Isospin conservation and pi-meson

In summary, the new resonance Z+[4430] cannot be a meson due to violating isospin conservation, but further research and analysis is needed to fully understand its nature.
  • #1
Gold Member
I am given this next question:
Show that the new resonance Z+[4430] which is too heavy to consist entirely of d and u quarks cannot be a meson (which constitues from a quark and an anti quark).

I am given that it's decay in a strong interaction to particles [tex]\psi',\pi^+[/tex]
And I know that the first has isospin I=0 and the second I=1, and in strong interaction I is conserved, i.e Z+[4430] should have I=1 only, so if it were a meson it can only be composed of u and anti d or anti u and d, but from because of the remark it's not possible.

Am I correct here?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2

I would respond to this forum post by first acknowledging that the reasoning presented is correct. The new resonance Z+[4430] cannot be a meson because it violates the isospin conservation rule in strong interactions. This means that it cannot be composed of a quark and an anti-quark, as mesons are.

However, I would also mention that there are other types of particles that can have a spin of 1 and can decay to \psi' and \pi^+ without violating isospin conservation. One example is a tetraquark, which is composed of four quarks. Another possibility is a hybrid meson, which is a combination of a quark-antiquark pair and a gluon. So while it is correct to say that Z+[4430] cannot be a meson, it is important to consider other possibilities as well.

Additionally, as a scientist, I would also suggest looking at other experimental evidence and theoretical models to further understand the nature of Z+[4430]. This could include studying its decay patterns, mass spectrum, and production mechanisms, as well as considering different theoretical frameworks such as lattice QCD or effective field theories.

Overall, it is important to continue investigating and analyzing the properties of Z+[4430] in order to fully understand its nature and role in the Standard Model of particle physics.

Related to Isospin conservation and pi-meson

1. What is isospin conservation and why is it important in particle physics?

Isospin conservation is a concept in particle physics that describes the preservation of the total isospin value of a system during interactions. Isospin is a quantum number that represents the symmetry between particles with different electric charges but the same mass and other properties. It is important because it helps us understand and predict the behavior of particles in reactions and interactions.

2. How does isospin conservation apply to pi-mesons?

Pi-mesons, also known as pions, are particles that carry isospin values of 1 or -1. This means that they can interact with other particles through the strong nuclear force, which conserves isospin. In reactions involving pi-mesons, the total isospin value of the system before and after the interaction must remain the same, thus demonstrating isospin conservation.

3. Can isospin be violated in certain situations?

Yes, isospin conservation can be violated in certain situations, such as weak interactions that involve the decay of particles. In these cases, the total isospin value may change, but other quantum numbers such as electric charge and baryon number are still conserved.

4. How do scientists use isospin conservation to study pi-mesons?

Scientists use isospin conservation to study pi-mesons by examining their interactions with other particles. By observing how the total isospin value of the system changes during these interactions, scientists can gain insights into the properties and behavior of pi-mesons and other particles involved.

5. What are the implications of isospin conservation for the Standard Model of particle physics?

Isospin conservation is a fundamental principle in the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the interactions of all known particles. The model relies on the conservation of various quantum numbers, including isospin, to accurately predict and explain the behavior of particles and their interactions. Any violation of isospin conservation would require a revision of the Standard Model.

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