It seems that Roland Burris committed perjury over his senate seat appointment

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In summary: Burris should resign.In summary, Senator Roland Burris has filed an affidavit contradicting his previous sworn testimony about his involvement with former Governor Rod Blagojevich's efforts to raise campaign funds before appointing him to the Senate. Burris' aides claim that he testified truthfully to the best of his recollection, but later realized he had not fully responded to certain questions due to the fluid nature of the questioning. However, it has been revealed that Burris had multiple meetings with Blagojevich's associates where campaign contributions were discussed, leading to calls for his resignation.
  • #36
WhoWee said:
Burris is a long time associate of Jesse Jackson...I don't see this helping Jr. Had Burris enjoyed a quiet and distinguished service in Obama's seat, with the Blago mess in the past, a fair election of Jr. could have been supported by Burris...but now?

Do you really think the new Governor is willing to risk a JJJ appointment...let's not forget Jr. was supposedly referred to on the still unheard tapes. I think Jr. needs to quietly wait out the election and hope the new appointee doesn't do too outstanding a job.

yes, i really do think so. it doesn't matter that JJJ is mentioned on the tapes. his supporters will get on TV and gush and coo, and public opinion will be swayed that he is simply a victim in all this.
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  • #37
Proton Soup said:
it doesn't matter that JJJ is mentioned on the tapes.

Well, if he is in fact "Senate Candidate #5," that might be a real problem. Senate Candidate #5 was the one who had absolutely no problem with ponying up some cash to be the next senator.
  • #38
I think the new Governor would be wise to either push for a special election or find someone outside of the Loop.
  • #40
Burris is looking shadier all the time. According, to the Chicago Sun Times, Blago appointed Burris' son to a job as counsel for the state's housing authority. Burris II has been hit with IRS liens on unpaid taxes stretching back several years, and is losing his house in a foreclosure.

Burris II had resolved two federal tax liens in 2005 before being hit with the $34,163 lien in July. That lien against his property seeks unpaid taxes for 2004, 2005 and 2007.

A month after the IRS filed the lien, Burris II's lender filed its foreclosure suit. Since Burris II and his wife got the $372,000 mortgage on July 18, 2006, they've paid less than $3,000 on it, the suit alleges. The balance due is $406,685, including interest and penalties.

The fact that Burris II faces foreclosure but is working at a housing-related state agency "reeks of hypocrisy," said state Rep. Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs), who was the first to call on Sen. Burris to testify before the impeachment panel.,CST-NWS-burris26.stng
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  • #41
Looks like he will only serve a 2 year term at best.
Daley leaning toward Illinois Senate bid
By Reid Wilson
Posted: 03/05/09 01:31 PM [ET]
Former Commerce Secretary William Daley is leaning toward running for the Senate seat President Obama once held, sources close to Daley tell The Hill. They characterize the decision as all but finalized.

Daley would likely be an instant front-runner in the race to replace Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.). Though the White House may be loath to get involved in a primary, it would be hard to overlook the fact that Daley was a co-chairman of Obama’s presidential campaign and the transition team.
  • #42
Burris on tape offering a check for Blagojevich

Burris on tape offering a check for Blagojevich

A transcript of a secretly recorded phone call between the brother of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and U.S. Sen. Roland Burris was released in federal court today, a call in which Burris, then seeking the Senate seat, was recorded offering the Blagojevich campaign a campaign check.

"I know I could give him a check," Burris said. "Myself."

But in the same call, Burris tells Robert Blagojevich he is concerned he and Rod Blagojevich will "catch hell."

"And if I do get appointed that means I bought it," Burris said.

"And, and God knows number one, I, I want to help Rod," Burris says later in the call. "Number two, I also wanna, you know, hope I get a consideration to get that appointment."


Washington Post says "told you so" and calls for Burris to resign.

Sen. Roland Burris (D-Blago)

I too, say, "told you so".
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  • #43
LowlyPion said:
Looks like he will only serve a 2 year term at best.


MSNBC is reporting Burris has announced that he will not seek a full term in 2010.

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