It's that time of year[summer project work]

In summary, the speaker is a third-year physics student applying for a scholarship to fund a project. They are seeking advice on how to make their application stand out, including what to mention in their statement and who to ask for a reference. They mention their interest in the project, potential experience with professional programming, and hope for a future in research. They also mention their above-average grades and class prizes. They are considering asking their tutor or a lab-doctor for a reference, but are unsure of what the referees should present. They ask for any comments or suggestions.
  • #1
mm, k.

Now, I know I can get some of these types of information via wild-googling - I would, however, prefer to hold the contribution of people i know above.

Anyway, my post is about the fact that I'm (a 3rd (of 5) year physics student applying for a scholarship in the summer to fund some project work and iIve just met up with what will be my supervisor if it pulls through. Problem is, scholarships aren't all that easy to come by here so i really need to go for what i can to make mine a standout application.

The thing i want you guys to do is to point me in the right direction, I am fully capable of making a decent type through it but have no doubt i'll end up rambling. Basically, i have to write a few paragraphs on why I'm applying with the project that i am, as well as why i feel i should be awarded.

Aside from all the usual things - clearly it's a project I'm interested in, its potential experience with professional programming, actual research work and all round good window into a hopeful future in research, I'm not really sure what else to say. So far, I've been a good student, I'm sitting on above average grades and have had a couple of class prizes but I'm not sure how many of these points should be written in and with what particularly emphasized?

Also, i need to get a reference - which won't really be a problem since by now i obviously know a few of the doctors well - however i can only imagine it'd be beneficial to have a reference from someone that's actually been able to observe the way i work in the lab and such, problem is I've only done computational labs this year and I'm competent enough with the programming that I've had next to no interaction with anyone in that sector, so all i really have is my tutor. Regarding this, what kind of things might they be expecting the referee to present? would i be best going with my tutor or a lab-doctor who probably knows a bit less but more in that area?seems I've rambled in here, I'm sure a quick scan will give you the gist.

all comments appreciated.


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  • #2
anyone ? :\
  • #3

Hello fasterthanjoao,

I can understand your desire to seek input and guidance from people you know for your summer project work. It's always helpful to have a mentor or supervisor who can provide valuable insights and direction.

In terms of your application for the scholarship, it's important to highlight your interest in the project and its potential for professional development and research experience. Additionally, you can mention any relevant skills or experiences you have that make you a strong candidate for the scholarship. This can include your academic achievements, class prizes, and any relevant extracurricular activities.

When it comes to getting a reference, it would be beneficial to have someone who has observed your work in the lab. This could be your tutor or a lab-doctor, as long as they can speak to your skills and abilities in a research setting. It's important for the referee to highlight your strengths and provide specific examples of your work in the lab.

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction for your application. Best of luck with your summer project work and scholarship application!

FAQ: It's that time of year[summer project work]

What is a summer project work?

A summer project work is a task or assignment given to students or professionals during the summer months. It is usually designed to help individuals gain practical experience in their field of study or work.

Why is summer project work important?

Summer project work is important because it allows individuals to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in a real-world setting. It also helps individuals gain valuable experience and improve their resumes.

How can I find a summer project work?

There are several ways to find a summer project work. You can check with your school or university for available opportunities, search online job portals, or network with professionals in your field of study.

What are the benefits of doing a summer project work?

Doing a summer project work can provide numerous benefits, such as gaining practical experience, building professional connections, improving time management and organizational skills, and enhancing your resume for future job opportunities.

How can I make the most out of my summer project work?

To make the most out of your summer project work, it is important to set clear goals and objectives, communicate effectively with your supervisor, take initiative, and be open to learning new skills and techniques. It is also crucial to maintain a positive attitude and work ethic throughout the project.

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