Is Woodin's Ultimate L the answer to the Continuum Hypothesis?

In summary, Woodin's work on Ultimate L seems to encompass a lot of current mathematics, and may help to prove the continuum hypothesis. However, this is a complex and technical endeavor and is not likely to be appealing to the average person.
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  • #2
Woodin is a very good set theorist, so he probably did something quite interesting. But the article doesn't really tell me what it is that Woodin did. I get the impression that he built another constructible universe [itex]\mathbb{L}[/itex] which seems to encompass a lot of current mathematics. This wouldn't solve the continuum hypothesis of course, the continuum hypothesis has been proved unsolvable.

I'm really interested in reading a more advanced article on the matter, to see what it's all about.
  • #3
Thanks for the great article, mathman! Personally, I've always found the undecidability of certain statements to be an unsatisfying answer, so maybe this idea can change that.
  • #4
micromass said:
This wouldn't solve the continuum hypothesis of course, the continuum hypothesis has been proved unsolvable.

In ZFC set theory.

My personal reaction - it seems like you could create a set theory universe in which the continuum hypothesis is true, false, or undecideable. But does this say anything really over the truth of the continuum hypothesis itself?

Perhaps a larger question - besides the issue of consistency, how do you know which set theory is "right"?
  • #5
praeclarum said:
Perhaps a larger question - besides the issue of consistency, how do you know which set theory is "right"?

Now you're asking if math is Platonic. And the last time somebody asked that, the thread got carted off to the Philosophy section.

By the way, if anyone's unfamiliar with Freiling's axiom of symmetry, it's an easily understandable and intuitively plausible axiom that makes CH false.'s_axiom_of_symmetry

The statement of the axiom is easy to understand; as is the proof that the axiom implies the negation of CH. It's an interesting example, and far more understandable than Woodin's work is ever going to be to most of us (speaking for myself here.)
spamiam said:
Thanks for the great article, mathman! Personally, I've always found the undecidability of certain statements to be an unsatisfying answer, so maybe this idea can change that.

CH will always be provable in some axiom systems and its negation provable in others. The goal is to find an intuitively appealing set of axioms that settles the issue. I would be quite surprised if Woodin's framework is intuitively appealing to anyone outside of specialists in set theory. Here is an article about Woodin's Ultimate L. It's very technical and presumes a background in advanced set theory.

Wikipedia has nothing on Ultimate L yet ... now that's an article I'd like to read!
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FAQ: Is Woodin's Ultimate L the answer to the Continuum Hypothesis?

What is the Continuum Hypothesis?

The Continuum Hypothesis is a mathematical conjecture proposed by Georg Cantor in the late 19th century. It states that there is no set whose cardinality (number of elements) is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers.

Is the Continuum Hypothesis true or false?

The Continuum Hypothesis is still an open problem in mathematics and has not been proven true or false. It is considered one of the most important unsolved problems in the field of set theory.

What are the implications of the Continuum Hypothesis being true?

If the Continuum Hypothesis is proven to be true, it would have significant implications for the understanding of the structure of the real numbers and the concept of infinity. It would also have an impact on other areas of mathematics, such as topology and logic.

What evidence supports the Continuum Hypothesis?

There is currently no definitive evidence that supports or refutes the Continuum Hypothesis. However, many mathematicians have attempted to prove or disprove the conjecture, and various models of set theory have been proposed that assume the Continuum Hypothesis to be true or false.

What progress has been made towards proving the Continuum Hypothesis?

Despite numerous attempts over the years, no one has been able to prove or disprove the Continuum Hypothesis. In 1963, Paul Cohen showed that the Continuum Hypothesis cannot be disproven using the standard axioms of set theory, known as ZFC. This means that new axioms or methods will be needed to resolve the conjecture.

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