Is Zero the Right Choice for a Politics Mentor?

In summary, the conversation revolves around whether or not Zero should continue to be a mentor of the forum, as he expresses extreme political views and suppresses others with opposing opinions. There are also concerns about his calling democratic leaders war criminals and making racist remarks. While some find him funny, smart, and helpful, others believe his opinions are too extreme for the majority of the forum. The purpose of the poll is to determine if this is the case. Ultimately, the decision rests with the forum's moderators.

Should Zero be the politics mentor ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Science Advisor
Greetings !

About Zero,
I have been of the opinion that he should not
be the mentor of this forum for quite some time
as he continually expresses extreme political
views and uses his power to supress others with
opposite opinions. Now, in addition to calling
democratic leaders of democratic countries war
criminals/tyrants/murderers as he did in the
past, he is making what I consider racist remarks.

Now, I do not wish to offend him (which is probably
going to be the case anyway - so I'm sorry, but
that's my view). And, I have nothing personal
against Zero and I think he's funny, smart, helpfull
and should be a mentor. But, not of this forum -
if his political opinions are extreme and
borderline outrageous for the majority here.
This poll's job is to determine weather
that is indeed the case.

Live long and prosper.
Physics news on
  • #2
I won't mention names,

but the three mentors of this forum balance the wild swings of some of the more extremist viewpoints. 'Nuff said
  • #3
If you have a personal problem with zero or with my decesions please PM me.
  • #4
Originally posted by drag
Greetings !

About Zero,
I have been of the opinion that he should not
be the mentor of this forum for quite some time
as he continually expresses extreme political
views and uses his power to supress others with
opposite opinions. Now, in addition to calling
democratic leaders of democratic countries war
criminals/tyrants/murderers as he did in the
past, he is making what I consider racist remarks.

Now, I do not wish to offend him (which is probably
going to be the case anyway - so I'm sorry, but
that's my view). And, I have nothing personal
against Zero and I think he's funny, smart, helpfull
and should be a mentor. But, not of this forum -
if his political opinions are extreme and
borderline outrageous for the majority here.
This poll's job is to determine weather
that is indeed the case.

Live long and prosper.

LOL...PM, baby!

Related to Is Zero the Right Choice for a Politics Mentor?

1. What is a "Zero - politics mentor"?

A "Zero - politics mentor" is a term used to describe a mentor who is neutral and impartial when it comes to politics. They do not align themselves with any political party or ideology and provide guidance and support without any bias.

2. How can a "Zero - politics mentor" help me?

A "Zero - politics mentor" can provide you with unbiased advice and support, without trying to influence your political beliefs. They can also help you develop critical thinking skills and encourage you to explore different perspectives.

3. Can a "Zero - politics mentor" still be knowledgeable about politics?

Yes, a "Zero - politics mentor" can still be knowledgeable about politics, but they choose not to align themselves with any specific political beliefs or parties. They can provide objective information and help you understand different viewpoints.

4. Is it important to have a "Zero - politics mentor"?

Having a "Zero - politics mentor" can be beneficial because they can help you navigate through political discussions and provide a neutral perspective. It can also help you develop your own critical thinking skills and form your own opinions.

5. How can I find a "Zero - politics mentor"?

You can find a "Zero - politics mentor" by reaching out to individuals who have a reputation for being unbiased and impartial when it comes to politics. You can also ask for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have worked with a "Zero - politics mentor" before.

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