Is Time Just an Illusion? Questioning the Beginning and End of the Universe

  • Thread starter canthemoonfall
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the beginning and end of the universe and whether it could exist simultaneously. The individual also ponders the possibility of time already occurring and the implications for our consciousness and memories. These questions are not academic, but rather for the purpose of writing science fiction.
  • #1
Though I'm not very experienced in math or physics, I find myself constantly seduced by these two subjects.My formal education on the matter is very little but I do try to take as much information as a layman can via videos and layman-friendly articles. I thought about something and , though I'm not quite sure it's original or not, was wondering if it exists at all.

Here goes:

1.The question about the "beginning" boggles the mind of many because to have a beginning automatically makes you inferior for some odd reason, and there is no way something cannot have a beginning so...god! (sarcasm, of course).

The universe, as I understand it, had a beginning in the form of the big bang. Now, is it possible that the beginning of the universe and its end occurred simultaneous so that its existence is somewhere in between already gone and just beginning? Could this balance of time be what causes our perception of it and the four forces define the parameters of such an existence? This existence is essentially independent of our understanding of "start" and "finish," residing somewhere in between.

2.Could time have already occurred? Is it possible that our conscience is simply moving along a zip line? If so, can we have memories of our future that somehow impact the present (let the time paradoxes ensue!)?
I feel like I've read this somewhere before.

These questions aren't academic by any means; I dabble in writing and in the event I want to write science fiction, I don't want to sound like more foolish than I already would.

Physics news on
  • #2
canthemoonfall said:
These questions aren't academic by any means; I dabble in writing and in the event I want to write science fiction, I don't want to sound like more foolish than I already would.
Welcome. This is indeed more philosophical than is acceptable in this particular section, but given your purpose it might be okay in the Science Fiction Writing section. I'm going to ask a Moderator to either move it or at least discuss it with you.
  • #3
Sorry, this is too speculative.

FAQ: Is Time Just an Illusion? Questioning the Beginning and End of the Universe

1. What evidence supports the idea that time is just an illusion?

One piece of evidence is the theory of relativity, which suggests that time is relative and can be affected by factors such as gravity and velocity. This challenges the traditional view of time as a constant and absolute measurement.

2. Can time really be an illusion if we experience it every day?

While we may perceive time passing in our daily lives, this does not necessarily mean that it is a fundamental aspect of the universe. Many theories suggest that time may be a human construct and not a true feature of reality.

3. If time is an illusion, does that mean the universe has no beginning or end?

The concept of time as an illusion does not necessarily negate the idea of a beginning or end of the universe. It simply means that our perception of time may not accurately reflect the true nature of the universe.

4. Can we ever truly understand the concept of time?

As scientists continue to study and explore the mysteries of the universe, our understanding of time will likely continue to evolve. However, it is possible that the true nature of time may always remain a mystery to us.

5. How does the concept of time as an illusion impact our understanding of the universe?

The idea of time as an illusion challenges many of our traditional understandings of the universe. It opens up new possibilities for how we think about the laws of physics and the nature of reality, and may lead to new breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe.
