Is unitarity necessary for the probabilistic interpretation?

In summary, it is usually said that unitarity is necessary for the consistent probabilistic interpretation. But is that really so? Suppose that ##|\psi(t)\rangle## does not evolve unitarily with time, so that ##\langle\psi(t)|\psi(t)\rangle## changes with time. Even then one can propose that probability ##p_k## is given by the formula$$p_k(t)=\frac{\langle\psi(t)|\hat{\pi}_k|\psi(t)\rangle}{\langle\psi(t)|\psi(t)\rangle}$$
  • #1
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It is usually said that unitarity is necessary for the consistent probabilistic interpretation. But is that really so? Suppose that ##|\psi(t)\rangle## does not evolve unitarily with time, so that ##\langle\psi(t)|\psi(t)\rangle## changes with time. Even then one can propose that probability ##p_k## is given by the formula
where ##\hat{\pi}_k## is a projector. Indeed, if the projectors obey ##\sum_k \hat{\pi}_k =1## (which does not depend on unitarity of the time evolution), then the sum of probabilities obeys
$$\sum_k p_k(t) =1$$
despite nonunitarity. So is unitarity really necessary, and if it is, why exactly is it so?
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  • #2
It probably won't work in relativity?
  • #3
Canonical commutation relations would become time dependent if we had non-unitary time evolution, that sounds bad. I don't think that would reduce to the right classical limit.
  • #4
atyy said:
It probably won't work in relativity?
I think it works in relativity too. For instance, in the Tomonaga-Schwinger approach one replaces the dependence on time ##t## with the dependence on the spacelike hypersurface ##\Sigma##, and all formulas above with ##t\to\Sigma## work again.
  • #5
HomogenousCow said:
Canonical commutation relations would become time dependent if we had non-unitary time evolution, that sounds bad. I don't think that would reduce to the right classical limit.
How about an average such as
$$\frac{\langle\psi(t)|[\hat{x},\hat{p}]|\psi(t)\rangle}{\langle\psi(t)|\psi(t)\rangle} ?$$
It seems that it leads to the correct classical limit.
  • #6
Demystifier said:
I think it works in relativity too. For instance, in the Tomonaga-Schwinger approach one replaces the dependence on time ##t## with the dependence on the spacelike hypersurface ##\Sigma##, and all formulas above with ##t\to\Sigma## work again.

But will you get Lorentz invariance? Or will there be a preferred frame?
  • #7
Demystifier said:
How about an average such as
$$\frac{\langle\psi(t)|[\hat{x},\hat{p}]|\psi(t)\rangle}{\langle\psi(t)|\psi(t)\rangle} ?$$
It seems that it leads to the correct classical limit.

Now that you mention it Ehrenfest's theorem wouldn't hold either since you have a time dependent denominator. I feel like the problem is more to do with the physics, a quantum theory with non-unitarity time evolution just ruins all the good properties we're used to.

Edit: I think you also get all sorts of non-local effects because of the denominator
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  • #9
atyy said:
But will you get Lorentz invariance? Or will there be a preferred frame?
A priori, I don't see why violation of unitarity should violate Lorentz invariance. Can you support it with some equations?
  • #10
Consider a particle in the state ##\Phi(x) = \psi_1(x) + \psi_2(x)##, where ##\psi_1## and ##\psi_2## are infinitely seperated, the position probability density function at a point ##x## where ##\psi_1## is appreciable would be approximately $$\frac{|\psi_1(x,t)|^2}{\int dy|\psi_1(y,t)|^2+|\psi_2(y,t)|^2}$$. This looks very non-local and screwed up.
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  • #11
HomogenousCow said:
Consider a particle in the state ##\Phi(x) = \psi_1(x) + \psi_2(x)##, where ##\psi_1## and ##\psi_2## are infinitely seperated, the position probability density function at a point ##x## where ##\psi_1## is appreciable would be approximately $$\frac{|\psi_1(x,t)|^2}{\int dy|\psi_1(y,t)|^2+|\psi_2(y,t)|^2}$$. This looks very non-local and screwed up.
Excellent point! And directly related to probability.
  • #12
Demystifier said:
It is usually said that unitarity is necessary for the consistent probabilistic interpretation. But is that really so?
Lindblad equations are not unitary but consistent with a probabilistic interpretation. It is just that they are usually not regarded to be fundamental. (But GRW models are special Lindblad equations proposed as fundamental.)
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  • #13
Demystifier said:
A priori, I don't see why violation of unitarity should violate Lorentz invariance. Can you support it with some equations?

