very much. 2005 is pretty updated. You did not offend my sensibilities. My intention was to open your eyes. What I said is trivial. It is known that only the phase differences may be measured. All my sensibilities tell me that we discuss here the most fundamental problem today: the consistent formulation of the relativistic QM.

I believe that it is not phases are involved here, it is His Majesty Action speaking (see for the general information: J. Hilgevoord, “Time in quantum mechanics: a story of confusion”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 36, 29 (2005)).

Mentz114 said:
As I remarked earlier, I'm a beginner on QO, while you obviously are not.

Believe me, it is not a matter in this problem.

Regards, Dany.
  • #22
What about by definition questions in post 16. Are they correct?
  • #23
pivoxa15 said:
What about my definition questions in post 16. Are they correct?

Yes. See in addition M&W, p.1035, Fig.21.1 and p.1037 Fig.21.2.

Regards, Dany.
  • #24
Anonym said:
Yes. See in addition M&W, p.1035, Fig.21.1 and p.1037 Fig.21.2.

Regards, Dany.

Can you quote the book in full? What is M&W?
  • #25
pivoxa15 said:
Can you quote the book in full? What is M&W?

L. Mandel, E. Wolf, Optical coherence and quantum optics, Camb. 1995.

Regards, Dany.
  • #26
Have you or anyone else had a look at QM by Eugen Merzbacher 3rd ed p230?

if you have a state where

Woudl you call it coherent or squeezed?

According to the definitions I gave in post 16, it should will be squeezed as w can take on any value. However the book suggest that since del(x) and del(p) are constants this will be called a coherent state even though del(x) may not equal dep(P).

FAQ: Is this state coherent or squeezed according to the definitions given?

What is the minimum uncertainty state?

The minimum uncertainty state, also known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that states that there is a limit to how precisely certain pairs of physical properties of a particle can be known at the same time. This means that the more accurately we know one property, the less accurately we can know the other.

How is minimum uncertainty state related to quantum mechanics?

The minimum uncertainty state is a key concept in quantum mechanics, as it explains the limitations of our ability to measure the properties of particles at the subatomic level. It is a fundamental principle that governs the behavior of particles in the quantum world and has been verified through numerous experiments.

Can the minimum uncertainty state be violated?

No, the minimum uncertainty state cannot be violated. It is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that has been consistently observed in experiments. The uncertainty principle is deeply rooted in the nature of particles and their behavior at the quantum level.

How does the minimum uncertainty state affect our understanding of the universe?

The minimum uncertainty state plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe, particularly at the subatomic level. It has led to the development of many important theories and technologies, such as quantum mechanics and its applications in fields like quantum computing. It also highlights the inherent randomness and uncertainty that exists in the quantum world.

Can the minimum uncertainty state be overcome?

No, the minimum uncertainty state cannot be overcome. It is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that is deeply ingrained in the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. However, scientists continue to study and explore ways to better understand and utilize this principle in various applications.

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