Is $X\times[0,1)$ in the dictionary order a linear continuum?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, the dictionary order on $X\times[0,1)$ is defined by first ordering elements by their $x$-coordinate, and then by their $t$-coordinate if necessary. It inherits the properties of connectedness and having a least upper bound from $X$ and the standard order on $[0,1)$. This differs from the standard order in that it considers both coordinates when ordering elements. If $X$ is not a linear continuum, then $X\times[0,1)$ will also not be a linear continuum. The concept of a linear continuum is important in mathematics as it generalizes properties of the real numbers to other ordered sets and has applications in various fields.
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This week's problem was correctly answered by mathbalarka. You can find his solution below.

[sp]Let $Y$ be a non-null subset of $X \times [0, 1)$ and let it be bounded by some ordered pair $\langle x, r \rangle \in X \times [0, 1)$. We have $\langle x, r \rangle <_d \langle x + 1, 0 \rangle$ where $<_d$ is the lexicographical ordering relation.

Let $K = \{ x \in X \; : \; \langle x, 0 \rangle \,\,\text{is an upper bound of}\,\, Y\}$. We see that it is non-null as per the calculations above. Let $\langle x', 0 \rangle$ be the least element of $K$ and an existence of such an element follows from the well-ordering on $X$ by the total order $\leq_X$.

If $x' \in Y$, $\langle x', 0 \rangle$ is the least upper bound of $Y$. Otherwise, define $S = \{y \in [0, 1) \; : \; \langle x'', y \rangle \in Y\}$ such that for all $k \in X$ with $k <_X x'$, $x'' \geq_X k$. The existence of $x''$ follows from the well-ordering of $X$. As $\langle x'', 0 \rangle$ is not an element of $K$, it follows that $\langle x'', 0 \rangle \in Y$ and thus proving $S$ to be non-null. As $[0, 1)$ is bounded, a least upper bound of $[0, 1)$ trivially exists. Thus, showing $S$ is least-upper-bounded and consequently proving the least-upper-bound property for $X \times [0, 1)$.

We see that $X \times [0, 1)$ is densely ordered by noting that $[0, 1)$ is a dense subset of $\mathbb{R}$, thus proving that $X \times [0, 1)$ is a linear continuum. [/sp]

FAQ: Is $X\times[0,1)$ in the dictionary order a linear continuum?

What is the dictionary order on $X\times[0,1)$?

The dictionary order on $X\times[0,1)$ is defined as follows: for any two elements $(x_1,t_1)$ and $(x_2,t_2)$ in $X\times[0,1)$, $(x_1,t_1)$ is less than $(x_2,t_2)$ if either $x_1

Is $X\times[0,1)$ a linear continuum?

Yes, $X\times[0,1)$ is a linear continuum if $X$ is a linear continuum. This means that it is a connected, ordered set in which every nonempty subset with an upper bound has a least upper bound. The dictionary order on $X\times[0,1)$ inherits these properties from $X$ and the standard order on $[0,1)$.

How is the dictionary order different from the standard order on $[0,1)$?

The dictionary order on $X\times[0,1)$ is different from the standard order on $[0,1)$ in that it takes into account both the $x$-coordinate and the $t$-coordinate when ordering elements. In the standard order, elements are only ordered by their position on the real number line. In the dictionary order, elements are first ordered by their position in $X$, and then by their position on the real number line.

Can you give an example of a set $X$ where $X\times[0,1)$ is not a linear continuum?

Yes, if $X$ is not a linear continuum, then $X\times[0,1)$ will also not be a linear continuum. For example, if we take $X=\mathbb{Z}$ (the set of integers) with the standard order, then $X\times[0,1)$ will not be a linear continuum because it is not connected. The elements $(0,0)$ and $(1,0)$ do not have a least upper bound in $X\times[0,1)$.

How is the concept of a linear continuum relevant in mathematics?

The concept of a linear continuum is relevant in mathematics as it provides a way to generalize the properties of the real numbers to other ordered sets. Linear continua are used in many areas of mathematics, such as topology, analysis, and set theory. They also have applications in physics and engineering. Additionally, the study of linear continua allows for a deeper understanding of the structure of ordered sets and their properties.
