Issue 2 - Tapp - Characterizations of the Orthogonal Groups

In summary: So $\rho_n(GL_n(\mathbb{C}))$ is not exactly $\mathcal{O}(2n)$.Does this help?Greetings, EduardoIn summary, Peter is reading Kristopher Tapp's book "Matrix Groups for Undergraduates" and is currently focused on Section 2 in Chapter 3, which discusses several characterizations of the orthogonal groups. Peter needs help understanding the proof of Proposition 3.10, which states that for a matrix A, A is in the unitary group U(n) if and only if the image of A under the mapping \rho_n is in the orthogonal group O(2n). A discussion ensues about the logic behind this statement and the relationship between U(n)
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Kristopher Tapp's book: Matrix Groups for Undergraduates.

I am currently focussed on and studying Section 2 in Chapter 3, namely:

"2. Several Characterizations of the Orthogonal Groups".

I need help in fully understanding the proof of Proposition 3.10.

Section 2 in Ch. 3, including Proposition 3.10 and its proof reads as follows:

In the proof of Proposition 3.10 (see bottom of above text) we read:

" ... ... If \(\displaystyle A \in GL_n ( \mathbb{C} ) \), then

\(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \cdot \rho_n (A)^* = \rho_n (A) \cdot \rho_n (A^*) = \rho_n (A \cdot A^* ) \)

which shows that \(\displaystyle A \in U(n)\) if and only if \(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \in O(2n) \). ... ... "

I do not see how or why this follows ... ...My question, then, is as follows:

Can someone show formally and rigorously that

\(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \cdot \rho_n (A)^* = \rho_n (A) \cdot \rho_n (A^*) = \rho_n (A \cdot A^* ) \)

implies that

\(\displaystyle A \in U(n)\) if and only if \(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \in O(2n) \)?

I wold be grateful for some help in this matter ...


Tapp introduces \(\displaystyle \rho_n\) in Section 1 of Ch. 2 (pages 24-25) ... so I am providing these pages as follows:
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi Peter,

Given the equation

\(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\rho_{n}(A)^{*}=\rho_{n}(A\cdot A^{*}),\)

we can get the iff as follows:

Suppose \(\displaystyle A\in U(n).\) By Proposition 3.9.4, this means that \(\displaystyle A\cdot A^{*}=I.\) From the above equation this gives

\(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\rho_{n}(A)^{*}=\rho_{n}(I)=I\)

Since \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\) is a real matrix we have \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)^{*}=\rho_{n}(A)^{T},\) where \(\displaystyle T\) denotes transpose. Thus the above becomes

\(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\rho_{n}(A)^{T}=I,\)

which means that \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\) is an orthogonal matrix; i.e. \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\in O(2n).\)

To prove the converse, suppose \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\in O(2n)\) and, essentially, reverse the argument outlined above.

Does this help? Let me know if you'd like more details on the converse proof/if anything else is unclear.
  • #3
GJA said:
Hi Peter,

Given the equation

\(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\rho_{n}(A)^{*}=\rho_{n}(A\cdot A^{*}),\)

we can get the iff as follows:

Suppose \(\displaystyle A\in U(n).\) By Proposition 3.9.4, this means that \(\displaystyle A\cdot A^{*}=I.\) From the above equation this gives

\(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\rho_{n}(A)^{*}=\rho_{n}(I)=I\)

Since \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\) is a real matrix we have \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)^{*}=\rho_{n}(A)^{T},\) where \(\displaystyle T\) denotes transpose. Thus the above becomes

\(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\rho_{n}(A)^{T}=I,\)

which means that \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\) is an orthogonal matrix; i.e. \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\in O(2n).\)

To prove the converse, suppose \(\displaystyle \rho_{n}(A)\in O(2n)\) and, essentially, reverse the argument outlined above.

Does this help? Let me know if you'd like more details on the converse proof/if anything else is unclear.

Thank you GJA ... that seems very clear ... just working through the logic to ensure that I fully understand it ...


