Is Time the Fourth Dimension?

  • Thread starter toppam
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In summary: Originally posted by MajinVegeta In summary, the author is discussing the concept of time. They state that time is the fourth dimension and is equal to the radius of a sphere that defines space. They go on to say that all four dimensions are correlated and can't be separated. They also state that to measure distance in units of time, you would need to multiply time by a proper dimensional factor and then say that the size of the universe is about one quadrillion sound-years. Finally, they mention that the Light upon its "travel" creates the illusion of space.
  • #1
Time Definition
If we go to search everything about definition of time finally will be a disillusion because of confusing definitions.
My theory will brink you clear vision about fog and confusion.

Here the definition of time: Time is 4th dimension and is equal to radius of sphere where the space is defined. Compression or expansion of space will generate compression or expansion of time. All four dimensions are correlated and cannot be separated. More concise: space is surrounded by time or defined by time and part of time. This is way so far time cannot be seen because is hard to be seen from inside.
Simple Math of Time Definition

At any moment a partition of time d(t) is a partition of radius d(r) d(t)=d(r) and include space d(s)
The vector r(t) is: x = x (t)
y = y (t)
z = z (t)
Any movement in space (x, y, z) will be: r = (x, y, z,)= xi + yj + zk
If r(t) derive twice R
First derivate r’(t) = v (speed).
Second derivate r”(t) = a ( acceleration)
Speed vector v(t) = r’(t)=( x’(t), y’(t), z’(t) ) = x’(t)I + y’(t)j + z’(t)k)
Acceleration vector:
a(t) = v’(t) = r”(t) = ( x”(t), y”(t), z”(t)) = x”(t)I + y”(t)j + z”(t)k
Here how space is surrounded by time.
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  • #2
Originally posted by toppam
Compression or expansion of space will generate compression or expansion of time.

I have a problem with this. I have always felt that spatial dimensions are dependent on time. For example, suppose I were to document my whereabouts using coordinates such as (t,x,y,z), where t is time and x,y,z are space. Right now, I could be (April 25 5pm, 40*N, 80*W, 20ft above sea level). These are crude examples, but bear with me.

If only the time coordinate existed, I could know the other three because at that time I can only be in one place. For the time coordinate of April 25 5pm, I can only be in that aforementioned spot. However, given the three spatial dimensions (40*N, 80*W, 20ft above sea level), this is not enough information to derive the time coordinate, because I could be at this exact spot tomorrow (disregarding Earth's rotation, etc)!

Thus, I feel it is only proper to say that "The compression or expanion of time will generate compression or expansion of space." Overall, a small point, but I feel it is a valid one.
  • #3
Quite simply, time is the increase in entropy, and can be used as a coordinate.
  • #4
Originally posted by MajinVegeta
Quite simply, time is the increase in entropy, and can be used as a coordinate.

Time is not the increase in entropy. It is the direction in which entropy increases, yes, but the increase of entropy is just an event, not a dimension.
  • #5
Locutus, if time travel were feasible, then time would no longer be regaurded as a coordinate but as a spatial dimension instead. (Not that time travel will ever be feasible)
Just a thought.
  • #6
Originally posted by toppam

Here the definition of time: Time is 4th dimension and is equal to radius of sphere where the space is defined.

r=sqrt(x2+y2+z2)? But this is space again (r is length), not time.
  • #7

Originally posted by Alexander
r=sqrt(x2+y2+z2)? But this is space again (r is length), not time.
What about r = 10 billion light YEAR?
  • #8
What do you mean?
  • #9
Originally posted by Alexander
What do you mean?
I mean a distance can be measured directly at unit of time .
This r is radius of sphere, universe in this case. Though on my glance this is the time only. Time which had passed from a moment when "inverse BB" began.
  • #10
You can't measure distance in units of time. Distance and time are different quantities - they have different properties.

To express distance in units of time, you may multiply time by proper dimensional factor (say, speed of sound) and then you may say that the size of universe is about one quadrillion sound-years. So what?
  • #11
Originally posted by Alexander
You can't measure distance in units of time. Distance and time are different quantities - they have different properties.

To express distance in units of time, you may multiply time by proper dimensional factor (say, speed of sound) and then you may say that the size of universe is about one quadrillion sound-years. So what?
The Light upon its "travel" creates the illusion of space.

FAQ: Is Time the Fourth Dimension?

1. What is the fourth dimension in the context of time?

The fourth dimension in the context of time refers to the theory that time is not linear and has a fourth dimension that is beyond our perception. This theory suggests that there are other dimensions beyond the three dimensions of length, width, and height that make up our physical world.

2. How is time defined in the fourth dimension?

Time in the fourth dimension is defined as a continuous flow of events that exist simultaneously. This means that all moments in time are happening concurrently and there is no past, present, or future. It is also believed that in the fourth dimension, time is not affected by the laws of physics, such as gravity or speed.

3. Is the fourth dimension of time a proven concept?

No, the fourth dimension of time is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven by science. It is a popular theory in physics and cosmology, but there is no concrete evidence to support its existence.

4. How does the fourth dimension of time relate to time travel?

The concept of time travel is closely related to the idea of the fourth dimension of time. It suggests that if one could access the fourth dimension, they could potentially travel through time and experience events from the past or future. However, this is currently only a theoretical concept and has not been scientifically proven.

5. Are there any practical applications of the fourth dimension of time?

Currently, there are no known practical applications of the fourth dimension of time. However, some scientists believe that understanding and harnessing the fourth dimension could lead to advancements in fields such as quantum computing and understanding the origins of the universe.