Yes, I guess you are right. Collapse is non-unitary, but still consistent with relativity.
  • #14
A. Neumaier said:
But GRW models are special Lindblad equations ...
I don't think it's true. The Lindblad equation is a deterministic equation for a mixed state, while GRW model is a stochastic equation for a pure state. Unless you have in mind a more general notion of Lindblad equations and/or GRW models.
  • #15
Demystifier said:
I don't think it's true. The Lindblad equation is a deterministic equation for a mixed state, while GRW model is a stochastic equation for a pure state. Unless you have in mind a more general notion of Lindblad equations and/or GRW models.
TheLindblad equation for the GRW model is displayed in the Wikipedia article on GRW (equation before the heading 'Examples'). Every Lindblad equation has an associated stochastic process for pure states, called its unravelling. It is not unique but exactly recovers the Lindblad equation upon averaging.
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  • #16
A. Neumaier said:
Every Lindblad equation has an associated stochastic process for pure states, called its unravelling. It is not unique but exacly recovers the Lindblad equation upon averaging.
Can you recommend some textbook treatment or review of unraveling?
  • #18
Belavkin makes a similar comment as @A. Neumaier's post #12
" As extended to nondemolition observations continual in time [9]–[15], this approach consists in using the quantum filtering method for the derivation of nonunitary stochastic wave equations describing the quantum dynamics under the observation. Since a particular type of such equations has been taken as a postulate in the phenomenological theory of continuous reduction and spontaneous localization [16]–[20], the question arises whether it is possible to obtain this equation from an appropriate Schroedinger equation."

Diosi makes a similar comment in
"Finally in the nineteen-nineties I got rid of my ignorance and learned that unsharp measurements and my time-continuous measurement (monitoring) could have equally been derived from standard quantum theory [15, 16]. That was disappointing [1]."

Todd Brun
"Quantum open systems are described in the Markovian limit by master equations in Lindblad form. I argue that common "quantum trajectory" techniques corresponding to continuous measurement schemes, which solve the master equation by unraveling its evolution into stochastic trajectories in Hilbert space, correspond closely to particular sets of decoherent (or consistent) histories. This is illustrated by a simple model of photon counting. An equivalence is shown for these models between standard quantum jumps and the orthogonal jumps of Diósi, which have already been shown to correspond to decoherent histories."
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FAQ: Is unitarity necessary for the probabilistic interpretation?

1. What is unitarity?

Unitarity is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that the total probability of all possible outcomes of a quantum system must equal 1. This means that the probability of all possible outcomes must add up to 100%.

2. Why is unitarity important for the probabilistic interpretation?

Unitarity is necessary for the probabilistic interpretation because it ensures that the total probability of all possible outcomes is conserved. Without unitarity, the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics would break down and we would not be able to accurately predict the behavior of quantum systems.

3. Can unitarity be violated in quantum mechanics?

There have been some proposed theories that suggest unitarity may be violated in certain extreme conditions, such as in black holes or during the early stages of the universe. However, these theories are still highly debated and have not been confirmed by experiments.

4. How is unitarity related to the concept of superposition?

Unitarity is closely related to the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics. Superposition is the state of a quantum system being in multiple states at the same time, and unitarity ensures that the total probability of all these states adds up to 1. In other words, unitarity allows for the coexistence of multiple states in a quantum system.

5. What are the consequences of violating unitarity in quantum mechanics?

If unitarity is violated in quantum mechanics, it would mean that the total probability of all possible outcomes is not conserved. This would lead to inconsistencies and contradictions in the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics, making it difficult to accurately predict the behavior of quantum systems. It could also potentially challenge our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.

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