Having shown that:\(\displaystyle \rho_n(A) \rho_n(A)^* = I
\)could we immediately conclude from this (using Proposition 3.9) that:

\(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \in O(2n)\) We can do this since ... ... If in Proposition 3.9 we take \(\displaystyle \mathbb{K} = \mathbb{R}\) and \(\displaystyle A := \rho_n (A)\) - that is replace \(\displaystyle A\) with \(\displaystyle \rho_n (A)\) in the proposition we get:

\(\displaystyle A \in O_{2n} ( \mathbb{R} ) = O(2n) \ \ \ \Longleftrightarrow \ \ \ \rho_n(A) \rho_n(A)^* = I\)Is the above analysis correct? Can someone confirm that the above is correct?

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  • #4
Hi Again Peter,

Applying Proposition 3.9 a second time in the manner you describe would be correct as well.
  • #5
GJA said:
Hi Again Peter,

Applying Proposition 3.9 a second time in the manner you describe would be correct as well.

Thanks to GJA for the help in seeing that \(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \cdot \rho_n (A)^* = \rho_n (A) \cdot \rho_n (A^*) = \rho_n (A \cdot A^* ) \)

implies that

\(\displaystyle A \in U(n)\) if and only if \(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \in O(2n) \) ... ... ... BUT ... I now have another problem/issue with Proposition 3.10 (1).
I would have thought that the previous analysis by GJC showed that

\(\displaystyle \rho_n ( U(n) ) = O (2n)

... ... BUT ...

... Proposition 3.10 (1) reads as follows:\(\displaystyle \rho_n ( U(n) ) = O (2n) \cap \rho_n ( GL_n ( \mathbb{C} )
\)My question is as follows:Why do we have the term \(\displaystyle \rho_n ( GL_n ( \mathbb{C} )\) intersecting with \(\displaystyle O (2n)\)?Can someone please explain what is going on here?


  • #6
Hi Peter,

From here

Peter said:
\(\displaystyle A \in U(n)\) if and only if \(\displaystyle \rho_n (A) \in O(2n) \) ...

You can't conclude this
Peter said:
\(\displaystyle \rho_n ( U(n) ) = O (2n)

They are simply different statements.

As an example, take a matrix $A=\left(\begin{array}{cccc}
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 \\ 13 & 14 & 15 & 16

And now, computing it's QR factorization we got that

-0.0602 & -0.8345 & 0.2702 & -0.4765 \\ -0.3010 & -0.4576 & -0.0051 & 0.8366\\-0.5417 & -0.0808 & -0.8003 & -0.2439\\ -0.7825 & 0.2961 &0.5352 & -0.1163
$Q$ is computed numerically so it got some little error but we can just forgot about that in this precise example.

Then, $Q$ is orthogonal ($QQ^T=I$), so $Q\in \mathcal{O}(2n)$ but it's not the image of any complex matrix via $\rho_{n}$ (it is obvious since $Q_{1,1}\neq Q_{2,2}$).

Related to Issue 2 - Tapp - Characterizations of the Orthogonal Groups

1. What is the significance of Issue 2 in the study of orthogonal groups?

Issue 2 in the study of orthogonal groups focuses on the characterizations of these groups, which are fundamental mathematical objects that play a crucial role in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. It delves into the properties and structures of orthogonal groups, allowing for a deeper understanding and application of these groups in various areas of research.

2. What are the key concepts covered in Issue 2?

Issue 2 covers topics such as the definition and properties of orthogonal groups, their relationship to other mathematical structures, and various characterizations of these groups. It also delves into the applications of orthogonal groups in areas such as geometry, mechanics, and signal processing.

3. How does Issue 2 contribute to the overall understanding of orthogonal groups?

Issue 2 provides a comprehensive analysis of the characterizations of orthogonal groups, which is essential in understanding the structure and behavior of these groups. By exploring different characterizations, researchers can gain a deeper insight into the properties and applications of orthogonal groups.

4. What are some real-world applications of Issue 2 and the study of orthogonal groups?

Orthogonal groups have a wide range of applications in various fields, including robotics, computer graphics, and quantum mechanics. For example, in robotics, orthogonal groups are used to model the movements of robots, while in computer graphics, they are used to create 3D rotations and transformations. In quantum mechanics, orthogonal groups play a significant role in the study of spin states and angular momentum.

5. What are some potential future developments in the study of orthogonal groups addressed in Issue 2?

One potential future development in the study of orthogonal groups is the application of these groups in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Researchers are exploring ways to use the properties of orthogonal groups to improve the performance and efficiency of machine learning algorithms. Additionally, there is ongoing research on the application of orthogonal groups in the study of quantum computing and cryptography.

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