Is u=-x^3_1-x_1-\sqrt{3}x_2 a Stabilizing Control for the Dynamic System?

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    Linear Pde
In summary, to determine whether u=-x^3_1-x_1-\sqrt{3}x_2 is a stabilizing control for the given system, you need to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation by finding a value function V that satisfies it. This can be done using various methods such as the method of characteristics, and computer programs such as MATLAB or Mathematica can be helpful in solving the resulting system of equations.
  • #1
I want to determine whether [itex]u=-x^3_1-x_1-\sqrt{3}x_2[/itex] is a stabilizing control for the system
[tex]\begin{array}{cc}\dot{x}_1=x_2\\ \dot{x}_2=x^3_1+u\end{array}[/tex]
with cost functional
[tex]\frac{1}{2}\int^{\infty}_0 x^2_1 +x^2_2+u^2 \ dt.[/tex]

After looking at some examples, I understand that I have to find a value function V that satisfies (is this correct ?? please help)
[tex]x_2 \frac{\partial V}{\partial x_1} +(x^3_1+u)\frac{\partial V}{\partial x_2} + \frac{1}{2}(x^2_1 +x^2_2+u^2)=0.[/tex]

This is a linear pde of order one. The auxiliary system of ODE is
[tex]\frac{dx_1}{x_2}=-\frac{dx_2}{x_1+\sqrt{3}x_2}=\frac{2dV}{x^2_1 +x^2_2 +(x^3_1+x_1+\sqrt{3}x_2)^2}.[/tex]

I think I can solve the first pair of equations because [itex]\frac{dx_1}{x_2}=-\frac{dx_2}{x_1+\sqrt{3}x_2}[/itex] beause it is homogeneous of degree zero.
I have trouble solving the other pair. Any suggestion or computer program is really appreciated.
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  • #2


Thank you for sharing your thought process and asking for help. You are correct that in order to determine whether u=-x^3_1-x_1-\sqrt{3}x_2 is a stabilizing control for the given system, you need to find a value function V that satisfies the partial differential equation (PDE) you mentioned. This PDE is known as the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation and is a necessary condition for optimality in optimal control theory.

To solve this HJB equation, you can use various methods such as the method of characteristics, the method of characteristics with the separation of variables, or the method of characteristics with the Laplace transform. These methods are well-known in the literature and can be implemented using computer programs such as MATLAB or Mathematica.

If you are having trouble solving the system of auxiliary ODEs, you can try using the method of characteristics with the separation of variables. This method involves solving a system of two ordinary differential equations, one for each variable, and then combining the solutions to obtain the value function V. You can also try using the method of characteristics with the Laplace transform, which involves transforming the PDE into an ordinary differential equation and then solving it using standard techniques.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Is u=-x^3_1-x_1-\sqrt{3}x_2 a Stabilizing Control for the Dynamic System?

What is a linear partial differential equation (PDE) of order one?

A linear PDE of order one is a mathematical equation that involves a function of several independent variables and its partial derivatives with respect to those variables. The highest order of the partial derivatives in the equation is one.

What are some examples of linear PDEs of order one?

Some examples of linear PDEs of order one include the heat equation, wave equation, and Laplace's equation. These equations are commonly used in physics, engineering, and other fields to describe phenomena such as heat transfer, wave propagation, and potential fields.

What is the general form of a linear PDE of order one?

The general form of a linear PDE of order one is:

a1(x, y, z, ...)ux + b1(x, y, z, ...)uy + c1(x, y, z, ...)uz + d(x, y, z, ...)u = f(x, y, z, ...)

where u is the unknown function, ux, uy, and uz are the partial derivatives of u with respect to x, y, and z, and a1, b1, c1, and d are functions of the independent variables.

What is the method for solving a linear PDE of order one?

The method for solving a linear PDE of order one involves first classifying the equation into one of three types: elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic. Then, depending on the type, different techniques such as the method of characteristics, separation of variables, or Green's functions can be used to find a solution.

Why are linear PDEs of order one important?

Linear PDEs of order one are important because they are used to model and solve many real-world problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, and finance. They also serve as a foundation for studying more complex PDEs and their solutions. Additionally, the techniques used to solve linear PDEs can be applied to other types of equations and problems.
