Found the Ideal Physics Community for Olympiad Prep?

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For the past few months, I've been on a look out for the best physics community on the Internet and I've just come across this one. My primary goal is to gain as much knowledge as possible in the area of classical mechanics and electromagnetism in a year. I'm fairly new to magnetism, but I can't say that I'm a complete rookie. The reason I need to learn so much is because I'm trying to secure myself a place in our physics olympiad team. So yes, I'm wondering if I've found the right community or should I keep looking for something else?

Thank you in advance.

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  • #2
Welcome to the forum. As far as I'm aware, you will not find a better physics forum (at least in English) in the world than where you are right now.
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Likes DeBangis21
  • #3
Hello! Welcome to PF!

I think it's safe to say that you'll get out of PF what you put into it. If you're willing to show your work and make an effort to avoid some common pitfalls then I think you'll do fine here. Some common pitfalls when posting:

  • Questions that don't state the full problem.
  • Not responding to reasonable requests by other members (usually along the lines of "That doesn't look right. Can you show the math you used to get there?")
  • Not showing any attempt or any work when posting a homework-type problem.
  • Pointless arguing, name-calling, or just being a jerk.
  • Spamming the forum with many threads all at the same time. Especially pertinent to homework-type problems. Two or three at a time is fine, but more than that it it starts to get excessive.
  • Leaving spills out for the mentors (moderators) to clean up.
  • Accidentally letting @phinds outside without his leash.
  • Dividing by zero.
  • Creating micro (or macro) black holes in your basement.
  • Failure to floss.
Avoid common pitfalls like these and I think you'll do just fine.
  • Haha
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Likes DeBangis21 and phinds
  • #4
Heisenberg7 said:
I'm wondering if I've found the right community or should I keep looking for something else?
That's kind of a trick question, no? :wink:
  • #5
Welcome to Physics Forums, OP.