Is Time Travel Possible Through Black Holes?

In summary, the possibility of time travel through a black hole or wormhole is still purely science fiction. While there are theoretical ideas such as freezing techniques or reaching the speed of light just outside the event horizon, they are not feasible due to the limitations of rest mass and the impossibility of exceeding the speed of light. Any attempts to achieve time travel through these means would likely result in disaster and are not worth pursuing.
  • #1
Black holes-- time travel?

Is it plausible for something to time travel by means of a black hole, or is that entirely science fiction?
Astronomy news on
  • #2

Entirely science fiction.

For a worm-hole it is still far from plausible, but none-the-less possible.
  • #3

It would be an effective way to time travel to the future. Fly your spaceship just short of the event horizon then pull away. You will be amazed by how much time has passed according to remote observers clocks. As an added bonus, your savings accounts will have greatly increased in value.
  • #4

Pure Sci-Fi. In terms of survival through the event horizon, you'd want to use a big one: For one directional time travel to the future, the basic freezing technique aka 'Planet of the Apes' or 'Buck Rogers' seems to be the easiest method.
  • #5

I found that stars can nearly reach the speed of light if their orbit clips a black hole. The gravitational sling shot is so great they near the speed of light. Is it possible that one might reach the speed of light just outside the event horizon and not be seen for a bit...Since if it equals the speed of light it won't appear to move?? Therfore any time that the star is at the speed of light its possible its trapped in time...The Closest I am getting to time travel but its a passion of mine. Oh don't come to me for help I am a hobbyist.
  • #6

LOTS of problems here, but kudos for the creative thinking.
thedeester1 said:
I found that stars can nearly reach the speed of light if their orbit clips a black hole.
1) Stars can't survive such close passes to black-holes because they get ripped apart first.
2) Even if a star somehow made it just-outside the event horizon, it wouldn't be orbiting at the speed of light.

thedeester1 said:
Is it possible that one might reach the speed of light just outside the event horizon and not be seen for a bit...
Nothing with a rest-mass can travel at the speed of light.
thedeester1 said:
Since if it equals the speed of light it won't appear to move??
Not true. Even if something somehow could travel at the speed of light (which it can't), it would still appear to move... only it's internal movements would be frozen in time.
  • #7

If you could slow the speed of light enough then you could travel in time. Everything else would move on but you in the time capsule...Buy lots of diamonds...and try it...Im actually wondering what will happen if he's in there a long time...At worst hell have loads of diamonds.
  • #8

Rest mass doesn't actually work since everything is in motion...its another "constant" that you can't prove!
And the person on that object would be frozen in time...As you look at him he's moving but to him...well...the theory of time travel better is than taking a buss?
  • #9

OK, this is a waste of time. Nothing in this universe can exceed the speed of light. Time travel in reverse [according to einstein] can only be achieved by traveling faster than light. This would wreak causal chaos on the universe - and logic in general. It is merely an amusing, imaginative extension of einstein's theory. Not everything mathematically possible is physically possible in our universe.
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FAQ: Is Time Travel Possible Through Black Holes?

What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. This is due to the extreme curvature of space and time caused by a massive, compact object at the center of the black hole.

How do black holes relate to time travel?

According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, time and space are interconnected and can be affected by the presence of a massive object. In the case of black holes, the intense gravitational pull can cause a distortion of space and time, which has led to theories about the potential for time travel near black holes.

Is time travel possible near a black hole?

While there are various theories and speculations about the potential for time travel near a black hole, there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of time travel. The extreme conditions near a black hole make it difficult to test and study, and the laws of physics as we currently understand them do not allow for time travel.

What is the "event horizon" of a black hole?

The event horizon is the boundary surrounding a black hole where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape, not even light. This is the point of no return for anything that gets too close to a black hole.

Can black holes be used as a means for time travel?

While there have been theories about using black holes as a means for time travel, the practicality and feasibility of such a concept are highly debated among scientists. The extreme conditions near a black hole make it difficult to sustain life, and the intense gravitational pull could potentially rip apart any object attempting to enter or exit the black hole.

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